Chapter 449 The genius who jumped out of the cauldron

With the fourth prince's intimidation, Sheng Minglin finally got his turn to sleep with Fuzzy.

The little dumpling walked back and forth among them, hugging Guo Guo Guo's neck, and nibbling Si Guo Guo's chin, happily like a kitten.

Both of them were quite calm and ignored her. They pretended to sleep with their eyes closed. They rolled around a few times. Then they grabbed the fourth prince's collar and sat up. They said in a sweet voice: "Pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot pot. Four pots of pot, Zhu Zhu’s toes hurt!”

Although they knew she might be acting coquettishly, the two brothers still sat up in unison, and then groped for their little fat feet in the dimness: "Where does it hurt, here?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Well, it hurts inside, and it hurts inside."

Sheng Minglin shouted directly over there: "Huo Chenzhao! Huo Chenzhao!"

Huo Chenzhao really didn't pay attention just now. When he heard him calling, he came over quickly: "What's wrong?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu is complaining that her feet hurt."

Huo Chenzhao knelt down, pinched it, and looked at it. Although he thought it was nothing, he still said, "I'll get a lantern."

Sheng Minglin said casually: "Can't you see at night?"

Huo Chenzhao was stunned by what he said. He wanted to explain that he couldn't see so clearly, but he didn't know how to trigger the laughter. He burst into laughter and walked out and said: "What a wise prince!!"

Sheng Minglin also made him laugh stupidly and laughed for a long time.

Tuanzi laughed beside her, making the fourth prince laugh too. He stretched out his hand to scratch the soles of her feet: "Whoever laughs, laugh too. Do you know what you are laughing at?"

Tuanzi shrank his feet and laughed.

Huo Chenzhao came over with a lantern, and the three brothers put their heads together and carefully looked at Tuanzi's fat feet. They were not green, not red, and the skin was not torn. They were just acting coquettishly.

The three brothers played with their fat feet for a while, and saw that Tuanzi didn't speak for a while and started to close his eyes, so they quietly covered him with the quilt.

Then Tuanzi half-opened his eyes and suddenly said: "Four pots of pot."

The fourth prince hummed.

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu also has a little itch in her heart. When Guoguo smiles, it's like scratching her feet with her hands. Zhuzhu just laughs!"

The fourth prince chuckled and said, "Be good."

Then Tuanzi closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Everything was silently depressing in her mind, and it was another day when she couldn't find any time to tell good news...

Early the next morning, a group of people came to make an appointment with Sheng Minglin to renovate the game venue.

The Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue, the two conspicuous ones, hurried over to watch the fun. The Fourth Prince was worried because nothing happened anyway, so he simply stayed and waited for Zhuzhu to wake up.

As soon as Sheng Minglin passed by, he saw that several families were moving tents, leaving a space for the boss.

Sheng Minglin hurried over and said a few polite words to those families.

A large group of second-generation officials and second-generation officials wanted to play. Of course, these people did not dare to say anything, but his attitude was modest and he felt more comfortable. He did not even dare to say hello, and quickly moved away after greeting them.

Everyone brought almost all the servants who had brought them to the hunting ground, and the group was working in full swing.

The busiest place is Shangguanfeng.

A pair of ears couldn't hear the gossip in the audience, and it was really anxious, so I saw it flying around and running around, and I couldn't see people's heads coming together. As long as people's heads came together, it would definitely be sure to do it. The head is inserted, and the eagle's eyes are on both sides, which is really convenient. When someone speaks, its neck will move in that direction, and the eagle's eyes will be close to the person's mouth. If it catches up with someone who talks fast, its neck will move as if it is twitching. The wind keeps ringing the bells.

Everyone was shocked at first, but then they got used to it. They gave it space when talking, and pushed it away when it got in the way.

Sheng Minglin felt quite embarrassed and could only pretend that this was not his own bird.

A group of people are all children who have been trained by aristocratic families, and there is no shortage of talents in any field. When such a group of people come together, their brains are very sufficient, and they start to work in a short time.Zhuzhu'er woke up over there, and she couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing that Huo Chenzhao and the fourth prince were all her own, she shouted in her head, "Host host!! We can draw the lottery again! It's great to come out and play. , if only I could come out and play every day!"

Tuanzi had just woken up and was confused for a while before saying, "Huh?"

They all repeated it again, and then emphasized: "You can draw the group pet line and the national protection line! And both lines are very close to the next draw! You can draw again with a little effort! Host! Let's draw now !!”

Tuanzi thought for a while and refused: "Guo Guo is not a debtor. I have to wait until Guo Guo comes back before smoking."

Tongtong: "Okay, Tongtong will remind you that night!"

Tuanzi nodded.

Zhuzhu said these words directly. When the fourth prince heard Zhuzhu's words, he guessed what was going on. Without asking any more questions, he carried her out, washed her face, had breakfast, and then hugged her. She goes to play.

Everyone has been busy all morning, and the huge venue has a completely new look. When Tuanzi saw it, his eyes widened: "Wow!!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Zhu Zhu'er, my brothers helped Zhu Zhu make this, isn't it great!"

Tuanzi nodded fiercely: "Awesome! Awesome!"

She praised them sincerely: "You all jump out of a big bowl, no, you jump out of a big pot!!"

Everyone didn’t understand: “…??”

Brother Translator quickly went online: "Because Zhuzhu calls the geniuses who are one in a thousand, the geniuses who are one in the bowl. She thinks you are great, much better than her, so the bowl is no longer enough and it becomes the pot." , or a big pot, you are all geniuses who jumped out of the big pot."

As he spoke, Zhuzhuer nodded sharply and looked at them with big eyes.

Everyone immediately said, how can we compare with His Highness? We can only jump out of a wine cup, and there is no need for a big pot.

Various businesses on both sides are exchanging blows.

The fourth prince simply couldn't see it.

Why do a group of elite teenagers suddenly become so naive when they get together with a small group?
But everyone was happy.

How flattering it is to flatter others, they also need their faces and bones, but to flatter a little princess, a big-eyed cute baby, and to make her happy is called caring, right?Besides, she is auspicious, who wouldn’t want to have some auspiciousness?

Everyone is smiling like a big morning glory.

Then they continued to draw lots and play the game. Sheng Minglin gave up his brother's position to the fourth prince, and the number of people in each team was also larger.

Once played, the content of the game is obviously enriched, and there are also links specifically for children to play, such as, "Hold your head and spin three times in circles."

Another example is: "You can learn three lines of the national anthem now."

Wait, the fun has obviously increased. The little breasted dumpling holding his head in his hands and swaying in circles couldn't be more adorable, making a group of teenagers smile lovingly.

Not only Xiaotuanzi, but also the brothers have become more difficult.

Compared with just memorizing books yesterday, now you also have to write poems, draw pictures, and solve chess games; there are also more martial arts, such as splitting beans with a sword, extinguishing a row of candles, etc. There are many kinds of tasks, and the difficulty is actually not that big, after all If it is really too difficult, it will be too time-consuming. How can you guys have the patience to wait for you to spend an hour or two drawing?

But even if the time is short, it can still be outstanding.

Huo Chenzhao was in the same group as Zhuzhu. He was a master of martial arts, not a pure scholar. His hands were extremely fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, the flowers and plants he painted were as if they were alive, which amazed everyone.

There were many ladies and gentlemen who had been paying attention here early in the morning. When they noticed that it was starting, they all came over to take a look. More and more people gathered, and Emperor Mingxi also brought people over to take a look.

When everyone was about to greet them, Emperor Mingxi waved his hand to stop and watched with interest, arms crossed.

(End of this chapter)

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