Chapter 460 Three points and five points

Tuanzi believed it, her eyes bright: "Yes! Yes! Whatever you want to play, Zhuzhu can do it. Even if Zhuzhu doesn't know how to tie it, you can also learn it!" She patted her small chest: "Zhuzhu is great! ! Zhuzhu can definitely learn it!"

The house is full of ladies. Of course there are many smart people and many good talkers. But before everyone came, they really didn’t think about playing games with a three-year-old baby. One of them couldn’t think of playing. What, secondly, I was a bit embarrassed, and I couldn’t help but secretly regret why I didn’t bring my daughter/sister.

The queen smiled and said nothing.

If you don't care about this kind of thing yourself, why do you expect others to worry about it for you?

After a brief silence, a lady sitting at the back stood up and came forward. She smiled gently and said, "Your Highness, I know how to play with the flower rope. I wonder if Your Highness likes to play?"

Tuanzi's eyes lit up: "Zhuzhuhui!"

This Zhuzhu is really good at it. After all, before Sheng Minglin came back, this was what Xiaotuanzi played most often.

The queen asked someone to bring the string, and the lady accompanied Zhuzhuer to turn it over.

Zhuzhu'er can only turn over very simple dumplings, and she hasn't played for a long time, so she often makes mistakes. But this lady is a master at turning the dumplings. No matter how the dumplings turn, she can save them with just a tick of her fingers.

In particular, Zhuzhu has small hands and a short rope, which is not convenient for adults' hands, but she can still turn out flowers.

Zhuzhu'er was so impressed that she praised her repeatedly: "You are so awesome! You can do tricks with your hands!"

The lady didn't dare to say it, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, my husband's surname is Ouyang. Your Highness can call me Mrs. Ouyang."

I have never heard of a dumpling with a compound surname: "Is the Ouyang family okay?"

Mrs. Ouyang quickly explained: "It is a surname, just like His Highness's surname is Sheng, the young prince's surname is Huo, and the young prince's surname is Shen. Ouyang also has a surname, but the usual surnames are all one character. This caste is two characters, called Compound surname, there was a very powerful person in the Song Dynasty named Ouyang Xiu, and his surname was Ouyang..."

She spoke eloquently, and Zhuzhuer nodded repeatedly.

So Mrs. Ouyang successfully became the first person Tuanzi remembered by relying on her skills and new knowledge.

The other ladies looked at it with envy and jealousy.

Her husband-in-law's name was Ouyang Yong, and he was only a fifth-rank official. Mrs. Ouyang was not from a high background, but it was better for her to be the first to win.

Seeing Mrs. Ouyang and Tuanzi talking back and forth, the conversation was lively, and the other ladies also showed their talents.

Someone who knew how to make a knot asked someone to bring a thread to make a knot.

There are also people who know how to embroider, so they use an embroidery support to embroider.

There are people who play the piano, people who arrange flowers, people who order tea... there are all kinds of things.

But like Daluozi, Zhuzhuer still looked very interesting, and she watched it with relish for a while.

The embroidery time is too long, and I can’t understand the beads for playing chess, etc... I can’t understand the beads for ordering tea...

Even if you make a knot, it's not as good as the twisting rope. Although the twisting rope is simple, it is an interactive game!

Zhuzhu's own participation is of course much more fun than just watching. At least it can make Tuanzi remember you and leave an impression.

In fact, many of these ladies will be regarded as senior management talents in future generations, but they cannot perform this skill!

I learned some interesting things when I was young, but most of them have been wasted over the years. After all, there are many people around me, so there is no need for them to do it themselves. I didn't expect that when I get older, I have to compete again.

So I was quite embarrassed, or maybe I really didn’t have the right skills, so I could only sit still and chat awkwardly.At the end of the morning, Zhuzhu'er only remembered Mrs. Ouyang, who could turn flower ropes, and an old lady who could paper-cut, who was Wang Fengzhang's grandmother, and another lady who could tie silk flowers, who was Xu Jingyao's sister-in-law and the empress. natal family.

Near noon, everyone dispersed.

shortly after...

Mrs. Wang is old and in poor health. She was thinking that Xu was going out for the last time, so she forced herself to come here. It turned out that she was probably in a better mood. After returning, her health gradually improved a lot.

On the way back, Mrs. Xu once dropped her handkerchief to pick it up. She accidentally saw a hole in the wheel of the carriage. She asked someone to check it and found that the inside of the carriage was almost full of insects and could hardly be seen from the outside. If it were not replaced, it would break suddenly while driving, and the entire carriage would have to be thrown out, and the family would definitely be seriously injured.

When she heard this, even the Queen couldn't help but chant Buddha several times.

After the news about these two families spread, everyone was more interested in asking about the Ouyang family.

The Ouyang family originally didn't want to tell anyone, but because there were so many people asking about it, and there were many superior officials, they couldn't refuse, so they revealed it.

Mrs. Ouyang had been homeless for six years. A few days after she returned, the weather was freezing. She almost slipped when she stepped on the steps, but she managed to catch herself. When the doctor was called to see her, she found out she was pregnant.

Suddenly, the wives of each family were envious and annoyed, and became more superstitious about auspiciousness. They picked up the jobs they had done when they were young and studied hard, so that they could please the auspiciousness next time they saw it... This is a story for another time.

At this moment, Zhuzhu had just been sent back by someone sent by the Queen.

Sheng Minglin asked her, "Zhu Zhu'er, are you having fun?"

Tuanzi thought for a moment and nodded: "It's not bad. It's hard to persuade adults to make them less or less, but some adults are also great."

The fourth prince had just asked in detail, and he raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Zhu Zhu'er is not having a good time? But I heard from Eunuch He that Zhu Zhu is having a good time?"

Tuanzi said matter-of-factly: "Of course others are happy when they see Zhuzhu. Zhuzhu is pretending it for them."

Brothers: "..."

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Unexpectedly, the three-and-a-half-year-old Tuanzi also experienced the sadness of social interaction.

People can’t help themselves outside, so who wants to look good and dress up in a three-and-a-half-half way?
The fourth prince couldn't help but ask again: "Aren't you happy about the pearl-turning flower rope?"

Tuanzi said: "Of course I am happy to turn over the flower rope! The paper-cut paper is also beautiful, and the flowers are also beautiful! But when it comes to playing the piano, it is not as good as Uncle Yunduo's playing! It's so noisy! The lady serving the tea has to look at her beads, beads. Zhu Zhu feels that losing weight doesn’t look good. Zhu Zhu wanted to offend her for a long time before she thought of praising her. Zhu Zhu feels so tired!”

Brothers again: "..."

After a while, Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Zhu Zhu'er. Once the fourth brother tells his parents, we won't play with adults anymore. We kids can play by ourselves."

The fourth prince glared at him, couldn't help but feel funny after thinking about it, and nodded.

But what he said didn't count. After all, Emperor Mingxi still had important political drama to play.

This winter hunting trip was not just to make Xiangrui famous, but to build momentum for the prince!
So in the evening, all parties had to send messages, and there was a feast at noon.

The weather was quite good, and there were tents all around, so it wasn't too cold. Everyone seemed to be sitting around casually, spread out, and there was no clear distinction between men's and women's seats. Many young ladies were sitting together with their families.

(End of this chapter)

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