Chapter 468: Those in power are all fools

Because these words were essentially meant for Zhuzhu to hear, they both said them in a simple and interesting way, and from time to time they would tell a short story to deepen their memory.

Tuanzi's little head turned around, looking at this and that, listening with great interest, and he never forgot to cover Uncle Huang's ears.

Several people kept talking, but no one remembered Sun Yinzhang outside.

When Sun Yinzhang came, he was full of panic and fear. The longer he waited, the more desperate he became. Especially when he found out that Prince Duan and his family were inside, his despair was mixed with countless resentments.

It was just an honest mistake on his part, but they refused to let it go. Over such a long period of time, they didn't know how much they had caused trouble!There was no regard for family ties at all.

Is it because his mother died early?

Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan talked for half an hour in one breath and still didn't finish their thoughts.

In fact, Emperor Mingxi lacked everything and wanted everything, but the top priority at the moment was war. As for people's livelihood, weren't the harvested potatoes and one hundred tons of sweet potatoes still useless?
I'm not in a hurry, mainly because I'm afraid Tuanzi won't be able to remember it if I talk too much.

So he stopped talking and Prince Duan went back to sit down. Only then did Zhuzhu let go and asked Emperor Mingxi for credit: "You guys have been talking for so long, Zhuzhu's arms are sore!"

Emperor Mingxi quickly took her two chubby arms into his hands and squeezed them slowly: "Thank you for your hard work, Zhuzhu. Fortunately, Zhuzhu helped us cover it, otherwise it would have come out from the ears."

Tuanzi smiled proudly and raised her chin: "Just a few Zhuzhu! Uncle Huang's big punch is not enough, so I help him cover it. He can't get out of the room with his words." Her little hand was on his A circle was drawn on his forehead: "Just think about it slowly!"

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

He looked at her sideways and emphasized: "We have a lot of great wisdom! So much! It's enough!!"

Tuanzi's eyes widened: "But you just said, ah, it's like this? Oh, it can still be like this?" She studied seriously for a long time: "You are old at this! You don't understand a few things!"

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

Isn’t this just to play with your father? !
Didn’t your father say that too?Why don't you talk about your father?

Emperor Mingxi asked her in a brotherly manner: "How smart is your father?"

Tuanzi thought for a moment, smiled silly at his father, turned back, and whispered to him: "Not much!"

Emperor Mingxi laughed loudly, and then he said to her: "Zhuzhu'er, have you forgotten that we are the Lord of Ming? The great wisdom of Lord Ming is a greater wisdom that children cannot see, so Ming Ming The Lord’s great wisdom must be the greatest in the world. If you don’t believe it, ask your father and your brother.”

Tuanzi looked at her father and brother.

Prince Duan never joked about such critical matters. A king must be supreme. He immediately smiled and said: "Zhu Zhu'er, your uncle is right!"

Sheng Minglin naturally said: "Yes, that's it."

Tuanzi believed it, nodded, and looked at him with a "So that's it" look on his face...

Seeing that the topic here came to an end, Zheng Zhongshun took the opportunity to report that Sun Yinzhang had arrived.

Emperor Mingxi didn't take it seriously and called him in.

Sheng Minglin cooled the water and walked over and handed it to Zhuzhu. Zhuzhu was also thirsty, so she held it with both hands and drank most of the bottle in one breath.

Sun Yinzhang came in from outside, knelt down with a bang, saluted, and shouted with red eyes: "Sinner Sun Yinzhang, pay homage to your majesty, long live your majesty! Long live your majesty!!"

Tuanzi was startled by his sudden movements and loud voice. The cup dropped with a bang, splashing water on Emperor Mingxi's sleeve.

Zheng Zhongshun was also frightened. He let out an ouch and quickly wanted to go forward and wipe him.Emperor Mingxi was already angry and ignored him. He looked at the people below him with cold eyes.

He meets countless people a day, how can we not see that he is angry?
He felt that he had been wronged, so he called himself a sinner out of anger, and even deliberately gave generous gifts. But Emperor Mingxi had a strong and decisive temper, so how could he fall for this trick?

Wolves always live in packs. They are extremely smart and vindictive. Even old hunters dare not provoke them easily. It is not that you are not allowed to kill wolves, but if you kill the mother wolf and take away the cubs when the situation is unclear, if it is true It was not easy to attract a pack of wolves to attack at night and sneak into the camp, killing several people in the tent.

Just like that, he still thinks he is right?Do you think you are not a sinner?Feel wronged?Are you still embarrassed to be angry?
Emperor Mingxi said nothing.

After a while, Sun Yinzhang realized that he was starting to get scared. He finally couldn't help it, secretly raised his eyes and took a look. Then he felt cold and fell down suddenly.

He really couldn't bear the silence, so he lay on the ground and cried: "Your Majesty, I really didn't mean it. It was Princess Yongping who had been saying that she was envious of His Highness's divine tiger, saying that she could have one too. She had been talking for a long time. , so when I saw the wolf cub, I wanted to catch it for her. I thought it was a lone one, but I didn’t expect that there were still wolves in the pack..."

Sheng Minglin listened calmly.

No matter what Jiang Mingyue was like, what he said was definitely shocking. He was stupid and irresponsible, and he would blame the woman for everything whenever he got into trouble.

He was talking incoherently, and Sheng Minglin suddenly felt something in his heart and said, "What else did she say?"

Sun Yinzhang was stunned, "Wha, what?"

Sheng Minglin asked: "Princess Yongping, Jiang Mingyue, what else did she say?"

Sun Yinzhang didn't know why he asked, but he was very happy that he paid attention to Jiang Mingyue and couldn't wait to say: "She said that the divine tiger is so tall and mighty, why would he regard a young child as his master? She also said that your highness Cute and soft animals should like rabbits, and tigers should be given to war gods like the emperor and General Xie. She also said that Prince Duan is a man of great wisdom and really dotes on his daughter. She also said that the little princess is auspicious, who If you don’t favor me, who doesn’t like me... He also said that even a bastard like Cheng Chongjin and a low-ranking official like He Xingzhou can win the favor of His Highness. I am a relative with both civil and military skills, so Your Highness will definitely like me..."

Sheng Minglin listened quietly.

He was sure that Jiang Mingyue was hostile to Zhuzhu!

She hinted that Zhuzhu’s auspiciousness was actually Prince Duan’s campaign to gain her favor.

She also wanted to persuade him to use the Shenhu to stir up public opinion so that Zhuzhu would lose the Shenhu. She might also want to take the opportunity to sow discord between the royal family and Prince Duan's Mansion and General Xie's Mansion.

Sheng Minglin suddenly said: "It was you who took action when He Xingzhou was injured?"

Sun Yinzhang was startled and said quickly: "No, no, I don't. He Xingzhou is just the son of a small official, why should I dirty my hands on him."

Sheng Minglin: "...???"

He was quite speechless.

He obviously lost his composure and blurted out, so what he said was true.

He looks down on this and that. He thinks very highly of himself, but he clearly has no outstanding ability.

What's the matter, you still expect to stand there and do nothing while the superiors cry and beg you to come out and promote you to a high position?Do you think those in power are all fools?
Emperor Mingxi saw that he had finished asking and said directly: "Go away!"

Sun Yinzhang was anxious at that time: "Your Majesty! You are also my imperial uncle! Zhang'er really didn't mean it! Please forgive me, uncle emperor, I really didn't mean it..."

He was so sad that he burst into tears: "After my mother passed away, my father and I depended on each other for life. We had enough experience of human kindness. Even entering the hunting ground had to go to great lengths, and unintentional chatting could easily lead to trouble. The emperor's uncle was sitting all over the world, so he couldn't Do you want to take care of your nephew a little? Do you really want to watch your nephew die? Uncle Emperor, please give me a hand, please give me a hand..."

He burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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