Chapter 438 I need to rely on the royal decree

The man suddenly turned back and looked at the fourth prince.

Just at this moment, Zhang Tingyu stood next to the fourth prince, put his mouth close to the fourth prince's ear, and whispered: "This man seems to be a little delirious. I'm afraid what he said cannot be believed..."

Others could not hear what he said, but they could only see that he seemed very close to the fourth prince.

The man's eyes suddenly opened wide, his whole body was shaking, as if he had been stimulated by something, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell back.

The seventh prince was stunned with blood sprayed all over him.

Then he felt someone grabbing his shoulder and pulling him back. The seventh prince fell two steps back, and saw Huo Chen Zhaofei catching the person as if he were there. He put him directly on the grass, took out the silver needle from his waist and started. The needle is inserted.

Zhang Tingyu's eyes couldn't help but narrowed, and the hands in his sleeves pinched together.

This man's hair was disheveled, like a beggar's, but his eyes seemed to have been seen before somewhere. When he thought about the voice again... he suddenly remembered.

He didn't expect that this old man was not dead. Not only was he not dead, he even dared to come out and cause trouble for him!

But fortunately, he looked crazy and silly, and his eyes were obviously abnormal, so he quickly walked to the fourth prince and pretended to be close to him, which really irritated him.

It's shameful that Huo Chenzhao still wants to save him!
The flesh on his face spasmed, and he kept praying in his heart... I hope he can't be saved!Even if he is saved, he'd better go crazy!
He focused almost all of his attention on the old man, and didn't even notice that something was wrong with the way everyone looked at him.

Emperor Mingxi has always been down-to-earth, and he is good at martial arts. He never asks people to clear out the houses when he goes out, and he will not drive away hunters when hunting. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that this man can come in.

But because this person looked crazy, everyone really didn't think about revenge. They only thought about whether they were unlucky enough to meet a madman.

But looking at Zhang Tingyu's posture, he has a long eye and a brain, and he really has to be suspicious.

At this moment, several eagle calls were heard in the air, and then the grand majesty came down. Look at this, look at that, chirping a few times, and pointed at Huo Chenzhao with his paw, and wanted to ask Asked what happened.

Huo Chenzhao said without looking back: "Sheng Weifeng, please run to the camp to pick up my medicine box. Thank you very much."

Shanda Mingfeng quacked twice, and kicked the big white tiger with one of its paws, then spread its wings and flew away.

It's obviously just an eagle, but from its actions, everyone saw that the villain is successful, you can't do it without me, I'm better than the big tiger... all kinds of meanings, quite speechless.

The big white tiger was kicked, and he immediately came over and barked a few times, begging for comfort.

Tuanzi was a little nervous, and kept hugging his brother's neck tightly. When he saw Shengweifeng approaching, he slowly relaxed a little. Seeing the big white tiger like this, he quickly comforted him: "Dahuahua doesn't hurt, it's Shangweifeng who is wrong, Zhuzhu I’ll scold it tomorrow. Zhuzhu will do it for you.”

While blowing its fur.

Everyone who saw this: "..."

Animals are more thoughtful than people, and they even compete for favor... But such a fuss has diluted the tense atmosphere.

Then someone said: "I don't know who this person is, he looks like he is quite young."

"Looking at the blood he vomited, the color is a bit heavy. I'm afraid he's suffering from serious illness and it's hard to save him."

Cheng Chongjin saw that no one dared to touch on sensitive topics, so he couldn't help but sneer secretly, and said: "This person keeps saying 'kill you', he must have a grudge against one of us."

After a brief silence, someone said: "But this man is a little crazy, and I'm afraid I can't believe everything he says."

Cheng Chongjin smiled and said: "I heard that drunk people can tell the truth. After a person goes crazy, he only remembers his last obsession. Therefore, even if he is crazy, his enemies should recognize him well."

After he had said this, anyone else would offend him if he spoke to refute, so everyone immediately stopped talking.

Shanda Weifeng brought the medicine box over in a blink of an eye. Huo Chenzhao perked up and immediately took the medicine for him to take.

Shanda Mingfeng walked around with a lively look. Then it suddenly thought of something, spread its wings and flew away again... Then after a while, Emperor Mingxi was grabbed by its big claws.Emperor Mingxi was obviously caught off guard, but he still straightened his clothes and maintained his imperial demeanor: "What's the matter with you?"

The fourth prince quickly stepped forward to explain, and Tuanzi immediately stepped forward to hug his leg: "Uncle Huang!"

Emperor Mingxi lowered his head and picked her up, patting her gently. While listening to the fourth prince, he nodded and asked, "How? Can you save her?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "He will wake up in about a quarter of an hour. He has vomited out the congestion, so he will be awake when he wakes up. It's just that his body is dilapidated and he is already at the end of his strength. I'm afraid he won't survive for long, so hurry up and ask."

Emperor Mingxi hummed.

Zhang Tingyu couldn't help but tremble all over.

This is really the worst outcome! !
Will wake up!Wake up and be awake!And he will die soon! !

If he were alive, he could still buy threats, but if he were dead, in front of so many people, it would be irrefutable! !

He was so anxious that his mouth was dry, but there was nothing he could do. Now he could only hope that he would not be able to finish talking later.

It is impossible for the emperor to ask in person. The people present are all young masters, and the questions will not make sense. This is not impossible.

Who knows, the next moment,
Then Emperor Mingxi said: "Silang wrote a note asking Sheng Weifeng to call Cheng Fengqi."

Cheng Fengqi was Cheng Chongjin's father. He used to be the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, but now he went to the Ministry of Personnel. However, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice did not follow him out to hunt, so Emperor Mingxi planned to ask him to come and work first.

Zhang Tingyu's heart sank severely.

The fourth prince obeyed the order, looked around, and stepped forward to take paper and charcoal from Huo Chenzhao's medicine box to write.

At this moment, Cheng Chongjin took a few steps forward and knelt down, "Your Majesty, the common man's surname is Cheng Chongjin. My father's name has changed, and the common man wants to sue the young prince of Rongguo Palace."

Zhang Tingyu was furious for a moment: "Cheng Chongjin!!"

He felt that he was really tolerant of him, and never really did anything to him. Even if he used some means, he still had room for it. Who would have thought that he would dare to do this? !
As soon as he said this, he suddenly realized that the emperor was still there. He was so frightened that his legs weakened and he knelt down.

Emperor Mingxi had already realized something, raised his eyebrows, and said to the fourth prince: "Take two more people." But he didn't say who.

The fourth prince didn't ask any further questions, and just scribbled on the paper, calling Shan Sheng Wei Feng directly to Prince Duan.

Over there, the seventh prince actually went to the side, moved a boulder bigger than a millstone, and rubbed it with his sleeve for a long time: "Father, sit here."

Emperor Mingxi smiled and really sat down. He motioned to the fourth prince to take Xiaotuanzi away, and then said, "Just tell me."

Today is a rare good opportunity. Just before that person wakes up, I can lay the groundwork so that when the emperor punishes him, he will be punished more severely.

Cheng Chongjin explained the matter clearly.

Halfway through the conversation, Prince Duan and Cheng Fengqi, along with several other ministers, were brought over one after another by Sheng Weifeng. Cheng Fengqi was worried at first that his son would lose his temper, but Sheng Minglin came over immediately and told the matter in a low voice.

Prince Duan and others were working on two tasks. Listening to Sheng Minglin on one side and Cheng Chongjin on the other, they quickly understood the matter.

The seventh prince was directed by the fourth prince and brought a few smaller stones over for the adults to sit on.

Sheng Minglin grabbed Xu Jingyao and they sat down cross-legged on the spot to help take notes.

Zhang Tingyu was kneeling aside and no one paid attention to him. He didn't dare to get up, and no one dared to help him.

When the old man woke up, the highest interrogation group, with even the emperor present, had already been formed.

(End of this chapter)

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