Chapter 453 The joy of choosing a concubine
Tuanzi’s eyes lit up: “Wow!!”

Then the fourth prince concubine called out, and the young ladies stood up straight, all holding up their handkerchiefs and smiling at her. The dumpling looked good at this, and looked at that, and everyone wanted it, and their little heads turned around. , strength explains what it means to be dazzled.

At this moment, the small-breasted dumpling, although she still doesn’t know what it means to choose a concubine, inexplicably has the joy of choosing a concubine.

There are so many beautiful ladies, all of them are pearls!
Seeing her like this, the fourth princess couldn't help laughing, and kissed Tuanzi's hair: "If Zhuzhuer can't pick it out, can fourth sister-in-law help you pick it out?"

Tuanzi was not familiar with the fourth princess, so he nodded obediently and still clasped his little hands and looked around.

So the fourth princess picked six, but Zhuzhu was not happy. He stretched out his hand in her arms and grabbed a little girl: "Introduce a sister, Zhuzhu wants it too."

The fourth prince’s concubine: “Well, Zhuzhu, let’s see which one you want to replace her with?”

Tuanzi looked at the ones she picked, and they all looked good. After looking at them three times, she still couldn't bear to part with any of them.So she turned around and hugged her neck, and kissed her face: "Fourth sister-in-law, it doesn't matter if you have one more sister-in-law!"

The fourth princess nodded: "Okay then."

Then Tuanzi looked at the other girls and couldn't bear it anymore. They all loved Zhuzhu so much and wanted to play with Zhuzhu. How could Zhuzhu not agree?

So there was one more, and one more, and one more... and finally there was only one little girl left who was not chosen by Zhuzhu.

The fourth prince's concubine turned her head, looked at the fourth prince from a distance, and said coquettishly: "How about we have a male team and a female team?"

What the Fourth Prince could say, he could only nod, "Okay."

Then he motioned for a few people to go over and join the team with Little Fatty.

Sheng Minglin winked at Shen Lingjue.

Shen Lingjue was very reliable at critical moments. He immediately asked people as if unintentionally: "Who is that little girl at the end?"

Someone replied in a low voice: "It's Princess Yongping of Wu'anbo Mansion. Her maiden name seems to be Jiang Mingyue."

Shen Lingjue was surprised: "Princess Princess?"

"Yes," another person said in a very quiet voice: "Her birthday happened to be the death ceremony of the former crown prince, and the time was exactly the same. Moreover, she also had a mole on her earlobe, the same as the former crown prince. . I heard that after Grandpa Taizu accidentally saw her, he burst into tears and made her a princess. So you see, she is the only girl whose ears are not pierced."

Shen Ling definitely didn't know anything about these old gossips. He nodded and glanced at the little girl.

The little girl is very beautiful. According to time, she should be about to get haircut, but she already looks a bit graceful like a daughter.

Huo Chenzhao used voice transmission to tell him: "If I inquire more, this girl's bone age seems to be more than fourteen or fifteen, she should be sixteen or seventeen."

Shen Lingjue pretended to be interested and continued to chat about this topic with others.

Because Zhuzhu was special, they paid special attention to people she didn't like. They also noticed a few people from Princess Duan's side.

Princess Duan and the little girl's mother-in-law and sisters were all sitting far away, watching the play. Some people laughed and said, "What's wrong with the little princess? How come you didn't catch His Highness's attention?"

Mrs. Wu Anbo glanced at her secretly and said, "Ming Yue never likes to wear those things on her face and body. Children don't like it. It's normal."

First of all, this was meant to ridicule the daughter of that family for being too gorgeous in her clothes and hanging too many ornaments, and she would point them out to others. My daughter is the princess who was personally granted the title by my great-grandfather!He was born with a strange image, resembling the crown prince back then!
Princess Duan just pretended not to hear and didn't say anything.

She didn't care who she resembled, anyway, her daughter didn't like it, no matter what the reason, she didn't like it either.

At this time, the excitement had already begun over there.

Because they were all literary battles, writing poems and paintings, the girls were really no worse than the boys, and Zhu Zhuer was lucky, so she was always several steps ahead.

At first, the teenagers were a little embarrassed to compete seriously with the women. When they saw that they were about to lose, they suddenly became more competitive and the scene became lively again.

At the end of the game, the women's team was far ahead.

Then someone said: "This is all because His Highness is lucky. If His Highness is on our side, we will win!" There was also a cheerful woman on the woman's side, and she immediately replied loudly: "If you lose, you lose, don't look for excuses." .”

Someone replied: "Everyone can answer these questions, doesn't it all depend on luck? He can't be wrong."

This was true, so everyone discussed changing the rules.

Someone suggested that the two sides compare calligraphy and painting, and then find a few people to serve as presidents to judge the merits.

But it was quickly rejected. This was playing with the little princess, not a competition between men and women. It would be overshadowing the competition.

So I made a slight modification, and still let the little dumplings roll dice, and changed the questions to calligraphy, poetry, painting, piano, etc. Each question will be compared by one person from the opponent's designated team, and then the CEO will decide. Good or bad, the winner throws the dice, and the cycle begins again and again.

For people like Zhuzhu and Xiaopangdun, participation is the most important, and it’s fun to watch everyone get excited.

Soon, the three presidents, including the fourth prince, were elected by public vote, and everyone continued to start.

Zhuzhu rolled the dice and moved several frames in succession.

In another frame, they were comparing flowers. The men's team that had won the previous round pointed at someone at random, who happened to be the little princess Jiang Mingyue.

Sheng Minglin and others were all very concerned about this little girl, and they all immediately paid attention to her.

Jiang Mingyue came out of the queue, seemingly a little shy, and pointed to the opposite side: "Then let's take the third gentleman in blue from the left."

When He Xingzhou was pointed out, he stood up and said very embarrassedly: "I can't draw."

There was a burst of laughter on the woman's side. After all, she couldn't draw and couldn't change people, so she lost.

Jiang Mingyue was obviously good at painting. She walked to the table, held up her sleeves, and started writing like a flying bird.

Everyone couldn't help but move their eyes over.

Jiang Mingyue is wearing a light green skirt, with a slender figure and beautiful appearance. She wears her hair in a bun with a swallow tail hanging in front of her shoulders. She has simple hair accessories and no earrings. She only wears a ruby ​​bracelet on her wrist. As her bright wrist moved slightly, the red jade bracelet also trembled slightly, making her bare wrists look like snow and her hands like catkins.

This picture is very beautiful, and the teenagers can't help but look at it a few more times.

When the hourglass was about to stop, Jiang Mingyue quickly put down her pen and raised the painting.

Because the time limit for drawings in the competition is no more than a quarter of an hour, most people just draw a simple flower.

But Jiang Mingyue was creative and painted half of the flower hidden behind the leaves. With just a few strokes on the leaves, the peony petals exposed behind were extremely gorgeous. She was a very good painter.

The fourth prince also nodded: "Not bad."

Jiang Mingyue patted her chest to calm down her shock, and stuck out her tongue playfully towards the man. After spitting out, she looked embarrassed, half-covered her face with a handkerchief, and said, "I give in!" before trotting off. Then returned to the ranks of women.

Princess Duan and the fourth princess were standing not far away, and both of them could not help but frown.

Therefore, why women hate a woman, sometimes it is not because of jealousy. Women sometimes like good-looking girls more than men.

It's not because you're good-looking, or because you're favored, it's just because... in the words of later generations, it's because of the smell of tea!
But this is understandable. For a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old who has not yet discussed marriage, it is human nature to show off that she can find a good husband.

Continue playing below.

No matter men or women, they are not good at everything. It would be embarrassing if they really didn't know how to do it, so after playing a game, they separated.

Shen Lingjue went back full of gossip. When he saw Sheng Minglin, he said, "Have you heard about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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