Chapter 466 The Young Ancestor of the General’s Family

Just half an hour ago.

At the gate, Sun Yinzhang swept away the depression before leaving and returned with a wolf cub in his arms.

The wolf cub is still very small and has no teeth yet. It has a round head and a round head, and has wet eyes. It is very cute.

He hugged the little wolf cub directly, arrived in front of Jiang Mingyue's tent, and called: "Princess! Is the little princess here?"

Jiang Mingyue opened the curtain and came out, her skirt fluttering: "Mr. Sun, it's you, what's wrong?"

Sun Yinzhang took a step forward with a smile and said: "I caught a wolf cub! Aren't you envious that Sheng Mingzhu raised a big white tiger? So I caught it for you. It's so small, can be raised well, and is more loyal than a dog. , and smarter than a dog! Just keep it for fun."

Jiang Mingyue's eyes fell on the wolf cub, with some disgust in her eyes.

It's just a gray wild wolf that can be found everywhere. How can it compare with a divine tiger?
She said softly: "This is not good. It is so young and it would be too cruel to leave its parents."

Sun Yinzhang was a little disdainful.

He shot the mother wolf to death before getting the cub back, but he was afraid of scaring her, so he quickly said: "No, I saw the mother wolf seemed to be bitten to death by something, so I rescued it. Here it is for you." I raise it to save its life. A little girl’s family is still suitable for raising such a small thing, a sacred tiger or something, it sounds nice, there is nothing that a daughter’s family should touch, and she is not afraid that one day she will become wild. …”

He shook his head and didn't say any more.

Jiang Mingyue didn't know what she thought of, her eyes flashed, she nodded, took the little wolf, and gave him a shy look: "Thank you then."

Sun Yinzhang was so shocked by her sight that he almost froze: "You're welcome."

He stuttered and said: "I'll take you over there to see if there's anything you can feed it."

Jiang Mingyue hesitated for a moment, then nodded, so she took two maids and the group went slowly.


Shen Lingjue and the others quickly killed all the wolves. Huo Chenzhao turned around a few times and after hearing that there was indeed no fish that had slipped through the net, he came up and picked up Zhuzhu and the others.

Zhuzhu didn't look scary at first, but when she came down, she saw that every wolf's head was bleeding, and its fur was dyed red. It was also bleeding on the grass and ground. She became frightened again, covered her head, and jumped in. In my brother's arms.

Sheng Minglin quickly hugged her and walked away.

Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince jumped back and forth, counting who could shoot more. They couldn't transport so many wolves back, so Huo Chenzhao stood on the top of the tree and roared several times.

They were not far away when they came out. After a while, a group of guards came running over. They thought they were in danger and asked for help. But when they arrived, they saw that a few half-year-old children had killed more than a dozen big wolves. They couldn't help but praise them again and again. Quickly lend a hand and get the wolf back.

Second Uncle Xie took over the guard job now, thinking that someone was in danger, so he was waiting at the door.

From a distance, he first saw so many people resisting the wolf, and he was startled, thinking it must be a hard fight. But when he looked again, he saw Sheng Minglin holding Zhuzhu behind him.

Uncle Xie was so frightened that his heart almost stopped. He ran up and asked repeatedly: "Are you okay? Is Zhuzhu okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Sheng Minglin said quickly: "Uncle, don't worry, we are not injured."

Uncle Xie was a little reassured, and looked at Zhuzhu's shoulders again: "Zhuzhu'er isn't scared, is she?"

Tuanzi was actually a little scared, but he was very stubborn and shook his head: "Zhuzhu Chai is not afraid, Zhuzhu is brave! Zhuzhu will be a tiger girl."

"Oh, little ancestor," Uncle Xie saw his niece's face turning pale, and he quickly hugged her over, rubbing her and shaking her, feeling extremely distressed: "Don't talk about the tiger girl in general, even if he encounters such wolves, he himself, It's scary enough. Second uncle, give me a hug, but don't scare the soul out of my baby."

Others also asked: "Why did we encounter a wolf in broad daylight?"

"That's right. It's so close to the camp and so popular. Why would the wolf come here?"

Before he finished speaking, the soldier suddenly saw something and said repeatedly: "General, general, general..."

Uncle Xie was not angry: "What's your name?"

As he said that, he looked over there, and his face turned dark.

Not far away, a man and a woman were standing together talking. The girl was clearly holding a wolf cub in her arms.

Among the uncles in the Xie family, Uncle Xie had been in the army for many years and had the hottest temper. At that time, his eyes bulged and he said angrily: "Where did you get this wolf cub?"

Sun Yinzhang was startled, turned around and saw it was him, and smiled quickly: "Thank you, Sir, I just caught this on the mountain."

Uncle Xie was furious and said angrily: "Are you a fool? Wolves are the most vengeful beasts. Are you going to pick up someone else's cub? Aren't you afraid of attracting the wolves?"

Sun Yinzhang was stunned for a moment before saying: "No, it's a lone female wolf. I have already killed the female wolf."

Uncle Xie was immediately laughed out of anger.

Even if a female wolf with her cubs is injured, she will be protected by the wolf pack. Especially when winter is about to begin and food is getting scarce, she is rarely left alone... and will only come out to play for short distances.So you kill someone's wife and take away their cubs. No wonder the wolves can't even wait until night and come out to look for her!
Uncle Xie was too lazy to explain. He looked at him and said coldly: "I will report the matter to the emperor truthfully."

Sun Yinzhang was shocked and frightened. All the anger in the morning had been accumulated at this time. He couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Master Xie, what do you mean? We are all out hunting. Why can others hunt but not me? He is famous all over the world. The Xie family, can they only flatter others and suppress others?"

Uncle Xie said coldly: "No one else will bring such a big danger back!!"

Sun Yinzhang said proudly: "If you want to impose a crime, there is no need to hesitate! If it was Sheng Minglin who did such a thing, I don't believe you would still behave like this!"

Sheng Minglin: "...???"

He really has nothing to say, what does it have to do with me! !

I stood here and said nothing!Why should you use me as an example?

Tuanzi was originally frightened by his second uncle's anger, but when he heard him calling his brother's name, he suddenly became frightened again.

But he stared with a ferocious expression, and Xiaotuanzi was frightened back when he was about to say something. He swallowed, turned around and whispered: "Qi Guo Guo!!"

I have to say that the little doll really has the intuition of a small animal and knows when to ask for help.

When she called others, they hesitated. She called the Seventh Prince. The Seventh Prince came over and kicked Sun Yinzhang to the ground without saying a word. When he fought back, he took the dumpling back and asked her: "How far did it go?" ?”

Even the angry Uncle Xie was stunned.

Sheng Minglin quickly stepped forward, grabbed the seventh prince, and helped Sun Yinzhang up.

When Shen Lingjue met the Seventh Prince, he immediately became trustworthy. He took a step forward and said, "Who are you? You made a mistake, you kept talking, and you dragged Minlin into the water. What does this have to do with us?" Huh? Do you know that we are the victims! If we hadn’t been so skilled and encountered so many wolves and were injured at 01:30, it would have been you!"

Sun Yinzhang turned to look at him, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "No wonder! No wonder Mr. Xie is so anxious, it turns out it was you who met him!"

Jiang Mingyue pulled his sleeves twice from behind, but he didn't respond. Jiang Mingyue had no choice but to quickly move to the front and said, "Your Highness, the Crown Prince, Mr. Xie, this little girl really doesn't know the inside story about this matter. Please don’t be offended.”

She was standing behind her just now, but Sheng Minglin didn't pay attention. When she came out, she realized it was Jiang Mingyue again and frowned.


Additional update with 2900 five-star reviews.

I saw someone mention it, let me explain again. This article is a daily article, and the timeline is very slow. I often write several chapters for one day, so it feels like it has been a long time. In fact, the timeline in the article has not changed much. .Moreover, Zhuzhuer will not grow up, and she will still be a little baby at the end of writing~~ It is a true and cute article, never adulterated O(∩_∩)O
The following are some fragmentary thoughts of the author. They are completely random chats and have nothing to do with Wenwen. You don’t need to read them.

I wrote about the plot of setting up the throne and chatted a few words.

Speaking of emperors, there is a common joke that although Li Shimin is a walking Jack Su with outstanding military capabilities, he is "Emperor Wen".

The same goes for Zhu Di. His reputation as the great magician of the wind system is too great. After he ascended the throne, he went on personal expeditions five times, so he was often ridiculed as Ming Renzong's general who conquered the north. In fact, his ability to govern was not weak, and he was also very involved in government affairs during his expeditions. He never made a big deal, he had countless shortcomings but he was an excellent emperor.

The prototype of the eldest prince is indeed Ming Renzong, and I really didn't want him to ascend the throne.

I am a narrow-minded history buff. I only talk about my preferences, which may not be correct. Don’t take pictures of me. Don’t take pictures of me...

Renzong had a very important temple title. He had a good relationship with the scholar-bureaucrats, and the scholar-bureaucrats had the right to speak, so he became "Renzong".

But I personally feel that the governing philosophies of Ming Renzong and Zhu Di are really opposite. Ming Renzong is benevolent, but there are some benevolent policies in his policies, such as pardoning Jianwen's old ministers, stopping the large-scale use of troops during Yongle, increasing cabinet power, etc... Carefully review The quality is quite subtle.

Zhu Di seized the throne of Emperor Jianwen, and as soon as he ascended the throne, he pardoned Jianwen's old ministers;

Increasing cabinet power means reducing imperial power. Reducing imperial power is not necessarily a bad thing, but do officials think you are "benevolent" because of the general trend of the world, or do they think you are "benevolent" because they have gained power?
In short, I don't like Ming Renzong very much.Fortunately, his reign was short, otherwise he might have moved the capital back.

However, some people say that he has been a prince for 20 years and finally succeeded in ascending the throne. He is a man of great wisdom. If he has been in power longer, he will definitely be able to create a prosperous age... Maybe, but I still don't like him very much, so I Create a more ideal heir.

The fourth prince has no prototype, he just wants someone who has the same governing philosophy and a bodhisattva-like heart to succeed him.

→There is no peace and marriage of the Han Dynasty, no alliance of the Tang Dynasty, no thin coins of the Song Dynasty, and no courtesy of brothers and enemies.

→The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country.

Who among the Chinese people can’t get excited when reading these sentences?

I just hope that this kind of strength can last to the end.

Let Zhuzhuer give them more money, food and confidence ()
(End of this chapter)

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