Chapter 456 The sadness of not being able to afford it
Zhuzhu raised her head and listened to the two people talking. After understanding, she immediately said: "Uncle! There is also great uncle! Great uncle also wants similar clothes!"

Sheng Minglin asked the system: "Can I only buy one set?"

The system said: "It is also available in regular-priced products."

The system pulled out the regular-priced items and showed them to him.

When I looked at the regular price, there were four zeros at the back... Zhuzhu was now less than [-] cents.

Tuanzi tugged at the corner of his clothes: "Guoguo! Buy it quickly! Buy it for your uncle!"

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to squat down and point to her, "Zhu Zhu'er, this is too expensive, we can't afford it."

can not afford? ? ?
Zhuzhu stretched out her little hand in disbelief and counted the zeros at the end three times. Still unwilling to accept the fact, she opened her eyes wide and looked at her father and then her brother.

As the daughter of the richest man, the little princess who is surrounded by stars feels the sadness of "cannot afford" for the first time in her life.

Sheng Minglin's heart was broken when she saw him, and everyone's heart was also broken.

But he couldn't afford it, so he had no choice but to pull out the breast shield and show it to her: "How about the host buy a breast shield? This breast shield is also invulnerable and can resist the invasion of cold and heat germs. Although other places are protective No, but it’s great if you don’t get sick. It’s only 2888, which is very cheap.”

Tuanzi nodded sadly.

So I bought a breast goggle.

When I buy items on sale, I feel so rich, but when I buy regular-priced items, I use up more than half of a pair of goggles, and I can't even buy another one.

Prince Duan sighed: "Didn't we draw prizes several times? Why are we so poor?"

Tongtong blames himself very much: "Because the host is still young, now Tongtong is a companion system, so the points are very few. The points will not increase until the host opens the National Games Line..."

Prince Duan and Sheng Minglin looked at each other and sighed: "Alas!"

Tuanzi's little heart was also shocked: "Alas!"

Prince Duan quickly comforted her: "It's okay, Zhuzhu'er. Zhuzhu'er is still young. Just leave the money-making matters to your mother. You see, dad can't make money, so dad will never be sad..."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Emperor Mingxi was very brotherly, and in fact Prince Duan was also very brotherly. After getting the armor, he couldn't wait to spend the night, so he showed it to his brother.

Sheng Minglin coaxed Zhuzhu to fall asleep first.

Then I began to think deeply about the amulet.

He has personally seen Master Kuo'e's abilities, so he knows that there are all kinds of miraculous methods in this world, and the auspiciousness and clairvoyance of Zhuzhu must be very popular. It is not surprising that he is coveted by others, but when he really encounters it, Even though I'm on it, I still can't help but worry.

He had never heard of such a thing in his previous life, which was not surprising.

After all, Chen Shan did not capture Zhuzhu's auspiciousness and clairvoyance.

But in this life, Zhuzhu's auspiciousness and clairvoyance are gradually revealed in many things. More and more people know about it, and it is not surprising that they are discovered and coveted.

But he really didn't notice any clues.

He thought over and over again and remembered Chen Shan's confession.

Chen Shan didn't understand history and knew very little, but she also said that there were many strange things in the Dasheng Dynasty.

There are monster foxes coming out at night, men giving birth to children, copper coins falling from the sky, silkworm gods killing people, and so on.

There is also the most famous monster "皚" in the Dasheng Dynasty. The earliest records of this kind of thing can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. There were also in the Song Dynasty, but the number of monsters was in the Dasheng Dynasty.

It is said that in the history of the Dasheng Dynasty, there are more than 200 records about "皚". It is said that "皚" is a thing that floats around like mist. It often enters people's homes at night, eats livestock, defile women, and kidnap children. He even entered the palace and collided with the emperor.Even in her dynasty, no one knew what it was.

All she knew were these anecdotes, and she didn't know whether they were true or false. But what Sheng Minglin wanted to know, such as famous evil monks, she didn't know at all.

Sheng Minglin didn't fall asleep until late at night.

And while he was tossing and turning, everyone was also grumbling and applying.

There's a special offer on what day of the week, or what day of the month, or something... Even a certain store is hosting Double Eleven, but the system mall doesn't hold any events?
My host is only three and a half years old. He is so young, so well-behaved, and so cute. How could you bully a minor like this!

I submitted three applications in one night, but nothing came to mind.

Everything is then set to upload one message every hour.

Early in the morning, Princess Duan came over. She braided several amulets with red rope overnight, and everyone guessed how to divide them up.

Bai Ze gave it to Huo Chenzhao, and there was no objection to this, because Bai Ze was originally a smart and omniscient beast that appeared only when "the king is virtuous".

Sheng Minglin chose Qilin because Master Yanyi once said that he was the son of Qilin, and Qilin was mainly responsible for keeping the house and keeping the business, warding off evil spirits and bringing peace, so it felt like a good match for him.

As for the remaining lions and dragon turtles, several people made guesses.

The Seventh Prince is very powerful, but both the lion and the dragon turtle are very powerful in legend.

The lion is said to symbolize courage and strength, as well as protection, power and dignity. It seems that the seventh prince is more suitable.

Dragon and Turtle are homophonic to the word "Rong Gui", which means returning to one's homeland in splendor and glory. It symbolizes success and success in officialdom. It also means peace, auspiciousness, wealth and longevity. I feel that Shen Lingjue is more suitable.

The two pieces are not divided for the time being, and we will talk about it after Zhuzhu wakes up.

Zhuzhu'er was still sleeping at this moment, so Princess Duan held her little head up and hung it up for her.

After hanging up, she felt relieved. Princess Duan whispered to them: "Your uncle, you sent people overnight to find Master Du'e. You shouldn't have asked him to leave at that time. At worst, build him a temple and let him grow up." I live in the capital, and once I leave, I don’t know where I went.”

Sheng Minglin comforted her: "It's okay. This amulet can block all means. Even if we don't know who they are, it will be okay."

Princess Duan nodded.

Sheng Minglin pretended to be relaxed and said to Huo Chenzhao: "When I go back, I will rename my courtyard and give you the plaque of Zeyuan. Then I will ask my fourth brother to write me Linyuan again."

Shen Lingjue immediately objected fiercely: "Your name is Qilin Yuan! Can't you call me Qilin Yuan? Can you still tire fourth brother by writing one more word?"

Sheng Minglin felt happy just thinking about it.

After all, Dragon Turtle, he can't call it Dragon Garden, and he doesn't want to call it Turtle Garden...

He said: "No, my name is Lin Yuan."

Shen Lingjue pounced on him and beat him. The two quarreled for a while, and Sheng Minglin gave in with a smile: "Okay, Qilin Garden! Qilin Garden, okay! How childish!"

Princess Duan couldn't help but laugh when she saw it.

Prince Duan waved, and Sheng Minglin walked over with a smile. Prince Duan obviously thought about it a lot, and whispered to him: "I was wondering, Zhuzhu didn't get this one in the last lottery... Does this prove that, At that time, she had not been exposed to these methods? So the system did not let her draw this? What happened between the two draws? "

Sheng Minglin was slightly surprised: "You mean, there is something wrong with those little girls?"

Prince Duan said, "It's possible, so I asked you, Uncle Huang, to go check it out in detail, Jiang Mingyue? After all, she is the one who is a little bit special, right?"

Sheng Minglin nodded and decided not to allow Zhuzhu to play with the girls today.

(End of this chapter)

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