Chapter 462 Like-minded companions

Emperor Mingxi was not in a hurry to go back, so he just let them wait here.

A few days later, in the capital.

The bamboo forest in Zeyuan has been cut down and filled in, and the garden of the selected house has also been taken care of, leaving a large enough space.

In the evening, after everyone discussed it, Huo Chenzhao, the most reliable person, took Zhuzhu back with his grand majesty, put down the Adventure House and Qiong Tower, and arranged the people who would guide public opinion.

You can play it when you get back.

This was Zhuzhu's first time riding a grand majesty, and she was quite excited when she got on the back of the eagle, but in fact, Huo Chenzhao wrapped her up so tightly that Tuanzi could not see anything, and everywhere he looked there was only darkness.

When we arrived at Prince Duan's Mansion, we didn't even light the lamp, so we just let it go in the dark. It was not fun at all.

Tuanzi was so disappointed that when he came back, he fell asleep directly.

Huo Chenzhao carefully held Xiaotuanzi in his arms, and when he was about to drop it, he vaguely saw a flash of light in the bushes.

That's the reflection of the weapon.

Huo Chenzhao's heart sank slightly, but he held Zhuzhu'er in his arms and did not chase her. He went back and put Zhuzhu down first.

After returning, he called Shen Lingjue and several others to gather together. Huo Chenzhao went out and walked around a lot, but found no one.

The person who hurt He Xingzhou before has never been found, so could it be this person?What does this person want to do?
Although it was unlikely to be an assassin, after all, the person who wanted to assassinate would not hurt a small person like He Xingzhou, but to be on the safe side, Huo Chenzhao still went back and informed Sheng Minglin. The two of them went over together and said to Uncle Xie, Tell them to be careful.

The Xie family does have masters, but today's masters are similar to guest ministers. They generally do not hold specific official positions except for being instructors. They are only invited to use them when necessary.

Uncle Xie invited people out and stepped up patrols.

Huo Chenzhao didn't sleep when he went back, so he meditated and listened. Within an hour, he heard a sound coming from afar.

Huo Chenzhao was afraid that he might lead the tiger away from the mountain, so he stood up and guarded Zhuzhu without passing by. After a while, the sound disappeared.

At dawn, Uncle Xie sent someone over to say something.

Their men found a man in black and fought with him. One of the masters stabbed the man in black, which seemed to have hurt his shoulder. However, the man in black used poisonous smoke, but he still ran away. .

This was a serious dereliction of duty. Uncle Xie was also scolded by Emperor Mingxi, but he was not removed from office.

It has been nearly ten days, and Zhuzhuer has begun to miss home.

Children are very interesting. Although their parents and brothers are all around them, sometimes they wilt when they think of their home place.

Emperor Mingxi had finished everything he needed to do, so he decided to leave on the tenth day of November, which was the day after tomorrow.

Before leaving, Emperor Mingxi once again gathered a large group of people to go hunting, still planning to come back in two or three days.

When Zhuzhuer heard that she was leaving, she was a little reluctant to leave the game venue, so Sheng Minglin made an appointment with a few more people, plus a few girls Zhuzhu remembered, to form a men's and women's team to play.

There were still a lot of people gathered around to watch.

Because this was the last chance for everyone, the young people were too eager to compete, so Sheng Minglin simply didn't get in, and everyone was new.

Shen Lingjue and the seventh prince were chatting with a group of warriors, while Sheng Minglin and others were sitting with the fourth prince.

The fourth prince whispered to them: "Around the year and the end of the year, I will take over Lian Yinzi's mission and build state-owned industries."

Cheng Chongjin was particularly sensitive to this kind of thing: "State-owned?" The fourth prince and the others also came up with the idea based on the book of later generations. Now the salt and iron government is run, and the sugar industry has become Lianlianyin. However, the demand for the sugar industry is huge. It is impossible to just make money to maintain integrity. We need to expand the scale and strengthen management and control. We can also leave it to the private sector as appropriate.

Secondly, what else is suitable for state-owned enterprises?
When he comes across something he likes and is good at, Cheng Chongjin's eyes are always bright, and he said: "It requires a lot of investment, and it is difficult for the private sector to do it, but it is important. If it is needed in the prosperous times, it can be done by the state."

Sheng Minglin asked: "For example?"

Cheng Chongjin said: "Qianzhuang? There are also medicines. I found some patent medicines..."

He paused midway and looked at Sheng Minglin apologetically. After all, Princess Duan's shop was quite profitable with medicine.

Sheng Minglin shook his head and said it didn't matter, and then he continued: "There are some patent medicines that folk pharmacies can't prepare at all, but they are very effective... Many doctors hold back their secret recipes and refuse to release them. Rich folk can't afford such medicines." A miracle doctor, but he really wants to buy it and can afford it..."

"Moreover, in fact, the state-owned enterprises do not need to have exclusive secret recipes. For example, when it comes to brewing wine, the private sector can do it, and the state-owned enterprises can also do it. As long as they are well controlled and do not buy or sell by force..."

Sheng Minglin said: "I also thought of something. The book mentioned at that time..."

He almost said, "There will be a state-owned enterprise in the future," but fortunately his mind moved quickly and he changed his mind midway: "There was a workshop where one-third of the employees were physically handicapped, but the work was very prosperous. At that time, they even painted. I took a closer look at the picture, and it was almost like, for example, those with disabled legs can do work with their hands, and those with disabled hands can use their feet... In fact, it does not delay the progress once it is done. State-owned enterprises can be used Such people can be considered doing good deeds.”

The fourth prince immediately thought: "Soldiers who have returned to their fields after being disarmed?"

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Cheng Chongjin couldn't help but feel excited. It was the feeling of meeting a lord and companion who share the same pursuit and bottom line.

He was even more excited and said loudly: "That's why state-owned enterprises can benefit the country and reduce its burden. The country will not forget any of the people of Dasheng, let alone the soldiers and generals who protect the country. If this is the case, Everything can be accomplished, and the soldiers will go into battle wearing armor and have nothing to worry about!"

The fourth prince smiled and patted his shoulder.

Several people kept talking.

Several young people not far away watched silently.

Because Cheng Chongjin was a little excited and made gestures from time to time, while the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin were elegant and calm, and it seemed as if they were both listening carefully to Cheng Chongjin's words.

Some people couldn't help but say sourly: "Young Master Cheng has turned around now."

"Indeed," someone said, "I heard that he has no literary talent and is only good at businessmanship. This is somewhat putting the cart before the horse."

The person who spoke before couldn't help but snorted: "What's so great about Cheng Chongjin, isn't it that he can make money? I don't like him even though he smells like copper."

When he got excited, his voice became louder, and the two people next to him quickly shushed him.

But at this moment, Zhuzhu had just jumped to the drawing grid. She was squatting on the ground with her hands on her chin, waiting for others to draw. She heard it immediately, turned around and retorted loudly: "You smell bad! You are so careless." Firewood doesn’t stink!!”

Although Sheng Minglin, the fourth prince, and Huo Chenzhao were talking to each other, they still paid some attention to Zhuzhu and walked this way without a moment's delay.

Those people were originally from obscure family backgrounds and were not very good themselves, so they tried their best to get in touch with them. They never expected that Zhuzhu would hear the small words they said behind their backs. She was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she hurriedly He bravely defended: "Your Highness heard wrongly, I am just talking about the boss of the house."

Even if he directly admitted his mistake, Tuanzi would not be happy. What's more, when he said "you are wrong", Tuanzi became anxious at that time: "Chai no! Zhuzhu Chai didn't hear wrong! You said 'Cheng, Chong, Jin'" Damn, this is a reputation for being careless! Zhuzhu heard it!!"

Those people knelt down as soon as their legs became weak and apologized again and again.


Make up for yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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