Chapter 457

While talking, the fourth prince also came over.

Prince Duan and his wife left, leaving the young men to speak for themselves.

The fourth prince noticed that something was wrong and came over early to listen to what Sheng Minglin said. He couldn't help but sneered: "You daring bastard, even Zhu Zhu'er dares to touch you!"

Seeing that he was even angrier than him, Sheng Minglin quickly comforted him: "It's okay. With the amulet, we are invincible. Things have become easier all of a sudden. We can just watch those people jumping around without knowing whether to live or die." Hey, it’s not that bad either.”

The fourth prince did not answer, but frowned and said: "But didn't Yanyi say that magical powers do not belong to the righteous path? Buddhism does not allow learning magical powers for the sake of seeking them, so this kind of innate magical powers should not be obtained by asking for them. Then, Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be taken away. Even Chen Shan’s divine weapon failed, so how can others succeed?”

Sheng Minglin said: "I was also thinking about this issue last night. This is how I understand it. Innate supernatural powers are just a name. In Buddhism, they are called clairvoyance. In Taoism or other places, it may be called another way. Fa... Just like when Brother Zhao said that Sheng Yulu was sick, this 'sickness' according to Master Du'e means that the soul is damaged."

"It doesn't matter what you call this ability. Let's assume it can be stolen in some way. However, you and Uncle Huang both love Zhuzhu so much. One day Zhuzhu's clairvoyance will disappear, and there will be another person in the world who has such an ability. , then you will definitely think that this is the person who stole the beads, so how will you treat such a person? Will you pretend that nothing happened and treat him like a guest? Or will you lock him up and only use his abilities? "

"I think it's the latter, so it's impossible for the person behind the scenes to use such skills to make a career. It's too risky. Therefore, even if the other party really has such skills, they shouldn't use such methods. I think the other party wants to Yes, it’s probably not like this, but…”

He thought for a while, "I don't understand this. I'm just imagining it... I think the other party may have some way to use this as a tonic to achieve other purposes. For example, become extremely smart?" Good luck or something? The kind we can't recognize."

The fourth prince nodded slowly.

Although they don't understand these things, from a political perspective, this direction is more reasonable and more feasible.

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but interject: "If you want to put it that way, they were sneaking behind the scenes and planning, and then they gave up when they found out they couldn't get it... For us, doesn't it mean nothing happened? I don’t know who these people are? Doesn’t that give them an advantage?”

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows: "There is a treasure house somewhere with many martial arts secrets? Life-saving magic medicine? In short, there is something you desperately want. You don't have the key, so you got in through the dog hole. When you saw these things, you found that the Don't move. Are you going to turn around and leave? Don't you want to think of other ways to try again?"

Shen Lingjue: "..."

He looked at him with his hands on his hips, and after a while he nodded and praised: "Little Qilin, you are indeed talented! I just discovered now that talent is not about elegantly quoting scriptures like me, but about swearing without using curse words like you. You also explained the matter clearly, and I understood it immediately. As expected of you!"

Sheng Minglin laughed and scolded: "Get out of here after spitting out the ivory!"

Shen Lingjue went out with a smile, walked to the door and said: "Fourth brother, help him write Qilin Garden! Qilin Garden!!"

The fourth prince couldn't help but laugh, and then he had a sudden idea and said to Sheng Minglin: "How about letting Zhu Zhuer write all your gardens?"

Sheng Minglin hesitated: "Zhuzhu'er is still young, and her wrists are so soft. Even if she has to practice calligraphy, she won't be in a hurry. I thought about it, after this trip back, Zhuzhu'er will be close to these people, and they will be close to each other. You can practice calligraphy by writing letters. She won't be able to practice large characters like plaques for a while, so fourth brother should help us write them."

The Fourth Prince thought about it and nodded: "Okay, let's talk about it when we get back."

Sheng Minglin stood up and poured him a cup of tea. He also poured a cup for himself. He stood at the door holding the teacup and said, "I've been out for several days, and I don't know what's going on with Jiang Bai."

The fourth prince said: "Father, I just received a letter yesterday, saying that the net is already being closed."

Just when Sheng Minglin was about to ask more questions, he saw a group of people coming outside. Someone greeted Shen Lingjue from a distance: "Little prince, what are you doing standing here?"

"Don't mention it," Shen Lingjue's voice was loud and he said with a smile: "I praised Minglin for his talent, but he still scolded me! I will break up with him for an hour even if I say anything! You go ahead, I'm leaving!"

He took the seventh prince to find Zhuzhu.

When Zhuzhu wakes up, put the amulets on them both before coming out.

A few people over there had already entered the tent, chatting a bit and asking what they were going to do today.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "I don't know. Let's wait until Zhuzhu wakes up." Xu Jingyao put down the tea cup and said with a smile, "There is no need to discuss it today, I guess it won't work out."

Xu Chen couldn't help but laugh and said: "Yes, I also think it might not work."

Tang Shihua quickly asked: "What's wrong? Why can't we play?"

Xu Jingyao smiled and explained a few words: "Yesterday, my sister-in-law went back and praised the young Highness with my mother for a long time. My mother was very considerate and made an appointment early in the morning to meet the Queen."

More than one brother said: "My sister too! She kept talking about it for half the night!"

"My sister too!"

Everyone laughed tacitly.

Again, women believe in auspiciousness more.

Because in their world, there are relatively few things that can be achieved through individual efforts, and many times their lives depend on the love between their father and brother, so they subconsciously believe in these mysterious things.

I believed [-]% of it originally, but after my daughter saw it with her own eyes, I believed [-]% of it.

So I kept talking all night, saying that I should ask the Queen to make the decision and see the auspiciousness... It's okay to think of getting some blessings, and some even shouted to bless their daughters to marry a good husband, and to bless their children to succeed in their studies. , bless the elderly with longevity, and some even want to be taller or something.

This is more than Guanyin Bodhisattva!

This made a group of young men very speechless and embarrassed to speak.

Tang Shihua also has a sister, but his sister was not among the ten people invited yesterday, so he listened to others explain what happened yesterday and said with a smile: "Your Highness is lucky, and no one said that others can also benefit from it?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and agreed: "Indeed, it's just spreading rumors."

In fact, if you get along well with others, you can indeed benefit from it. However, those who come with the intention of benefiting from others may not necessarily be able to benefit from it.

Tang Shihua felt a little regretful: "I'm still thinking about playing yesterday's game, which was quite interesting."

"Interesting?" Someone asked: "Yesterday was all a civil war, and you didn't play, so how could it be interesting?"

Tang Shihua blushed: "I just think it's fun to watch you guys play."

Immediately, several young men noticed that they probably had their sights on a young lady, and they all booed him, while laughing and teasing him.

Sheng Minglin looked at it with a smile.

Yesterday, Tang Shihua was standing on his right side. It was probably Jiang Mingyue that he was interested in.

In fact, Jiang Mingyue's demeanor looks cute and cute, but it is a bit frivolous and will not please the mistress of the house. Even the young men with several people in the backyard of their parents can see that taste, but it is indeed unpleasant. It is good for a man like Tang Shihua, who is simple-minded and quiet at home.

While talking here, Zhuzhuer also woke up.

As soon as she woke up, Shen Lingjue asked her to give her a peace charm.

(End of this chapter)

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