chapter 463

Cheng Chongjin reacted a little slower than Sheng Minglin and others, and came over quickly at this time. Hearing these words, he quickly squatted down and coaxed her softly: "Your Highness, don't be angry. It's not worth getting angry over a trivial matter."

Xiaotuanzi turned to look at him in surprise, his eyes widened: "But he called you smelly!"

Her eyes were filled with "How can I not be angry?"

Cheng Chongjin was amused by her expression and said, "It's okay, I'm not angry."

Tuanzi looked at him seriously for a while, then she suddenly thought of something, moved her little face closer to him, and coaxed him and said to him: "It's okay to be careless. If he scolds you, you will be angry! Are you okay?" Don't you know? It doesn't matter, Zhuzhu will teach you, don't be afraid when a bad guy scolds you, and don't cry, you can be angry! Because Guo Guo loves you, Guo Guo can protect you, Guo Guo can Play with you!"

She suddenly thought of something again and said, "You, don't you have a Guo Guo? No, Zhu Zhu can be a Guo Guo for you!"

Sheng Minglin was not in a hurry to speak. He originally wanted Zhuzhu to handle small things by himself, but he was stunned when he heard it.

He suddenly remembered the shitty Yu Muer brother and sister when he first came home.

It was only then that he discovered that at that time, Ding Dian Da Xiaotuanzi actually knew very well. She knew that Yu Muer was scolding her and bullying her. She would be afraid, sad, and endure it, but she didn't I know I can still be angry and resist, but I don’t know how to resist.

He was really lucky that at that time, he made the strongest and most determined resistance at that time, completely unintentionally, which gave Zhuzhu the confidence and also made Zhuzhu accidentally learn... It is okay to be angry at such a time , you can resist.

Adults always think that this is instinct and does not need to be learned, but it turns out that it is really necessary.

Sheng Minglin felt extremely happy and emotional in his heart, and felt an indescribable touch.

It's the kind where every ounce of love and every ounce of care I have for you can be seen blooming on your body like a flower, and passing on warmth like a fire.

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi, whom he had taught by words and deeds, took Cheng Chongjin's hand and told him: "He is a big bad guy. We won't play with him. Zhuzhu will play with you! If you are angry, tell him , you stink! Open your elbows!"

Many people couldn't help but burst into kind laughter. They thought this scene was really cute. The cute little dumpling was so cute even when he was angry.

But Xiaotuanzi was very serious, and Cheng Chongjin couldn't help but become serious. His eyes were wet, and he obediently let Xiaotuanzi lead the people closer, and said coldly: "You are the stinker, talking about people behind their backs, you have a bad mouth and a dark heart! Go away! Get away!"

Tuanzi nodded fiercely, and patted his knees with his little hands, praising him: "Careless Guoguo is great! You are a green cricket with a pendant and pendant!"

Sheng Minglin went over to pick up his sister and said calmly to those people: "Get up."

Then he said to the others: "No more fun today, let's go!"

Everyone did not dare to say anything more and dispersed one after another.

At this moment, neither Xu Wengong nor He Xingzhou came out. Several familiar people, including brothers Cheng Chongjin and Xu Jingyao and Wang Fengzhang, all followed them as if nothing had happened. Tang Shihua and Shen Lingjue were talking and followed without thinking. Tian Qiang After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and shamelessly followed.

Xu Chen, who was relatively familiar with the rest, hesitated again and again, but still didn't have the nerve to follow.

At this time, he didn't know that he would regret this for a long time in the future.

Sheng Minglin and the others walked away, and the few people kneeling on the ground slowly stood up.

The young man who was the first to speak, scolding Cheng Chongjin for his bad reputation, was named Sun Yinzhang. At this time, his face was red, full of embarrassment, and he walked out with his head down.

His mother is Princess Changshan.

Princess Changshan was the 13th daughter of Grandfather Taizu, but her mother died early, and her father was not very successful and was just a low-level military attaché. As a result, their lineage gradually declined. They were obviously relatives. Sheng Minglin wanted to call him cousin, but he ignored him at all. He only hung out with a group of courtiers' sons and bullied him as a slave for the sake of a bastard!
Sun Yinzhang was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Seeing that everyone seemed to be laughing at him, he didn't even eat, so he took his people out to hunt.

Here, Sheng Minglin hugged his sister and kissed her on the left and right for a long time. Finally, even Tuanzi, who was often kissed, couldn't bear it anymore and stretched out her little hands to push him away.When she saw Cheng Chongjin carrying Xiao Pangdun on his back, she pointed, "Zhu Zhu should also be carried on her back."

Sheng Minglin easily refused to carry her.

Because he is such a worry maniac and weak scholar, he cannot see when he is carrying her. Whenever she moves, he is worried that she will fall back and fall, so he will bend down very much if he wants to carry her. It doesn't matter at home, but outside , I still need a bit of a handsome young image.

So he looked back, Huo Chenzhao took a few steps forward, and Sheng Minglin put Zhuzhu on his back.

Then he couldn't help but turned around and quietly told the fourth prince his feelings.

The fourth prince looks tough and taciturn, but is actually very gentle to his own people. He is delicate and emotional at heart. He feels the same and can't help but sigh: "Sometimes I feel that adults are really stupid. They think that children don't understand anything. They are the ones who don't understand anything." , I feel that children know everything, and it’s them too.”

Shen Lingjue laughed at him softly: "Fourth brother is so cruel that he even scolds himself."

The fourth prince glanced sideways at him.

Shen Lingjue smiled and continued: "Anyway, I think Zhu Zhu'er knows everything, she just doesn't know how to speak."

"Yes," Cheng Chongjin said in a low voice: "Your Highness, you are really the smartest child in the world. He is not the kind of wisdom that has been contaminated by the world, but a kind of... innocent wisdom that cleanses the soul."

Sheng Minglin: "We are all common people."

Fourth Prince: "Indeed."

Huo Chenzhao listened to his brothers' boasts and silently moved away.

Zhuzhuer hung crookedly on his body, her little face tilted on his shoulder, her expression quite quiet, and she didn't notice what everyone was saying.

Huo Chenzhao turned his head and asked her softly: "What is Zhuzhu'er thinking about?"

Tuanzi said: "I think Zhuzhu Debt, why is making money smelly? Isn't making money good? Where is the smelly thing?"

Huo Chenzhao explained to her: "The term "copper smell" was originally used to ridicule some profit-seeking villains. Profit-seeking means only coveting money and other things, such as morality, family, friends, etc., and don't care. But later, whenever someone mentioned it, When it comes to businessmen, they will say that they are arrogant, these are just some fake noble people, standing and talking does not hurt their backs, Zhuzhuer does not need to pay attention to them. "

Tuanzi bit into the new words: "It doesn't hurt to stand and talk, what does that mean?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "You just get an advantage and still act nice."

Tuanzi: "What does it mean if you have to take advantage of others and still behave well?"

Huo Chenzhao finally discovered that not everyone can handle Zhuzhu's one hundred thousand whys.

He looked up at Sheng Minglin for help.

The others listened to his explanation to Zhuzhu and turned to listen. Sheng Minglin received the request and smiled: "Zhuzhu'er, for example, if Shanda Huahua is not yours, but belongs to the bad guy just now, the bad guy has Shanda." Huahua, you only have one puppy. The puppy doesn’t dare to fight with Shanda Huahua, but the bad guy said, let’s fight. A fight is only fair. I can’t win without fighting..."

Zhuzhu is a treasure with a particularly rich imagination. She immediately entered the situation and made her little fists clenched.

Sheng Minglin smiled, stretched out his hand, and pinched her little face: "Baby, this is called standing and talking without backache. This is getting an advantage and being obedient... He has already got the best, taking advantage of all, mouth. He still pretends that he didn’t take advantage of me, which is very hypocritical and a big bad guy.”

"It's the same even when he said that his brother was careless. In his heart, he actually envied him for his ability to make money, and he also envied him for winning the respect of his fourth brother with this. However, he didn't want to admit that he was useless and didn't have this ability, so he scolded him for being careless instead. Brother stinks."

(End of this chapter)

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