Chapter 450 Taking Advantage of My Brother
As soon as Sheng Mingfeng saw him coming, he immediately flew to his side, squeezing everyone else aside, and then squeezed in between him and Prince Duan. He lowered his head and chirped, saying, "Paw!" From time to time he would raise his head and point to this or that.

Emperor Mingxi saw the grand majesty every day, and now he could almost guess what it was saying, nodding his head and saying "hmm" from time to time.

Prince Duan also asked it: "Who gave you the little bell?"

Shanda Weifeng immediately turned his head, then looked for it, pointed his finger, and tweeted.

Prince Duan nodded and said, "It's his fault. If you ask him for another bell, if your bell is small, then you have to hang two bells, otherwise it's bias."

Sheng Mingfeng kept nodding.

Sheng Minglin, who was listening from a distance: "..."

With such an unreliable father, what can he do? He can only hold on to his sister's right to educate, and don't let his father teach his sister bad things.

The two of them were whispering to each other. This situation was magical and a little funny. Everyone peeked at each other from time to time.

After playing for a whole morning, after Sheng Minglin persuaded her for a long time, Zhuzhu reluctantly went back, woke up from her nap and continued playing.

Although the amount of activity was not large, Zhuzhu had to throw dice and stand on the grid, which was equivalent to standing all the time. Sheng Minglin was afraid of tiring her, so he persuaded her to leave the game early and switch to other children to play.

The ones who came on stage were the ones they had met that day, Xu Jingyao's cousin Lu Sui, and Wang Fengzhang's cousin Wei Hong.

One is eight years old and the other is nine years old. Although they are smarter, their cuteness has weakened. But the brothers can show off to their heart's content and don't have to be too tight on time.

The group watched with great interest. They watched everyone play again and made an appointment to play again tomorrow before they went their separate ways.

After hearing what the fourth prince said, Sheng Minglin had been thinking about the lottery, so he didn't invite anyone over in the evening. He went back, changed his clothes, cleared the place, and let Zhuzhu draw the lottery.

Zhuzhu first drew the prize from the group pet line and drew out "a cub adventure house".

Description: Octagonal shape, covering an area of ​​about 260 meters square, seven floors, and a growth rate of 24 hours.

It is a type of escape room game with adjustable scenes (three types), adjustable difficulty (three types), and multiple levels. You can get rewards by solving puzzles and clearing levels.

Game content: Your grandmother is seriously ill. When you were young, you had to take your two brothers/sisters and father/uncle to the top room of the pagoda to get the medicine to treat your grandmother. But now, every door is locked. Yes, you must observe, reason, solve puzzles... and use various props in order to open the door and get the elixir, so please work hard!

Recommended candidates for customs clearance: one young child (height around 70cm-100cm);
Two brothers/sisters (height above 130cm) (at least one with higher force value);
Dad/uncle (height above 170cm, strong men recommended, women with acceptable height and physical strength are also acceptable) (adults with certain experience are recommended).

Sheng Minglin read it to the fourth prince in a low voice while reading it.

They have never been exposed to the concept of escape room games, which sounds quite interesting. It is probably because Tuanzi played the game for a whole day, so they drew a related prize.

And according to the instructions, find a large enough open space, clean it without laying a foundation or anything, put this there, and after twelve hours, it will grow into a seven-story octagonal building like this?
It's too amazing, right?

It is also fire-proof, moisture-proof, and anti-theft, and does not require repairs. It cannot be damaged by ordinary violence... Wait, this is so awesome. Isn't this a fairy house?
Both of them couldn't help but marveled.

Sheng Minglin also watched the video of the demonstration, which was really interesting.

He has not forgotten every special offer. He asked Zhuzhu to take a look. The special offer used to be very cheap, with one point and ten points, but this time, it was 88 points, which was relatively expensive, but the original price was 880000. It seems extremely cheap again.

The product is: a Qiong Tower.

Explanation: An ordinary magic weapon in a certain world that automatically recognizes its owner. It is about 230 meters long from north to south and 160 meters wide from east to west. It is on the second floor and can be placed in an open space of sufficient size. It grows at a speed of twelve hours...etc.Sheng Minglin studied it carefully again.

When this small building is put away, it looks like a small wooden toy. It is very small and you can't see what's inside. When you want to place it, just put it in an open space of sufficient size. The owner's finger is the key. Use your finger to push the door three times, then wait for six hours, and it will grow on its own.

I can't see clearly what it looks like now. I can only see that it seems to be a special door with grand majesty and grand flowers for entry and exit. It is very strange, but it is said that after it is installed, the entire style will be disguised as the style of contemporary architecture.

This small building feels better than the prizes drawn out, because you can recognize the owner!
It’s so magical, it only sells for 88 points, and Zhuzhu has thousands of points!So what are you thinking about? Buy it!Buy first and then talk! !
So I bought another Qiongwu.

The two brothers were a little excited and thought about it for a while before continuing to draw prizes for protecting the national border.

On the national defense line, Sheng Minglin had talked to Zhuzhu in advance about how food was the most important thing for the people, so he was thinking about choosing a high-yielding grain plant or something.

In this regard, because Zhuzhu didn’t understand much, it was easy to be influenced by him. Sure enough, he pulled out one: 5000-6000 kilograms of sweet potatoes per mu and [-] tons of sweet potatoes (with planting methods and eating methods).

At the same time, like last time, it is also equipped with an unloading button.

The two calm brothers couldn't help but beam with joy. What do you call this? This means your wishes come true! !

And last time it was only one ton, this time it is directly one hundred tons!Sure enough, every time the national defense line goes up, the amount will be increased!

Looking at the special offer, there is a small bag with the product name: [-] Nuanyang Stones.

The value is ten points, but there is an additional restriction (limited to ten purchases), that is to say, you can buy up to one thousand pieces with one hundred points.

It is similar to the ice stone that was pulled out before, except that it is cold and hot. It also only needs a small amount the size of a pea. If you hang it at the four corners of the room, the whole room will become warm without getting angry.And the advantage of this one is that it can be hung on the body, it will not feel hot, and the whole body will be warm.

This one is also very good.

Sheng Minglin remembered again and asked about the previous specials, whether they had purchase restrictions or not.

They all replied: "Dear, unless otherwise marked, there is only one special offer!"

Sheng Minglin frowned slightly in discomfort: "Speak properly, don't do this."

Tongtong said: "Because the host points have increased, Tongtong has upgraded the service. Dear, are you dissatisfied with Tongtong?"

Sheng Minglin took a breath and said with a smile: "No, I'm not dissatisfied!"

It doesn't matter, if you give me such a good thing, you can kiss it if you want. Anyway, it's just a little verbal advantage, but you can't kiss it, so it doesn't matter.

Tongtong was not aware of his emotions, and said happily to Tuanzi in his mind: "The host's brother must be very happy."

Tuanzi nodded: "Zhuzhu is also very happy!"

Her big eyes were bright, and she grabbed Guo Guo's hand: "Guo Guo, let's just lend money! Let's play together when everyone comes tomorrow!!"

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "No, Zhuzhu, this is all given to us. It's too magical and we can't let others know about it, so we have to cover it up first. We can't put it here, and this thing can't be moved. We have to put it away." Only if it is at our home or near our home..."

After coaxing him for a long time, Tuanzi reluctantly accepted it, but he still wanted to test it out, so Tuanzi got "angry", snorted, peeked at his face, and ran out with his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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