Chapter 451 Children should listen to Guo Guo
Tuanzi was just pretending to be angry to see if his brother would give in, but as soon as he came out, he saw Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince playing ball outside. He immediately forgot that he was pretending to be angry and ran over to play with them. .

Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince also came out.

Huo Chenzhao was originally watching them from behind the tent, but came over when he heard them coming out. Sheng Minglin also showed him the small room in his hand.

You don’t have to take out the Adventure House for the time being, but the Qiong Tower was bought with points, so I took it out directly.

Huo Chenzhao took over the small house and looked at it for a long time. No matter how he looked at it, it was a strange wooden small house. It couldn't even be called exquisite. He didn't expect it to be so magical.

The fourth prince suppressed his mood and whispered: "I have gained so much from this trip."


Because Zhuzhu was at home and had limited knowledge, she couldn't think of what she wanted, so the prizes she drew were ordinary and even a little strange, such as the Qinggong Kung Fu.

But when she comes out to play, one is to earn points, and secondly, she has gained more knowledge, and the things she draws will be more interesting and useful.

Sheng Minglin said: "Man, I almost recognize Zhu Zhu'er. It would be great if I could get to know some more young ladies. The group favor line will definitely increase again."

The fourth prince looked at him and nodded.

Of course the young lady is nice, and Zhu Zhuer may not like her, but the problem is that there is no suitable person in the family to entertain her.

Zhuzhu'er has no sister, and the relationship between Royal Yishui's son and Xie's Yishui's son is not so close to other families.

It is definitely not possible to let Zhuzhuer entertain by herself. She is too young and the family is worried about it. Princess Duan or the fourth prince can entertain her. They can only entertain the girl's mother together, sitting and talking. That will definitely not be fun. ah!

Can't a group of mothers/sisters sit in a row and watch the little girls play?
They definitely can't let go, and Zhuzhu can't let go either. It's boring to play. If Zhuzhu doesn't treat them as friends, then even if they like Zhuzhu, they won't be able to gain points.

The fourth prince said: "Otherwise, just select a few people and play this game with Zhuzhu, and we can just watch from the side."

Sheng Minglin didn't have a very solid idea at the moment, so he could only nodded.

Although it was for harvesting wool, Sheng Minglin was not at ease with people who had never had personal contact with them.

He didn't know much about women. He only often heard people say that women are naturally jealous, but he didn't really believe it. It was just the nature of the world.

If it were a man, if he grew up in a backyard where wives and concubines competed with each other, and when he grew up and "married" a woman, he would have to please the woman all his life. At the same time, he would compete with a group of men in the backyard for resources, pampering, and everything, and men would also be jealous.

To put it bluntly, it is just for survival.

But the world is already like this, and so are women, so he is worried, what if he meets someone who is not clear-headed and jealous of Zhuzhu?
Seeing his brows getting tighter, the Fourth Prince knew what he was worried about, and said speechlessly: "Zhuzhu is inside the grid, with so many pairs of eyes outside watching, what are you worried about?"

He patted him on the shoulder: "That's it for now, I'll go back first."

He had to tell his father quickly, and Sheng Minglin also had to tell his parents quickly.

While the leaders are all outside at the moment, you can make room in the capital first, find time to put it back later, and then you can play when you return to the capital.

Thinking in his heart, Sheng Minglin saw Sheng Minglin at a glance.

Sheng Minglin remembered and quickly waved to it.Sheng Weifeng did not regard himself as a bird at all, and came over with wings and claws.

Sheng Minglin educated it: "Can you not be so excited when others talk in the future? You don't understand. It seems a little silly to join in the fun in such a hurry. You are a magical bird. How powerful you are in everyone's hearts. , how amazing it is, if you make a fuss like this, everyone will think you are stupid and gossipy, and they will secretly laugh at you in their hearts..."

Shanda Weifeng was obviously dissatisfied and opened his mouth to scream. He said that he could scream for a long time.

Sheng Minglin said: "Yes, yes, I know you are good-looking, but just because you are majestic and good-looking, you have to pay attention to your demeanor. Look at Shanda Huahua, how elegant and graceful..."

Sheng Mingwei, who was from other people's family/other children, lost his temper at that time, and started to scream, and while shouting, he nodded his head, raised his two wings and shook them, like a standard naughty child.

Shen Lingjue heard this, turned around and looked around, and gloated to Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu'er, your brother is quarreling with Shanda Weifeng. Look at Shanda Weifeng, he just wants to eat him."

Before he finished speaking, Tuanzi ran over quickly, pushed Sheng Mingfeng with both hands, and said loudly: "Don't quarrel with Guo Guo!! Your child is wearing beads, he is wearing our Guo Guo, the child must listen to Guo Guo... …”

It is your child, and I am its brother. This generation is quite willful... OK, in Tuanzi's heart, the two words "brother" and the three words "Sheng Minglin" are probably synonyms.

Sheng Minglin watched silently.

As soon as Zhuzhu came over, the grand and majestic broken gong voice started to clamp up on the spot, no longer wah-wah, no more quack, the boss was just a bird, and the little bird was chirping like a little bird, with smug eyebrows and downcast eyes, feeling aggrieved. La.

Tuanzi touched its head, "Look at your head, it's getting smaller and smaller. Sometimes you can only hold one thing, so you squeeze in the second, third, and many things. It’s coming out, so I need Guo Guo to help me think about the tying that I squeezed out. Guo Guo will teach you after thinking about it, and you have to be obedient and do it like this. Only then will the bird be tied well and it will be great.”

Shanda Weifeng nodded silently.

Then Zhuzhu turned back and asked: "Guo Guo, do you want to teach Shanda Weifeng Xing? You can teach me!"

Sheng Minglin then said it again.

Shanda Weifeng chirped quietly, obviously still having different ideas.

Tuanzi thought for a while and then said to it: "It doesn't matter, you are right if you want to listen to adults! Zhuzhu also likes to listen! Zhuzhu teaches you, when you want to listen, don't show off..." She performed for it seriously , stretched his little head, then turned his back and said: "If you want to listen, there will be few others who can eavesdrop on you!"

Sheng Mingwei Maosai suddenly understood, and immediately demonstrated, standing behind Shen Lingjue, with his back to him, and his eagle head turned downwards.

But the dumpling was only a little big, and it was blocked by its belly, so we couldn't see its weird appearance, so we clapped our hands and said, "Yes, that's right, it's grand and majestic!"

Sheng Minglin, who had been watching: "..."

Forget it, that’s it!He is a true celebrity... a true divine bird comes from Fengliu.

In the evening, Prince Duan and Princess Duan came over to see the children and had dinner here.

As soon as Prince Duan came over, he said to him: "Silang has been fooling around with you every day, and he has learned bad things. Today he went to talk to your uncle Huang and asked me to come back and ask you. I said, I'll get some help from you and listen directly." No? Shiro actually said no, and the point was different."

Prince Duan was speechless: "Don't I think about the key points myself?"

(End of this chapter)

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