Chapter 464: Ten Bead-Loyal Ministers

Sheng Minglin hugged his sister back and concluded: "A good person knows that he is not as good as others, so he will study harder; and a bad guy, knowing that he is not as good as others, will slander others and say they are bad so that he can pretend to be himself." Not stupid; Zhuzhuer is a great person, and we need to make friends with great people and stay away from the bad guys. This is another new word, which is called friends of the same ideals and friends of comrades."

Tuanzi nodded suddenly and muttered a dozen times: "Comrades are friends! Comrades are friends! Comrades are friends! Comrades are friends!"

Sheng Minglin was so cute with her little breasts and voice, he smiled and kissed her little forehead.

Only then did Wang Fengzhang and others try to interject: "Are you going to do business?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and nodded. At this moment, the fourth prince suddenly turned around and asked a question seemingly unintentionally: "Suppose you are about to enter the officialdom at this time. You have two choices. One is to be an ordinary civil servant, and the other is to be a partial official." What will you choose among merchants?"

Although he didn't name anyone, everyone knew who he was asking.

When the would-be prince asked such a question, the four of them all froze.

The fourth prince's psychological tendencies were actually quite obvious, but lying to please him at this time was obviously unwise.

Tang Shihua spoke first and said with embarrassment: "I actually don't have the brains, but I think you are all good people. If you need me for anything and you like me, then I will work with you and do private work with you. If Not to mention becoming an official, I am willing to do so!"

The fourth prince raised his lips slightly but said nothing.

Xu Jingyao then said warmly: "Cousin, don't be offended. If there is such a choice, I may still prefer to follow the steps and take the civil service path. I am not very good at businessmanship, but more importantly, I need to be noble. reputation."

Because there were few people, what he said was actually very true.

He is a relative of the queen. They are generals but also relatives. They do not do things as they please. Therefore, the safest way for Xu Jingyao is to be a noble civil servant step by step and not to do anything too out of the ordinary.

Wang Fengzhang continued: "If you ask me, I am more inclined to be a merchant. In fact, before I met you, Jing Yao and I may have made the same choice, but now that I have met you! I often think about those people who despise Are the ideas of merchants necessarily right? I don’t think so! I think the way of merchants will have great potential in the future!”

"I'm still young. Who doesn't want to make contributions and leave a name in history? I don't want to see my own path decades from now at a glance! Therefore, I really want to work with His Highness and Minglin Tao Zhu to change the world's perspective. , I am relying on you for this big thing! No matter what you do, you must take me with you!"

His eyes are bright and his smile is easy.

Wang Fengzhang looks lively and out-of-the-box, but he is actually a very smart and perceptive person, and his words are also very beautiful.

Sheng Minglin looked at him with a smile.

The fourth prince also smiled.

Then Tian Gang said softly: "Your Highness, I am not a smart person. When I make choices, sometimes I don't think too much about what I 'want' to do, but more about what I 'can' do and what I can control." What... I'm quite good at arithmetic, and I'm also somewhat good at all kinds of trivial matters and overall planning, so I think I can be of some help in the business world, and I'm willing to do my best for His Highness."

A person like Tian Gang who has no obvious wealth and lacks confidence, usually speaks in a reserved manner. Since he says he is good at it, he must be very good at it.The fourth prince said solemnly: "What you know how to do is actually more important than what you want to do."

Sheng Minglin also comforted him with a smile: "Sometimes what you are good at is actually because you like it. If you have something you are good at when you don't have many choices, you are very smart."

Tian Gang smiled gratefully.

Originally, this topic was over, but when the fourth prince raised his eyes, he found that Xiaotuanzi was looking at him with wide eyes, eager to try on her little face. Apparently she thought she also needed to answer this question, so she was waiting in line.

The fourth prince's steady voice immediately raised his voice: "Now it's Zhuzhuer's turn to say, does Zhuzhuer prefer to be a civil servant or a businessman?"

Tuanzi straightened his back immediately and said confidently: "Zhuzhuchai doesn't want to be a civil servant! Because Zhuzhu doesn't study, and Zhuzhu can't!"

Then he added: "Of course Zhuzhu will be Aunt Shang, Aunt Shang can earn a lot of silver! Zhuzhu will earn a lot of silver! Then she won't be unable to afford uncle's clothes!"

The fourth prince smiled and said: "But Zhuzhu, the fourth brother is not asking about the kind of businessmen like your mother, but the kind of businessmen who serve as loyal ministers to the emperor's uncle. They make money and use it for the court and the country, but they cannot Give it to Zhuzhuer for her own use, not to buy clothes."

Tuanzi looked at him in great surprise: "Zhuzhu sent a lot of money, but Zhuzhu can't use it?"

"Yes," the fourth prince patiently explained: "Look at these high officials and loyal ministers, what they do every day is actually the country's affairs and the people's affairs, not their own affairs. Therefore, Zhu If Zhu wants to be a loyal minister and earn money for the country, then he cannot use the money he earns."

Sheng Minglin helped explain with a smile: "Zhuzhu, do you understand what it means to earn money for the country? It see, in our family, my mother earns money, and my father also earns wages. The money they earn is used to support our family." Everyone, my brother and Zhuzhu, every brother, every servant... In short, everyone in this family is raised by my parents."

"The same principle applies to making money for the country. You see, all the people we see, such as the brothers in front of us, and the farmers we see working in the fields when we go out to play, carrying burdens and pushing The street vendors, the scholars walking on the street, the children, the elderly, the beggars... all of them are the citizens of this country."

"From a small point of view, the money they earn supports their own families. But from a big point of view, the country supports them. As long as the loyal ministers can do their jobs well, their lives will be better."

"What does better mean? For example, he worked for the same day and originally received ten cents. Later, he got twenty cents. This is called becoming 'better'. The money he earned , it was enough for the family to drink porridge, eat half full, and work despite being hungry... Later, everyone in the family was able to eat, which is also called "better". In other words, they never had to eat. When you are full, when you are full, then when you are well fed, it is getting better and better. From having no clothes to wear, to having clothes to wear, to wearing warm clothes, it is getting better and better... Zhuzhu'er, do you understand?"

Tuanzi's eyes widened, he digested for a long time, and then nodded: "Zhuzhu understands! If Zhuzhu is a loyal minister, if he is tired of it, everyone can have enough to eat! If Zhuzhu is a loyal minister, if he is tired of it, everyone can You can just eat and have some snacks, right?"

Sheng Minglin praised her: "Zhu Zhu'er is so smart! That's what I mean!"

He kissed her wildly: "Brother's precious Zhuzhu'er, how can he be so smart! It's so wonderful!"

Tuanzi's ears turned red in embarrassment: "Zhuzhu, it's a little better, but Zhuzhu hasn't really worked yet! He hasn't made any money! When Zhuzhu grows up, he will give it to Uncle Huang and Si Guo Guo, be a loyal businessman and make money for the country! Let everyone eat and eat! Eat snacks!!"

Before she finished speaking, a ding sound suddenly came from Zhu Zhuer's mind. It was different from the past. The lingering sound lasted for several seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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