Chapter 459: The four pots are lost
Several people were startled and hurriedly stepped forward. Wang Fengzhang asked loudly: "Wen Gong, what's going on?"

Xu Wengong sent the imperial doctor out. When he heard the sound, he turned around and was shocked when he saw them. He quickly said: "Why are you here?" At the same time, he quickly explained: "It's okay, it's okay. I twisted my foot while sailing."

A few people went in to take a look. He Xingzhou didn't expect them to come, so he was quite flattered. He quickly tried to stand up, but was pushed down by several people.

Xu Wengong explained to them: "When Xingzhou and I came back from martial arts practice in the morning, we accidentally twisted it."

Sheng Minglin had already seen a very small flower basket on the table, with small flowers in it. It was childish and cute. He probably wanted to make it for Zhuzhu, but it twisted his foot, so they didn't mention it. .

Huo Chenzhao also saw it and stepped forward to look at his feet.

At this time, the bones of the ankle had been straightened by the imperial doctor. They had been smeared with medicine but not bandaged, and they looked very swollen.

Wang Fengzhang was very familiar with them and came over to take a look. He couldn't help but said: "Why is it so serious? Why don't you be more careful!"

"Who knows! It's a pretty flat road!" Xu Wengong also said very depressedly: "While we were talking, the boat suddenly fell out several steps. I was so scared that I didn't even have time to catch him!"

While several people were talking, Huo Chenzhao suddenly squatted down.

He was very close to his feet. He Xingzhou felt a little embarrassed and retracted his legs: "Little Marquis?"

Huo Chenzhao waved his hand, then gently lifted his feet, pushed his pants up, and then called, "Ling Jue, come and see."

Shen Lingjue responded, and when he came over to take a look, he saw a small red dot on the back of his calf. Shen Lingjue frowned: "Ice needle."

He is very good at using ice needles and can recognize the scars of ice needles at a glance.

When the ice needle penetrates the flesh, because it is cold, the feeling will be very weak. If it is thin enough, sometimes there will be no bleeding and no trace. When you look at it after an hour, you will not even see the red dot. It is very suitable. A hidden weapon used by the Shadow Guard.

Several people couldn't help but quiet down and looked at each other.

Xu Wengong said in shock: "You mean, someone attacked Xingzhou with an ice needle, so Xingzhou suddenly fell and sprained his foot?"

Huo Chenzhao looked at He Xingzhou's pants again, saw tiny pinholes, and then said, "Yes."

He Xingzhou and Xu Wengong looked at each other.

Xu Wengong said: "But Xing Zhou has a good temper and treats people well, so he should have no enemies!"

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but frown.

He heard Huo Chenzhao recount how He Xingzhou reconciled with Tang Shihua. A person who was so comprehensive in his conduct and work would generally not have such an enemy who would take such a big risk to attack him in the royal hunting ground.

Thinking about it again, this is not a big risk. If Zhuzhu'er hadn't mentioned it, they might not have come to see him. Even if they came a little later, they wouldn't see the red dots and would just think he was careless.

who can that be?

The main thing is that Emperor Mingxi is afraid that Emperor Mingxi will get angry when things happen one after another, but this kind of thing cannot be hidden from him.

Sheng Minglin sighed: "Two cousins, it seems that you will not be lucky enough to take a vacation. Hurry up and report to Master Fu... Wen Gong, please come with me, and we will report to the emperor."

He Xingzhou said quickly: "I'm with you."

"No need," Sheng Minglin patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I will explain it to Uncle Huang."

So the two of them went.

As luck would have it, Emperor Mingxi happened to be free and called in. Sheng Minglin had no choice but to go in and report. As expected, Emperor Mingxi was furious and dismissed Master Fu, who was in charge of hunting ground security, on the spot, and ordered his second uncle, Xie Huaiyi, to take over.Uncle Xie quickly started investigating.

But this kind of thing is really difficult to investigate.

The ice needle itself is water, and it needs to use the inner breath to condense quickly. Nowadays in the mountains, everyone wears cotton robes. Thin ice needles can be penetrated through the cotton robes and then penetrated into the flesh. This is really not something everyone can do. of.

Such a person is difficult to find, whether he is hiding among the imperial guards or directly hiding in the mountains.

the other side.

Zhu Zhuer was carried away by Si Guo Guo, chatting leisurely all the way.

When they arrived at the Queen's tent, the servants opened the curtain. When Tuanzi looked inside, he was startled.

There were people inside, all standing up, and their eyes were all looking at her eagerly. Because the tent was small after all, it seemed that there were so many people, and at a glance it was all eyes.

Tuanzi quickly smiled at them and pushed the fourth prince's shoulders: "Take it easy, Si Guo Guo, let's give it a try."

Fourth Prince: "...??"

He didn't know what Zhuzhu meant. He only took one step forward and immediately stepped back.

The people inside could only hear Tuanzi educating him seriously: "Siguoguo, you walk slowly and show flowers to Zhuzhu, are you late? Empress Huang wants to talk to others, there are so many people here. , I must say until tomorrow, we will pay the debt tomorrow."

Many people inside were holding back their laughter. After all, the fourth prince was still very serious in front of everyone.

The fourth prince's voice was gentle: "I was wrong. I walked a little slowly, but I didn't come late. These people all wanted to see Zhuzhu, so the emperor asked the fourth brother to carry Zhuzhu over."

Tuanzi was a little surprised: "But, why do they want to see Zhuzhu? Adults don't like to talk to children! When adults saw Zhuzhu, they said, Your Highness is taller and more beautiful... Every adult, all Say the same thing!”

She was talking like an adult, which was very fun. The fourth prince smiled when he heard it, and then he said warmly: "Is this good? Zhuzhu go in and play for a while. If it's fun, play a little longer. If it's not fun, you can find someone." Fourth sister-in-law, then let fourth sister-in-law carry you to find fourth brother."

Tuanzi agreed.

The fourth prince then went in with Xiaotuanzi in his arms.

After seeing the gift and giving Zhuzhu to the Queen, the fourth prince withdrew, and these people gave Zhuzhu the gift again.

The little dumpling curled his little mouth, clasped his little hands together, and sat upright on the queen's lap with a business smile.

After seeing the gift, Tuanzi immediately said to the Fourth Princess: "Sister-in-law, let's go find Siguoguo." She blinked with big eyes and looked for a reason carefully: "Send a few Guoguo Guo, you may get lost, please contact us. If the elbow is lost, we will have no pot!"

The Fourth Princess: "..."

Princess Duan smiled and said: "Zhu Zhuer, you have been playing with children for several days. How about you play with adults for a while this morning?"

Tuanzi was a little unhappy and argued: "Can't you send a few to play with? Children play with children, and adults play with adults!"

Princess Duan smiled and said: "Of course ordinary children are like this, but Zhu Zhu'er is so cute, so beautiful, and so smart, how can she be the same as ordinary children? So a child as smart as Zhu Zhu'er, All the adults like her and want to play with her for a while."

The ladies were not stupid, and they immediately agreed. They were also surprised. It turned out that this was how Princess Duan taught her children. If this was her own child, she would have scolded her long ago. How could she be coaxed in front of so many outsiders.

In the past, it was inevitable that some people would secretly accuse Princess Duan of being unruly, but now... when faced with auspiciousness, everyone would wonder, is it because of this teaching that she is auspicious?Then should they try the same thing?
Thinking in my heart, everyone's smile became more sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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