Chapter 452
Sheng Minglin smiled and asked, "What then?"

Prince Duan said: "Then I had to listen to him."

Sheng Minglin laughed in a low voice and said, "Did the fourth brother talk about good seeds? Then you guys discussed how to plant them in the coming spring. You made suggestions for it. Then, under your witty questioning, the fourth brother said warm seeds." Sunstone?"

Prince Duan looked at him sideways.

Princess Duan laughed softly and said: "Look at you, father and son are of the same mind, but your son is not there, yet you still insist on getting together."

Prince Duan turned back and looked at her without knowing what he was saying. Princess Duan laughed a few times, then patted Sheng Minglin on the arm: "Lin'er, hurry up and say, don't make your father anxious."

Sheng Minglin whispered.

The three of them came together to talk, and Tuanzi came closer slowly, with a grand and majestic air.

Tuanzi measured it with her small hands and demonstrated it carefully. She was smaller and next to Princess Duan, but Princess Duan didn't care.

Shangsheng Weifeng followed her example, and as soon as he touched Prince Duan, Prince Duan couldn't help but pounce forward.

Sheng Mingfeng quickly stood still and opened his mouth to scream.

Tuanzi gestured wildly, put his finger on his mouth and shushed, and Shengwei quickly closed his mouth.

Shen Lingjue and others stood watching and laughing from a distance. Prince Duan guessed what happened without looking back, so he didn't care much and continued to listen.

Tuanzi was so anxious that he ran around and demonstrated it several times.

Sheng Minglin finally understood and leaned against them, but he still felt unsatisfied. The whole bird's head was tilted back with difficulty. As soon as Sheng Minglin raised his head, he made eye contact with it and held his forehead with a headache.

With such a wretched look, I might as well just stick my head out and listen!
The three of them finally finished talking and began to discuss where to demolish the house to put the Qiong Tower. Princess Duan was also trying to remember what houses she had, and then discussed where to put the cub's adventure house.

It's okay outside, but it's really difficult to arrange things at home.

Qionglou is quite large, so we have to consider the layout of the yard. The owner cannot live next to the guests. We also have to consider aesthetics and feng shui. It's not like just finding an open space and squeezing into it.

The three of them didn't even eat, so they drew pictures to discuss.

Finally, after discussion, Sheng Minglin's Zeyuan was demolished and Qionglou was built, while Sheng Minglin moved to Yueyuan where Zhuzhu now lives.

Because there is a large bamboo forest in the yard where Sheng Minglin lives. In this way, if the bamboo is cut down and a corridor is built, the main house may only need to be demolished in half, or even not demolished at all, and then the courtyard wall can be expanded and the layout slightly changed. That’s it.

In fact, the layout of Prince Duan's Mansion is originally different from other mansions. In other mansions, the daughter lives in the backyard and the son lives in the front yard. They are clearly separated.

But in Prince Duan's Mansion, everyone has a relatively independent area. If you want to entertain guests, just put two servants on the door to prevent accidental intrusion. How can I say that it is a typical way to raise a daughter like a son.

Yueyuan in Zhuzhu is larger and more luxurious than Zeyuan, but the overall style is rich and soft, not as elegant as Zeyuan, and you may need to change it slightly when you move in.

Sheng Minglin didn't care and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I'm not an elegant person, so I don't need to change."

The eavesdropping Tuanzi understood and immediately said: "Zhuzhu's toys are all for Guoguo to play with!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and lifted her onto his lap. Princess Duan pinched the tip of her nose and said, "Move all your things. Your brother will put books in his room." She suddenly remembered: "I There is a big bookshelf, which was made according to the size of Zhuzhu’s room. But Zhuzhu thought it didn’t look good, so she took it out, and then you moved it and put the books in it again.”

Sheng Minglin responded with a smile.

Then it was decided, and we discussed which courtyard to look for from outside and how to hide it from others.

Sheng Minglin thinks the problem is not big.Even if a person walks there every day, he may not be able to remember what every building there looks like. If he doesn't see his mother, he can't even remember the layout of his own courtyard clearly?
So when you put it in and grow up, most people will think that they didn't pay attention. Let a few people talk about it... It has been like this for a long time, I have seen it... and so on. If it is specious, everyone will be confused. Belt crooked.

It's okay even if some people still have doubts, they have no evidence.

After everything was discussed, Prince Duan called his confidants to go back and do some work. Sheng Minglin also sent Wen Zhi back and asked him to pay attention to his books when moving.

After the arrangements were made, everyone sat down to eat.

Then Prince Duan and Princess Duan planned to stay and try to sleep with Shanda Huahua.

Tuanzi was very happy and explained to them how soft and comfortable Shanda Huahua was.

Princess Duan grabbed her calf and pulled her to her side, whispering to her ear: "Zhu Zhu'er, next time you draw a lottery, you will draw a heavenly garment."

Tuanzi was puzzled: "Is the Tianyi system okay?"

Princess Duan whispered: "That's right, it looks like ordinary clothes, but it's invulnerable and so on."

Tuanzi suddenly nodded: "Mother, do you want Tianyi?"

"Mother doesn't want it," Princess Duan said, "Give it to Zhuzhu'er to wear. You see you have met so many friends. Don't you want to go out to play? Zhuzhu'er will wear Tianyi and occasionally go out to play. Mother. Don’t worry too much. Think about safety first, don’t always think about having fun.”

Tuanzi nodded obediently and promised: "Zhuzhu will think seriously about it next time he smokes!"

Princess Duan smiled and hummed.

Prince Duan listened with his hands on his hands. After hearing what they said, he moved over, got closer to his wife and daughter, and said with a smile, "It's quite warm. Tigers are warmer than humans, and their fur is slippery and comfortable."

"Yes," Princess Duan also said, "And when it breathes and falls, it feels particularly hypnotic and easy to sleep."

Prince Duan said: "There is just no pillow."

Tuanzi immediately patted his belly: "Daddy, rest on Zhuzhu's head. Zhuzhu's belly is soft and can be used as a pillow for daddy!"

Prince Duan burst into laughter, turned around and hugged her in his arms: "Baby, Daddy can't bear to leave. Zhuzhu is resting on Daddy's hand. Go to sleep quickly."

He patted her gently, Zhuzhu put her little feet on him, buried her little face against him, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, before Zhuzhu got up in the morning, Sheng Minglin met everyone. While talking, he seemed to say unintentionally whether he wanted to let the ladies from each family take Zhuzhu to play for a day.

Many of these people came with their sisters and sisters. Of course they agreed immediately, and then went back to call for others. Those who were willing to participate signed up. The remaining people changed the tasks in the grid and replaced them with Some are more ladylike.

When everyone gathered together, they invited the fourth prince and concubine to take charge, and the others waited until Zhuzhu woke up before choosing.

Sheng Minglin went over specially and asked her solemnly.

He was still young and he was a relative, so he didn't need to worry too much, but when there were more girls, there were many young men here who couldn't get too close, so the scene suddenly became a lot more gentle.

When Zhuzhu came over, she saw the place was full of red and green flowers, and there were so many beautiful young ladies that Zhuzhu'er couldn't even see enough.

The temperament of the fourth prince's concubine was somewhat similar to that of the fourth prince. She spoke little, had a dignified appearance, and had a gentle temperament. She came over with a smile and explained to Zhu Zhu'er, and then went to pick out someone with Zhu Zhu'er in her arms.

The little girls who arrived were all brightly dressed, each with pigtails and beautiful flowers, red lips and white teeth, like flowers and jade. They all saluted her and said in a soft voice: "Good morning, Your Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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