Chapter 444 A good father cannot be partial
Zhuzhu had indeed woken up and had just washed her face. There was still a little blush on her little face from sleeping, and she was soft and cute.

Sheng Minglin hugged her and asked, "Is your throat still uncomfortable?"

Tuanzi nodded, then shook his head: "It's a little off, but it doesn't hurt! Didn't the flag pole come?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "He is fighting with Brother Seven. It's okay. When Zhuzhu finishes breakfast, we will go find him, or ask other brothers to tell you stories."

Tuanzi nodded, and then she glanced at the box on the table: "Is this good?"

Sheng Minglin pointed at it and said, "This is the big bell that my brother gave to Shanda Weifeng and Shanda Huahua."

Tuanzi's eyes lit up and he said to He Xingzhou, "Thank you!"

He Xingzhou smiled all over his face and even said he didn't dare.

Sheng Minglin opened it and showed it to her. Zhuzhu immediately went out with the bell, first called Shanda Weifeng over and tied it, then Shanda Huahua's.

Shangsheng Huahua's bell was very big, but its neck was also thick, and the beads couldn't tie it on at all. Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao helped each other, then rode on it, and finally tied it.

After finishing tying, Shanda Huahua shook his big head and the bell rang a few times. Tuanzi was very happy: "That's great!"

Shanda Weifeng was also shaking wildly, admiring his new bell. When he heard the sound, he turned his head and saw Shanda Huahua's bell. He instantly became confused: "Gah!?"

It rushed over, pointed at Shanda Huahua, and made a sound.

Tuanzi was stunned by it.

Sheng Minglin knew it very well now and hurriedly explained: "Its neck is thick! Its head is big! That's why we use big bells. Your neck is thin, so we use small bells. This is not biased, we have no bias."

Grand and majestic, "chirp ah ah ah..."

Sheng Minglin said: "No, there is really no favoritism. This is just for good looks. Think about it, if you use a big one, bigger than your head, will it look good? It will definitely not look good! It won't look good at all when flying up. Not imposing.”

Shanda Weifeng suddenly raised his neck and looked at Zixiong. At this time, Lian Zhuzhu could see that Sheng Weifeng meant that it looked good no matter what.

Sheng Minglin held up his forehead.

He Xingzhou was also a little embarrassed, mainly because he didn't expect the divine bird to be so smart and still want to compare with each other. He would have gotten one as big as before.

Tuanzi was anxious, stretched out his hand, and waved to it.

Shanda Weifeng was now well-trained and quickly jumped back twice before slowly lowering his head.

Zhuzhu touched its head, then touched Shanda Huahua's paws, and then said very seriously: "Do you understand? The palms and backs of the hands are all tied!"

Sheng Minglin: "Pfft!!"

Several people nearby couldn't help but laugh.

But Zhuzhu'er didn't think it was funny. She said very seriously: "You all are wearing Zhuzhu's clothes! Zhuzhu is your father! Zhuzhu loves you just as much! It's like Guo Guo and Zhu Zhu'er. All Zhuzhu are father's children. If Guo Guo's book debt is good, Zhu Zhu cries, but Daddy won't give it to Zhu Zhu. Zhu Zhu's toy debt is good, and Guo Guo cries, but Daddy won't give it to Guo Guo either."

The three-year-old father tried hard to explain what she meant: "Things that are beads are tied to beads! Things that are pots are tied to pots! Even if you like it, you can't cry, because a good father can't be partial or not. To be you understand?"

Cheng Chongjin held his brother's hand and stood aside with a smile on his face.

Look, what a simple truth, even a three-year-old child can understand it.

Little Fatty was completely shocked by his friend, and whispered: "Sister Zhuzhu, you know a lot!"

Cheng Chongjin smiled and said, "Yes, Your Highness is very smart." Tuanzi finally finished comforting the pets, and after seeing Shan Sheng's majesty, he went inside to have breakfast.

After eating, the flagpole had not returned yet. He Xingzhou and Ji took the initiative, took a step forward and said with a smile: "Shall I tell a story to His Highness?"

Tuanzi asked: "Can you also tell stories?"

He Xingzhou said quickly: "Yes, Your Highness still wants to hear Bao Qingtian's story?"

"No," Tuanzi shook his head: "Although Bao Qingtian sounds good, it hurts after listening to it."

He Xingzhou smiled anxiously and said, "How about I tell His Highness another story that will make you feel comfortable?"

He began to tell her stories about how he lived in the mountains when he was a child, how he picked wild fruits, how he usually played, and how he played in the snow.

He Xingzhou's storytelling level is simply not on the same level as that of the national flag pole.

In particular, he uses "I" as the protagonist. I don't know whether it is true or not, but it sounds so immersive, and the words are simple enough that children can understand it, and it is so lifelike that you feel like you are there when you listen to it. In front of me, ordinary little things are explained brilliantly.

Not only Tuanzi listened with great interest, but also Sheng Minglin and Cheng Chongjin listened.

Tuanzi listened with rapt attention and asked: "Is the sledge really fun?"

"Yes, it's quite fun," He Xingzhou said with a smile: "If you want to play here, you have to wait for heavy snow and have a suitable place. The horses here probably can't do it, but you can be pulled by someone, or you can Ask the divine tiger to pull it, and it will run very fast, which is a different feeling from a horse-drawn carriage."

Zhuzhu asked again: "Is it true that the snow house will not melt?"

"No," He Xingzhou said with a smile: "In the end, it actually turned into an ice house. There are vents and it can't be melted."

Tuanzi suddenly nodded: "Oh!"

Even Little Fatty couldn't help but ask, "Can you really catch a lot of fish if you break the ice?"

"Yes," He Xingzhou had a very gentle attitude toward Xiao Pangdun, without being perfunctory at all: "In winter, fish are sealed under the ice and frozen, so you can catch them with just one fish, but you have to be careful when smashing them, because the ice The layer is thin and may crack if you hit it. Never hit it on the ice, it’s very dangerous.”

Tuanzi asked: "Will it fall into the water?"

"That's right, Your Highness," He Xingzhou said, "The main reason is that there is ice on top. If you fall in, you won't be able to find the hole we broke and you won't be able to climb up. It's very scary."

The two children clucked at the same time, and He Xingzhou quickly smiled and comforted: "It's okay, as long as you are on the shore, you will be fine. You can also sprinkle fish food on it and fish it out with a net. The fish you catch will be that long..."

Their thoughts were quickly taken away, and He Xingzhou continued.

As he was talking, the Seventh Prince's group also came back. As soon as they came in, they heard He Xingzhou telling a story.

So everyone went to see Tang Shihua.

Tang Shihua was a little embarrassed and uncomfortable, but of course there was nothing he could say. He was so excited watching the competition that he forgot about this side!

Only He Xingzhou was very calm and nodded in this direction with a smile.

Sheng Minglin found this person more and more interesting. He had a completely different style from everyone he knew. He was smart and capable, and he did things without any baggage or framework.

Such people, as long as they have the opportunity, can go very high and far.

(End of this chapter)

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