Chapter 443 Missing a moment is a year

Tuanzi nodded with satisfaction and walked back, comforting Cheng Chongjin: "If you are careless, Renxing will be helpless! If you want to reduce it, you can reduce it."

Cheng Chongjin nodded quickly, and then Emperor Mingxi asked Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu'er, you little person, if you have any helplessness, tell me and I will solve it for you."

Tuanzi said seriously: "No matter how sleepy Zhuzhu is, the sky will be bright! No matter how delicious the snacks are, they can't fill their stomachs! Zhuzhu is helpless!"

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

We really can't solve this.

He waved his hand as if he had never said this.

Xiaotuanzi hurriedly chatted and arranged everyone, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he sat in a row with Xiaopangdun and listened to the story told by the flagpole.

In fact, Tang Shihua was not good at telling stories. He simply had a flash of inspiration and said such a sentence. He didn't expect the effect to be so good, so he cheered up and continued to tell her.

The food was served not long after. There was a table for adults and a table for children. Everyone sat on the hunting mat to eat. The low tables were put together, which was very down-to-earth.

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhu Zhuer, we will listen to the story later and eat first."

Tuanzi was a little unhappy.

Besides, my father, mother, uncle, uncle, and aunt, who I haven’t seen for a long time, are all here, and there are too many people supporting me, so the naughty boy tentatively stretched out his little paws: "Zhuzhu doesn’t want it, Zhuzhu wants to listen." story!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Zhu Zhu'er, look, there are so many new pots here today, all waiting to see if Zhu Zhu is a good baby..."

Tuanzi turned around and saw that the circle was full of fresh and beautiful pots, all smiling at her, and she was immediately caught: "Zhuzhu is good, Zhuzhu is obedient! Zhuzhu is a good girl!"

"Well," Sheng Minglin nodded: "Come over for dinner."

So Tuanzi came over to eat obediently, and he was not picky about food at all. He ate whatever he was told, and the people at the table were not stupid. He would praise this one and that one, which made the adults over there turn their heads to look this way from time to time.

The Queen: "Zhu Zhu'er is truly the best-behaved child in the world."

Everyone: "That's what the Queen said."

After a while, Emperor Mingxi said: "All the children in the world put together are not as cute as our Zhuzhu'er."

Everyone: "That's what the emperor said."

Prince Duan: "It doesn't matter who the daughter is."

Everyone: "That's what the prince said."

Zhu Zhuer lost herself in everyone's praise and ate a little too much.

When they finished eating, everyone resigned one after another with interest. Only the flag pole was left, and the story of grain herding in Chenzhou was finished.

After finishing speaking, Tang Shihua looked at Xiaotuanzi's expression and waited for her reaction to decide whether to continue speaking.

As a result, Xiaotuanzi touched his throat and turned around and said, "Pretty Guoguo?"

Huo Chenzhao responded, Tuanzi pointed at him, and murmured: "Beautiful Guoguo, tell me a story, are you sick? Why do you feel sore after listening to the story?"

Tang Shihua, who had just finished telling the story: "!!!"

Huo Chenzhao quickly took her into his arms, held her face with both hands, and said to the light: "Zhuzhu'er, please give me a moment."

Tuanzi: "Ah..."

Huo Chenzhao looked at it carefully: "It's okay. I probably hurt my throat a bit by shouting too loudly today. Go back and take a lozenge. I'll cook pear paste for you tomorrow."

Tuanzi nodded obediently.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Okay, let's disperse. Zhuzhu'er goes to bed early." Then Prince Duan and his party went back. Sheng Minglin was afraid that she would accumulate food, so he didn't hug her, so he strolled all the way.

Zhuzhu did not forget to remind her: "If you don't care about Guo Guo, don't care about Ji Ji, and there is a flag pole, don't forget to play with Zhuzhu tomorrow."

All three of them agreed.

Zhu Zhuer walked all the way back to the tent on the side for more than a quarter of an hour, took another lozenge, brushed her teeth, and then fell asleep.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't find a suitable opportunity to report the good news to the host, so I could only log off silently.

Zhu Zhuer slept soundly, unaware that her points had been rising all night.

Emperor Mingxi actually just had a whim, but in the emperor's territory, the guests who invited the little princess always invited the whole family, regardless of official position, title, or relative... In the hearts of the courtiers, they felt sorry for the little princess. The recognition of favor and importance has reached a new level.

In addition, today everyone saw that the little princess hated Zhang Tingyu, and Zhang Tingyu, the grand young prince of the Duke's mansion, fell down in an instant. Think about it again, that man is half crazy, but he can actually find this place and redress his grievances in front of the emperor. , the emperor was captured by the little princess’s eagle...

In short, every piece of this, all kinds of subtle and mysterious things... every point is worthy of everyone thinking over and over in their hearts thirty or fifty times.

At the same time, the young men of each family were also told to find opportunities to please the little princess.

The little princess is young and doesn't leave the house easily. It's going to get cold soon and it's winter at home. If she doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to go hunting, she will miss it all year long! !
Everyone is gearing up...

Many people had insomnia that night, so the points kept rising throughout the night.

Early the next morning, guests came to Sheng Minglin's place one after another.

The first one to come was He Xingzhou.

He brought a pair of golden bells, one large and one small. They were both very delicate and beautiful. They were large but not too heavy, and their sound was tinny and not too noisy.

Such craftsmanship was definitely not achieved overnight. It was probably the first day I saw the big white tiger that I sent someone to do it.

To be honest, Sheng Minglin quite admired him.

He Xingzhou is mediocre in appearance, but he is really considerate and a good person. This gift is not expensive, but it is rare and just right. Tuanzi will probably be very happy when he wakes up.

At this moment, Shanda Weiwei was gone, and Shanda Huahua was still sleeping with Tuanzi, so Sheng Minglin put away the bell first and sat down to talk to him.

Not long after, the Cheng brothers and Tang Shihua arrived one after another.

As soon as Tang Shihua saw the seventh prince, he politely wanted to discuss things with him.

The seventh prince was overjoyed and agreed immediately. Sheng Minglin was afraid of disturbing Zhuzhu, so he walked a little further, found an open space, and watched the two compete.

Shen Lingjue, this nagging person, quietly commented in Sheng Minglin's ear.

Tang Shihua's kung fu was about the same as that of the Fourth Prince. He was a higher expert among normal masters. Of course, he was no match for the Seventh Prince. However, it was rare for the Seventh Prince to find a new opponent. He was afraid that he would be beaten in one fell swoop, so he would strike very lightly. , so the two of them went back and forth, and the fight was very lively.

No one went out to hunt today. Everyone was paying attention to what was going on here, but they were worried that they had no reason to come over. When they heard the sound, they all rushed here. Shangsheng Weifeng was more active than everyone else, and forced himself down among everyone, squeezing into Sheng Minglin. Watching the battle from the side, his head turned around and his eyes took turns, as if he could really understand.

The Seventh Prince took more than 300 moves before he lightly knocked him away. He kept praising him: "Very good. Your kung fu is already very good. Come back another day and let me see if you have made any progress."

Tang Shihua also played very happily, and he didn't care at all when he lost, and he responded repeatedly.

Everyone felt that their kung fu was good, and seeing that the Seventh Prince was interested, they all came over to compete.

After watching both games, Sheng Minglin looked at the sky and realized that Zhuzhu must have woken up, so he called Sheng Weifeng back.

Immediately, a group of people followed him back.

(End of this chapter)

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