Chapter 469 Bear is also a difficult problem

Sheng Minglin was speechless.

The young man cries whenever he wants. Do you think you are Zhuzhu?

This man is really stupid.

Do you understand clearly that the person in front of you is an emperor?
Asking for something from the emperor requires all kinds of skills, methods, timing, and acting skills. It requires all kinds of planning and many rehearsals. If you cry whenever you feel like it, you are not expecting the emperor to be soft-hearted, right?

No way, right? ?Who are you?
You know, even if Emperor Mingxi dotes on his younger brother so much, Prince Duan cannot really do whatever he wants in front of his elder brother.

Prince Duan's bear and Wang Fengzhang's liveliness must be played with a certain degree of restraint; Sheng Minglin's gentleness and the fourth prince's uprightness must also be acted with a certain degree of restraint.

No one in this world can love you unconditionally, not even your parents.

Do parents love good children?Also love.

But what do parents love most?He is a naughty boy who knows how to act like a spoiled brat!
If this naughty child is considerate and useful, he will love him more than his life.

That’s why the saying goes, “Children who cry get candy.”

However, things like bears are much more difficult than being good, and not everyone can grasp them.

Then again,
Even the love of your parents is conditional. You, a relative who cannot be seen once a year, really have no shame in front of Emperor Mingxi.

Now you are just a passerby, and you still dare to act like a brat in front of the emperor. The resentment in your words is not hidden, what good do you expect to get?

Emperor Mingxi was not angry, he was laughed at.

Sheng Minglin waited for him to finish crying for a while so that he could step forward to interrupt, but he cried non-stop.

Zhuzhu endured it for a long time, but still couldn't hold it back, and whispered: "You, aren't you an adult? Why don't you send me some money?"

She hugged Emperor Mingxi's hand tightly and closed her eyes in disgust: "Don't cry, please send a few. Uncle Huang can't pull you! You have too many noses, it will stain Uncle Huang." hands."

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

He was immediately disgusted, and without looking at him, he quickly called someone: "Drag him out!"

In an instant, several guards came up to drag him. The guards were quick and skillful. As soon as they bent down, they immediately covered their mouths.

Prince Duan stood up and said to his back: "You are complaining about this and you are complaining about that, but you are a waste and you don't mention it at all! Let me tell you now, you are not living well because you are a waste and have no ability. , your mind is still awake, it’s none of your mother’s business! What evil did your mother do? She died early and still has to bear the blame for future generations?? It’s just you, let alone your uncle, even you My father and my ancestors can’t help the mud up the wall!!”

Of course, Prince Duan said this not to wake him up. People who are not clear-headed cannot wake up.

He said this to spread the word so that everyone would know what happened.

Emperor Mingxi saw that he had finished speaking, and said directly to Zheng Zhongshun: "Ask someone to go to Huguo Temple to light a long-lasting lantern for Changshan. Minglin is filial to his aunt."

Zheng Zhongshun quickly agreed.

Emperor Mingxi didn't care much about reputation, and he wouldn't hold his nose to disgust himself for fame, so his meaning was obvious, I don't care about my sister, but I don't like you.

After giving the instructions, he couldn't help but complain: "What the hell is this!? Why do you still call me Zhang!? Call me this kind of name! You're not afraid of people's jokes! Why don't you just call me Zhaodi?"

Prince Duan smiled rather gloatingly and said: "You have forgotten that his father is also a lunatic. He was the last in the imperial examination. He was often laughed at. After two years of laughing, he didn't do anything. After he became the master, he suddenly became angry. He was so angry that he gave up his civility and became a martial artist. He spread out his big words but did not achieve anything, and now he is only a low-ranking official of the sixth rank."

Emperor Mingxi thought about it: "Oh, him, we have all forgotten about him."

He remembered it and said to him again: "The little girl whose birthday is the same as the elder brother's memorial day, I asked someone to check it and bring it over to have a look." Zheng Zhongshun hurried over and sent the found information.

Sheng Minglin also looked at his father's hand.

The general news was similar to what they knew, with only a few more minor details.

For example, after Jiang Mingyue was sent out, she adopted a female Taoist priest as her godmother. The female Taoist priest, whose Taoist name is Bai Ou, is very famous in the local area. It is said that she is good at telling fortunes. Because she has lived in a cave for many years, she is called "Bai Ou" by the locals. She is a fairy in the cave, so she is also called Fairy Bai Lotus.

It is said that when he brought Jiang Mingyue back, he also invited Fairy Bai Lotus back. Now she lives outside the capital, and Jiang Mingyue often visits her.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help complaining: "The Immortal in the Cave, can she make salt grow on the trees and make wine in the bowls?"

He was talking about the cave immortal in "Taiping Guangji".

But after looking at it, it seems that Fairy Bai Lotus has some abilities. She is blind, but her work is not affected, and her fortune telling is indeed accurate, so even Mrs. Wu Anbo treats her as a distinguished guest.

Emperor Mingxi said: "After we read it, we remembered one thing."

The great-grandfather's love for the former prince was true love. The great-grandfather was actually quite good to his children, but he couldn't compare to the former prince.

Therefore, after the death of the former prince, Grandpa Taizu was really sad.

After unexpectedly meeting Jiang Mingyue, Grandfather Taizu dreamed of the former prince, and told Emperor Mingxi that he thought this little girl was destined to the royal family.

In fact, Grandpa Taizu wanted her to marry into the royal family.

Emperor Mingxi didn't have any resentment towards the former prince, but the age just happened to be inappropriate. The fourth prince was five years older than her and was too big, while the fifth prince was too young, so he was stuck in the middle.

After Emperor Mingxi said this, Grandpa Taizu actually said that he would adopt her as his adopted daughter.

Emperor Mingxi felt very strange.

Because he and his father are both very pragmatic people, and pragmatism is reflected in all aspects, such as being stingy, being stingy, and being stingy.

This is not the former prince, but just a passerby. His son/eldest brother cannot get the benefits, but he wants to give the benefits to a passerby?
Wouldn't one more princess mean an extra dowry?Build one more princess mansion?Spend an extra buck?

She can't do anything?This is not a good deal!
At that time, he felt that his father was old and confused, so he settled the debt for him and said something very emotional: "When the eldest brother left, he looked back at the road to hell. There were so many people rushing to the world. I know what it feels like in my heart.”

Grandpa Taizu felt the same way at that time.

So I immediately felt that it was not a good fate for this little girl to die at the same time as his son, and it was very uncomfortable.

But the princess had already sealed her title, and she couldn't change it overnight, so she didn't give her anything more, just an empty name, and she didn't even get any clothes or jewelry.

It was just a small matter. Emperor Mingxi himself had forgotten about it. Only after he checked it did he remember it.

Several people complained, and Sheng Minglin said: "It seems that if there is anything, the key is this Fairy Bai Lotus."

Emperor Mingxi said: "Yes."

Sheng Minglin didn't say much more, and the people who were going to go back to Changmu Feierlou also helped to check.

Prince Duan suddenly shook the piece of paper and said, "This investigation was not detailed enough. The key part was not found."

(End of this chapter)

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