Chapter 458 Dreaming about picking up money
Xiaotuanzi looked groggy and yawned. He held the two peace charms in his hands and compared them carefully. He looked at the two of them, then at the jade, then at the jade, and then at the two of them. ...I thought about it very rigorously for a long time before I gave it to them.

Sure enough, the lion was given to the Seventh Prince, because Zhuzhu said, "The big lion's face is getting lighter and redder, just like the kiss from Qi Guo Guo, God. Now the kiss is gone. If there is a big lion, then it will be red again." Don’t mess with me!”

The seventh prince himself had almost forgotten the years when he had a birthmark. To him, birthmarks were not a good memory, but obviously, in Tuanzi's heart, birthmarks were also quite beautiful.

The seventh prince couldn't say it, but he felt extremely warm in his heart and kissed her little head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Then he gave Shen Ling Jue Longgui, and Zhuzhu said: "This one has a slightly tilted head, just like Xingxing Guoguo riding a horse that day, tugging!"

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but be stunned.

She was talking about the scene when he saw Zhu Zhuer for the first time in this life, when he shot willow and won the championship, and when he reined in his horse and looked back, now that he thinks about it... In fact, his destiny started from that moment and moved in the best direction.

Meeting Zhuzhu is really a very lucky thing.

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but hugged Zhuzhu'er and kissed her several times.

The three of them joked for a while, and then Lychee came in and hugged Zhuzhu.

Because there are often people in the tent over there, she put Zhuzhu's washing things here, and washed and hugged her directly.

Sheng Minglin noticed something was wrong as soon as he looked at Zhuzhu, so he looked at Shen Lingjue, who was relatively reliable.

Prince Shen looked back innocently. Sheng Minglin knew at a glance that neither of them had noticed, so he had to ask himself: "What's wrong with Zhu Zhu'er? Why is she so wilted?"

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu is so tired!"

Several people asked with a smile: "Why are you tired, Your Highness? Didn't Your Highness just wake up?"

Tuanzi shook his head and nodded: "Zhuzhu is dreaming," before Sheng Minglin could interrupt, Tuanzi continued: "Zhuzhu dreamed that there was a golden pea on the ground. It was super bright! Zhuzhu picked it up, picked it up, picked it up. Yes, I picked it up all night long but I still didn’t pick it up. The beads in my dream were so stupid that I almost asked Guo Guo to help me. I’m so tired from picking them up!”

Dreaming about picking up money or something, everyone laughed so hard.

Little Fatty couldn't help but said: "My brother also had such a dream! Twice!"

Cheng Chongjin: "..."

With such a cheating brother on the stall, he could only cover his face silently and coughed: "Yes, I often dream about picking up money, not only at night, but also during the day."

Everyone laughed.

Cheng Chongjin smiled and said, "But I just did it. Why would your Highness have such a dream?"

Tuanzi was puzzled, "Why can't Zhuzhu do it?"

Cheng Chongjin smiled and explained: "What I mean is that His Highness should not be short of money."

Tuanzi immediately opened his eyes wide and said loudly: "Zhuzhu is short!! Zhuzhu is poor! Zhuzhu wants to buy clothes for her uncle but can't even afford them!!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, but they didn't take it seriously. They just thought it was a family member coaxing her to play, and Xiaotuanzi took it seriously.

Only Xie Congyu smiled and said: "I feel quite ashamed when Zhuzhu'er said that. I have never thought of buying clothes for my father when I grow up."

Xie Congqiao smiled and said, "It's okay, Zhuzhu. I have money and I'll give it all to you."

Zhuzhu'er heard the sound and tilted her head to look for it: "Biao Guo Guo!"

Xie Congqiao squeezed out, bared his big white teeth, and hugged her. Zhuzhu'er was startled, her smile suddenly disappeared, her eyes widened, she looked at him and tentatively said, "Yes, it's the watch pot." A pot? A second-meter pot?"

Xie Congqiao also widened his eyes: "You can't even recognize me?"

Tuanzi hurriedly explained: "I recognize it, I recognize it, but the watch pot with beads on it is not that ugly..." Xie Congqiao: "..."

The people next to me almost died laughing.

On this trip, only General Xie and Uncle Xie came to the Xie family, and the younger generation only brought 15-year-old Xie Congyu and 14-year-old Xie Congqiao from the second room.

However, Xie Congyu followed the steps step by step. He was put into the army by his family for training. He didn't need special care, but he didn't need to endure any hardship either.

Xie Congqiao was only fourteen. Originally, the adults didn't want him to come out, but he cried and insisted on being with his elder brother. He had a bit of a temper and was young, so Uncle Xie specially told him to temper his temper.

So this winter hunting, Xie Congqiao participated in the whole process from the early stage of cleaning to the later stage of guarding. He had to do all the dirty and tiring work. In just over a month, the beautiful boy turned into a black monkey. This was the first time he was let out for fun.

Although others laughed at him, they actually admired him secretly.

The Xie family has always been extremely cautious and low-key in their actions.

After all, the Xie family is a double noble family. General Xie is also famous all over the world. He has great prestige in the military, especially since he has a successor, a truly top family.

Such a family is always in the eyes and heart of the emperor. It may not be a big deal if others are upset. If the Xie family dares to be upset, it will be a matter of a passing thought from the emperor's most trusted to the emperor's most fearful one.

After all, qualified politicians never have to trust people's hearts. When Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty appointed An Lushan as the military, political and financial power in the north, he thought An Lushan was a loyal minister, but it turned out that he was not. Inverted.

Therefore, the Xie family behaved very low-key and never stood out in the limelight. General Xie followed the hunt, hunting at most two casually, never trying to get ahead, and spent most of the time following the emperor. Xie Congyu's generation, even with his peers, Teenagers have little social interaction.

It is precisely because of this that he can survive two emperors and remain standing. What is rare is that Xie Jiaerlang does not feel bitter.

How can you not be admired?

Zhuzhuer accidentally said the word "ugly" and was very embarrassed. She quickly tried to make amends: "Zhuzhu is wrong, Zhuzhu said it wrong, Biao Guo Guo is not ugly, Biao Guo Guo is black and beautiful..."

Others couldn't help but laugh again, it seemed that this time something really dark got into Tuanzi's heart.

Xie Congqiao didn't care and waved his hand: "It's okay, the black spots are just black. This is called a man's true nature!"

Breakfast happened to be served, and Tuanzi took his hand: "Biao Guo Guo and Zhu Zhu will eat cake together. Eating cake will make you whiter and more beautiful."

Xie Congqiao sat down with a smile, and the dumpling did not forget to ask others: "Careless pot, Fengfeng pot, crispy sugar pot... Huh?" She suddenly discovered something, shook her little head, and looked back and forth: "Small boat Does Guo Guo have no debtors?”

She didn't say anything, but everyone really didn't pay attention. Wang Fengzhang said: "I went to call Wen Gong in the morning. He was not in the tent. Did he go hunting?"

Tuanzi: "Oh!"

She called out again, and then said: "Do you want to eat cake?"

Several people quickly said they would not eat it, and Zhuzhu then gave the whole plate of cake to her cousin and started eating.

As he was eating, sure enough, the Queen sent someone to call him.

So after Zhuzhu finished eating, the fourth prince hugged her and left. Sheng Minglin and the others had nothing to do, and they were discussing what to play. Sheng Minglin said, "Why don't we go see what Xingzhou is doing?"

Of course, a few people wouldn't object and just went along.

Before he reached his tent, he saw the imperial doctor coming out.


It’s late, I’ll update two chapters first, I’ll make up for it tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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