Chapter 465 How generous the reward can be

Immediately, a mechanical sound automatically sounded: "Ding! The National Games Line has been opened."

Tuanzi touched his head strangely: "Huh?"

Tongtong was clearly not breathing, but he let out a gasp: "Ahhhhhh!! Oh my god, my god, my god!! Host, host, host!! You actually opened the National Destiny Line in advance! You are only three and a half years old. Ah!! Let me see...the political idea is initially taking shape? Wow, host, you are so awesome!"

For the first time, Tuanzi didn't say "Yes, Zhuzhu is great," mainly because she didn't understand it well.

Sheng Minglin stopped talking after hearing her sigh. He was about to ask what was wrong. When Zhuzhu touched her little head, he suddenly guessed something and stopped asking.

So a few people returned to the tent first.

I had been playing games for a long time, and not long after I sat down, it was lunch time.

Sheng Minglin didn't leave anyone behind, so Cheng Chongjin and others wisely left without staying for lunch.

Sheng Minglin quickly asked Zhuzhu.

Tuanzi told him in a low voice, and Sheng Minglin carried Zhuzhu'er into the tent, took a look at it himself, and then, he also froze.

He has a very good memory, and of course he remembers that the system said that the current national defense line and group pet line are actually only in the preliminary stage and not officially opened at all.

Only after Zhuzhu comes, will Zhuzhu be asked to do complex tasks and at the same time open the national destiny line.

However, the system also said that if Zhuzhu accidentally opened the National Luck Line before, the reward would be extremely generous.

He always thought that the national destiny line refers to the "national destiny". For example, the promotion of high-yielding new grains such as potatoes and sweet potatoes can increase the national destiny. Unexpectedly, Zhuzhu's important growth stage can activate the national destiny line?

Besides, what does it mean to take initial shape of a political idea?

Zhuzhu doesn’t even know what politics is, okay!

She just happened to catch up with everyone talking about this, and now that she was talking, she came up with this idea. Whether it would change or not, she didn't even know.

Therefore, it also proves that the detection mechanism of this system is actually somewhat inaccurate.

But so what, you can start harvesting wool after turning it on.

The reward was extremely generous... He really wanted to see how generous the reward could be.

You know, the national protection line has been selected to have "one year of good weather and good harvests" before. Is it possible that the national luck line can also be selected to have ten years of good weather and good harvests?
He is looking forward to it.

The fourth prince is also looking forward to it.

Because they were looking forward to it so much, neither of them was willing to smoke. They planned to wait for Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan to come back and lend him a little blessing of imperial luck, coupled with Zhuzhu's own auspiciousness, to see if they could draw the best one. .

Because of this, several people were in a good mood.

When Zhuzhuer woke up from her nap, Sheng Minglin was still interested and wanted to go hunting with everyone.

You’re here, but if you don’t experience it, isn’t it equivalent to missing an experience?
So, including Tuanzi, we put on full outfits and went out to play.

You can't take Shanda Huahua with you when hunting, otherwise you won't be able to hunt. Shanda Weifeng followed Emperor Mingxi and others to play, so they had no choice but to go out on their own.

Shen Lingjue really knew how to hunt, even the fourth prince Huo Chenzhao was not as good as him, so he didn't even have fun with it, he just walked around the place, teaching this and that. Others said it was fine, but Tuanzi's small bow was really too small. In order to flick the arrow out for her "quietly", my fingers were sore from flicking it.

But everyone had a great time, especially the weak siblings Sheng Minglin and Zhuzhu, who were all immersed in the joyful feeling of "I am a sharp archer" and couldn't extricate themselves.

The arrow is in vain and so on, is this me?
Yes!That's right!
This is me!Great for me! !The brother and sister were extremely happy, blowing rainbow farts to each other, and others couldn't help but smile while listening to the chattering of the dumplings.

At this moment, Huo Chenzhao suddenly said: "Hush!"

Everyone was silent. He listened intently. Shen Lingjue also realized something and suddenly fell to the ground and put his ear to it.

The next moment, he turned over and jumped up, and looked at Huo Chenzhao.

Then he looked around, picked up the dumplings in one hand, and waved at the same time. Everyone quickly followed him. After walking a short distance, Shen Lingjue picked up Sheng Minglin and put him on a tree, and then put the fourth prince down as well. He came up and put Zhuzhu into the fourth prince's arms, and pulled the vines around a few times to prevent them from falling.

While saying: "It's okay, a few wolves are here, don't scare Zhuzhu."

He took the fourth prince's bow and arrow, and at the same time found places to ambush with the seventh prince and Huo Chenzhao. Huo Chenzhao also made a gesture towards them, meaning don't worry, it can be done.

The non-expert Sheng Minglin and the ordinary expert Fourth Prince looked at each other.

They thought that Zhuzhu's auspiciousness would bring them peace, but they didn't expect that Zhuzhu's auspiciousness could attract more prey, wolves!Isn’t it too outrageous in broad daylight?
But with the skills of the three of them, they should be able to handle it. If they are not in danger, it will still be very auspicious.

Only Zhuzhu, still immersed in the dream of a sharp archer, couldn't accept the reality. She took a small bow and compared it: "Zhuzhu, can't you help?"

After she finished speaking, she felt that she might not be able to help, so she asked again: "Help, a small favor?"

The fourth prince smiled and said, "Your brother is a little scared. Zhu Zhu'er will accompany him, okay?"

Sheng Minglin looked at him: "...???"

I never expected that you would be such a fourth brother.

Tuanzi quickly caught the step and threw himself into his brother's arms: "Well, then, Zhuzhu will accompany Guo Guo."

As he spoke, he could feel the fishy wind.

Sometimes the sense of intimidation brought about by such wild animals is an instinct and is not controlled by reason at all.

Anyway, Sheng Minglin felt that his hair was standing on end, and his hands holding Zhuzhu became tighter and tighter. Zhuzhu didn't know that wolves were scary, but she was frightened by the attitudes of her brothers. Her little body shivered and she didn't dare to look back.

Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince were quite excited. If an ordinary hunter encountered something like a wolf pack, it would be a fatal situation, but for them, neither long-range attack nor hand-to-hand combat was too dangerous.

So, while Sheng Minglin was trying to figure out which wolf was the first according to the legend, he heard two whooshing sounds, and two arrows shot out almost at the same time, hitting the forehead of the wolf behind him. The wolf hissed and rolled down.

Shen Lingjue clicked his tongue, obviously disgusted that the Seventh Prince wanted to compete with him.

Sheng Minglin was quite surprised and whispered to the fourth prince: "So isn't the alpha wolf at the forefront?"

The fourth prince also whispered back: "Wolves are very smart. They have tactics for attacking. The alpha wolf is probably commanding from behind."

While the two were talking, Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince were jumping around, scrambling for the first place, and shooting arrows out. Huo Chenzhao was as calm as ever, skimming the formation from a distance for the two of them, picking up any empty arrows. He threw it back to them when he had the chance. When a wolf that couldn't take care of it pounced on him, he took the opportunity to add another arrow.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but admire him, and Tuanzi couldn't help turning his head quietly, taking a peek, and then he took a look.

Because they won easily, even though the wolves were fierce, they didn't look scary. Instead, they looked like a few beautiful boys flying around, looking extremely cool.

Tuanzi: "Wow!!"

(End of this chapter)

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