Chapter 467
Jiang Mingyue's eyes reddened anxiously, and she continued pleadingly: "But Mr. Sun also made an unintentional mistake. Now that things have happened, the little girl happened to be in the right situation and boldly asked him for a favor. After all, they are relatives. Why bother to hurt your feelings over a trivial matter?"

The focus of this sentence is relatives. Sheng Minglin did notice it and said in surprise: "Uncle, who is he?"

Uncle Xie said, "You don't know him? He is the only son of Princess Changshan."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows, and when he looked at Sun Yinzhang again, he turned away with red eyes, a wronged and stubborn expression.

Sheng Minglin: "...???"

What does this mean?He really has nothing to say.

He still had some impression of his face. He went to the restaurant last time.

However, who doesn't know that this is the first time that Sheng Minglin has officially come out to socialize?
Isn't it normal that he doesn't recognize him?Would you mind introducing yourself?

The situation is stronger than the person. As Prince Duan's Crown Prince, he is very popular. Even if he pretends not to know you, if you have any ambition to make progress, don't you have to pretend to be confused and introduce yourself as if nothing happened?

As a result, he just stood in the crowd that day, neither standing out nor looking for a topic to talk about. He only introduced his father's name... Grandfather Taizu had more than a dozen daughters, and many of his consorts were commoners who had not entered the official career. Why do you need to remember so many consort names?
So Sun Yinzhang's brain circuit is really strange. Why didn't he say Princess Changshan when he introduced himself?
Did he still expect that after he said his father's name, Sheng Minglin would immediately come forward enthusiastically and say, ah, it turns out he is his cousin. How disrespectful? ?
Are you taking yourself too seriously?Cousin, not all of these things are valuable.

Just like now, Jiang Mingyue has handed the ladder up, and if you don't catch it quickly, you still show off your wronged behavior. What's the matter, do you still want me to coax you?
Sheng Minglin was really speechless about this kind of "integrity". Maybe such a big child just has too much face, right?

But after seeing many young men from aristocratic families like Xu Jingyao and Wang Fengzhang who are smart and know how to advance and retreat, he really doesn't appreciate this kind of people. In his opinion, this is because he is not clear-headed, not to mention being perfunctory, and he is simply afraid to avoid them.

So Sheng Minglin didn't answer directly and said, "Uncle, I'm going to take Zhuzhu back first. Let's wait until Uncle Huang comes back to talk about everything."

Uncle Xie responded.

Sheng Minglin and his party left directly.

Jiang Mingyue's heart sank, and the handkerchief in her hand was twisted up.

Sun Yinzhang was shocked and angry. His hands were shaking with anger. He looked at their backs, waved his hands and left after a long while.

Jiang Mingyue was anxious to death.

She is not stupid. In this kind of winter hunting ground, where the elders and family members are all there, it is nothing to collect one person's small prey. But if this matter becomes a big deal, her reputation will also be affected!

Everyone would say that she was a beauty who caused Sun Yinzhang to make a big mistake!
She hadn't realized before that Sun Yinzhang was so stupid!

They are obviously relatives!Obviously all it takes is a smile and a few words of begging to solve it! !
Yes, Princess Changshan is dead, but dead people are the least valuable and the most valuable. As long as you say it, how can Sheng Minglin insist on pursuing it?Unless he doesn't want to be famous anymore!
But now that the matter was over, Jiang Mingyue could only thank her second uncle with tears in her eyes for blessing her, and then left in a hurry.

At noon the next day, Emperor Mingxi and his party came back.

Wu Anbo quickly went over to ask for a meeting and explained the matter before everyone else.

Emperor Mingxi didn't take it seriously. This matter had nothing to do with Jiang Mingyue, and he would not punish Jiang Mingyue for it.

In his opinion, even if Jiang Mingyue persuaded him to find the wolf cub, he would only punish Sun Yinzhang because he was stupid!If you don’t know what you should do or shouldn’t do, you should be punished!
After Wu Anbo left, Emperor Mingxi quickly asked someone to pass on Zhuzhu and asked her if she was scared.He called Uncle Xie in again and asked about it. After listening to Uncle Xie's words, Mingxi started to get annoyed.

What annoys the most is this kind of person who dares to act recklessly without knowing anything, and thinks he is extraordinarily brave when he gets into trouble!

He always had a strategic plan every step of the way in battles, but in the end, some people always felt it was unnecessary. The most annoying thing was that after they finally won, they still felt that it was their bravery that won the battle, and even flattering him was pointless.

Get angry just thinking about it!
So he was going to call Sun Yinzhang over and scold him.

Prince Duan and his family arrived first.

Another day passed, and Zhuzhu had long forgotten about that matter, and opened her hands very happily: "Uncle Huang, Zhuzhu wants to be a loyal minister to the businessman!!"

"Good boy," Emperor Mingxi caught her and said, "Zhuzhu can be a loyal minister if she wants to be."

Prince Duan had just heard Sheng Minglin talk about the opening of the National Destiny Line, and he came over to him and whispered in his ear.

Zhuzhu quickly helped and covered Emperor Mingxi's other ear. He used both hands to avoid covering it tightly. Prince Duan also saw it while he was talking. His expression suddenly became serious and he immediately used both hands to hug him. Talk into his ear.

Emperor Mingxi's ears were itched by the hot air, and he endured it silently, but he also became excited when he heard it, and he immediately felt like returning home, thinking of going back to the palace to draw a lottery.

Prince Duan finally finished speaking, put down his hand and said, "I don't know what it will be."

Emperor Mingxi certainly understood what his brother meant.

Because Zhuzhu doesn't understand this, for Zhuzhu, a ton of potatoes is probably not as good as a plate of snacks. She has no concept in her mind, so she has to give her an idea first in order to maximize the benefits of the system. .

So Emperor Mingxi said: "Well, the most urgent task now is the border. We must put Mobei down first before we can think about other things with peace of mind."

"Yes!" Prince Duan said: "When there is a war, everything is lacking! Food! War horses! Armor!"

You must know that for a war, the normal configuration of the cavalry is one person and three horses, one each for war horse, riding horse, and pack horse. The forage supply alone is not a small number.

What is fodder?The fodder is hay + concentrate, and the concentrate is bean cake, wheat, etc. If you don't eat well or you don't feel full, you will lose your chain immediately. After all, horses don't know how to be loyal and patriotic!
Moreover, the army goes ahead without moving the grain and grass. The more grain and grass there are, the more people are needed to transport them. The process of transporting grain also consumes a lot of money. As the saying goes, transporting grain thousands of miles will not save one out of ten. This is another difficult task.

So fighting is too expensive.

Sheng Minglin and the Fourth Prince sat aside and listened quietly to their conversation.

Sheng Minglin discovered that his father was really a good logistician. He had never officially been on the battlefield, but when he talked about fighting, he spoke of every detail, including the specific figures. It was really admirable.

He was aroused to be competitive and glanced at the fourth prince, meaning, I am about to open the book, I must be better than my father! !
The fourth prince smiled and said nothing.

After all, he is not the God of War Emperor, and he does not know how to fight. Sheng Minglin did not experience these things personally.

(End of this chapter)

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