Chapter 454: Just as smart and cute

Sheng Minglin knew how to follow the lead and immediately cheered enthusiastically: "What? Tell me quickly! I want to hear it!"

The young prince was very satisfied and gave him a "You are very wise" look. Then he started telling what he had heard about Jiang Mingyue.

Then he came over and whispered: "It is said that at the beginning, the family looked down upon this daughter. You also know that when the former prince passed away, the great ancestor was hit hard and went crazy. For a while, the time when the daughter was born was exactly the same as the time when the prince died. At that time, the family was so scared that they were afraid of offending the great grandfather, and sent the daughter away, only to take her back three years later... On the way back, I met Grandpa Taizu. When Grandpa Taizu saw her appearance, he asked her about her birth date. This touched her heart and granted her the title of princess. From then on, the little girl turned around at home. It is said that the whole family was extremely happy. Pamper her."

Sheng Minglin listened quietly and said: "The mole on her earlobe is indeed quite obvious... But Brother Zhao said that she looks older, so her birthday is fake? Could it be because of her? Black mole, so why did the uncle deliberately change his birth date? And it happened to meet the great grandfather like this? Is it really a coincidence? "

After he finished speaking, he shook his head again: "The uncle is really bold, do you dare to make up such a thing?"

He felt a little strange, but he was not too entangled and said, "In short, stay away from this girl from now on. Zhuzhu doesn't like her, so there must be something wrong. It has nothing to do with us, and there is no need to worry about it."

Shen Lingjue was still a little curious: "But, what is the problem?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head, "I don't know."

While several people were talking, the fourth prince's concubine also received instructions from the fourth prince to find some girls to play with Zhuzhu in the afternoon, but not to invite Jiang Mingyue.

If it were to go ahead, the fourth princess would be very worried.

Because Wu Anbo was the deputy general of Emperor Mingxi at that time, and he was very trusted by Emperor Mingxi, so even though it was only the uncle's house, no one dared to look down upon him and not invite his girl for no reason. This was not easy to handle.

Also because of Zhuzhu's identity, the emperor, queen, and fourth prince all felt pain as big as their eyeballs. She was really afraid of making her unhappy.

But after getting in touch with her today, she discovered that Zhuzhu was not the kind of spoiled child at all. She was cute, sweet, and very easy to coax.

She just made the decision directly. Among the nearly twenty girls who played together today, she only invited ten people to come over. They were all in the process of playing. They looked pleasing to the eye, and Zhu Zhu obviously liked them.

So when Zhuzhu woke up from her nap, the fourth prince personally came to pick her up and took her back to his tent.

As soon as Zhu Zhuer entered, she was very happy to see a room full of beautiful young ladies.

After the fourth prince left, the fourth prince's concubine also took off the complicated hairpin rings and played with the hidden hooks with everyone.

Hidden hook is a game often played in the boudoir.

People who play the game are divided into two caos. If the number of people is an even number, they are divided into two caos directly. If it is an odd number, the remaining people are called birds. They can go to the upper cao or the lower cao, and then find some small ornaments, such as Hide jade hooks, beads, flower rings, etc. in your hands and let the person opposite you guess.

Now, including Zhuzhu and the fourth prince concubine, there are exactly twelve people, and they are divided into two. Because Zhu Zhuer has small hands, it can be seen when holding the jade hook ring, so the fourth prince concubine took a small one. Pearls come out.

It's rare to encounter a game that Zhuzhu understands immediately. Zhuzhu is very happy and runs with everyone on his short legs.

The little dumpling was not that big, even his back was cute. The two little girls behind him reached out their hands and touched the bun of the dumpling.

However, the three-and-a-half-year-old little dumpling had thin and soft hair, which was all fake in order to look good. The two of them were just so cute that they wanted to sneak a peek, but they saw another person sneaking around, so They glared at each other in unison, and their hands became a little heavy, and they crushed the bun in one fell swoop.

Both of them panicked and quickly used their hands to help. Zhu Zhuer felt it. When she turned her head, she saw both of them stretching out their hands.

When they saw Tuanzi turning around, they quickly knelt down to apologize.

Zhu Zhu'er didn't care much, she smiled so big her eyes were bent, "Do you like Zhu Zhu and want to touch Zhu Zhu's head? It's okay, Zhu Zhu can touch it for you!" Both little girls blushed. .

Then Zhuzhu lowered her little head to see that they were not moving, and then raised her head strangely and glanced at the two of them.

The two of them reached out their hands in unison, carefully rounded up the hair bun, and praised: "Your Highness's necklace is so beautiful!"

Truly speaking in unison!Not a bad word!
Then, both of them froze.

The little girl with curved eyebrows shook her little head and held their hands one in each hand: "Are you... twins?"

The two little girls said quickly: "No."

These two little girls, one is Xu Jingyao’s sister Xu Jingyi, and the other is Xu Chen’s sister named Xu Jingshu. Because their names are similar, they are both beautiful, talented, good at calligraphy and painting, so they were put away since childhood. Talking together, competing a lot, winning and losing, the two of them became less and less able to deal with each other. Every time they met, they would always have a few words and make each other a little stumbling block.

Zhuzhu listened to the two of them introducing themselves, and nodded like a grown-up: "Yeah! But you are very similar. You are all equally beautiful, equally cute, and you all have a lot of knowledge and skills. !!”

Two people: "..."

Then Zhuzhuer started calling "Sister Da Jing" and "Sister Xiao Jing".

After being yelled at by her three times, the two of them gradually felt that... in fact, it was true, they both loved books and paintings, and they were both good at painting flowers and birds...

Why is it compared so much?It’s because they all like the same things!

They all like the same things. Isn’t this a natural soulmate?So why do we have to fight every day?
After playing the game all afternoon, the two actually became best friends, which made the two brothers stunned. Originally, the two brothers had a good relationship, but they often had a headache because of the poor relationship with their sister. In the end, they didn't need to mediate. They reconciled somehow? ?
This is something.

At this moment, a group of people discussed it and hid the hook in the hand of a Miss Xie.

After hiding it, everyone clenched their fists and put their hands on their backs, and then the other people walked in front of them one after another.

Hidden hooks can't be seen by looking at the hands. You can just look at the expression and movements, and you can also deliberately pat your shoulders and lift your sleeves to let the other party reveal your secrets.

Tuanzi stood at the head of the team with her eyes wide open, with a cute look on her face. When the fourth prince passed by, she touched her fat chin, so the people behind her also touched their hands, touched their clothes, and pulled them. Sleeves, if you are brave enough, you can even touch your little fleshy face...

Tuanzi stood obediently, raising his little arms, touching and pulling at will, completely unaware that the ladies were deliberately stroking Zaizai.

Then, this group guessed wrong.

But for Zhu Zhuer to play this kind of luck game, it would be cheating. She didn't know how she guessed, but she could guess it right.

Compared with the officials, the ladies in the boudoir are more concerned about auspiciousness. At first, they thought it was a coincidence, but after several times in succession, everyone became excited. Every time Zhuzhuer hit it with his finger, a low voice broke out!
Someone else suggested hiding the pearls in a random place in the tent and letting Zhuzhuer guess.

The fourth princess stopped with a smile.

She thinks it's too mysterious, which may not be a good thing, but it's just fine.

(End of this chapter)

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