Chapter 470 The Poor Fourth Prince

Sheng Minglin was also thinking about this problem, and when he was about to speak, he heard Prince Duan himself say: "We need to find out who she usually associates with! Check carefully! Find out!"

Jiang Mingyue definitely disliked Sun Yinzhang because he was average-looking and had no wealth or power. However, she was so skillful and bold in persuading her. It was obviously not the first time she had done this kind of thing... Therefore, Sun Yinzhang should not be the only young man she knew. So it’s okay to check it out.

However, Sheng Minglin asked: "Is this critical?"

"So I said, you are still too young," Prince Duan started to sneer on the spot, patted his shoulder, and said with his hands behind his back: "Why don't you even understand this? They must be doing such mysterious things. You can’t infer it based on common sense! When Jiang Mingyue met Grandfather Taizu, she pretended to be a princess just based on a mole. You don’t think it’s a coincidence, do you? I think this must have been calculated or something was used Strange means!"

"So, you must be careful when dealing with this kind of person! What are the birth dates and horoscopes! The accessories she wears! There are also the birth dates and horoscopes of the people she usually comes into contact with, the feng shui of the place where she lives, and even the feng shui of her ancestors' graves. All are very critical! They must be investigated carefully!"

The fourth prince and Sheng Minglin couldn't help but nod seriously, feeling that what he said made sense.

Then Emperor Mingxi calmly demolished him: "Minglin, go home and look in your father's study. There is a bookshelf in the corner, which is full of story books. If you read more books, your words will be more bluffing than him. "

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Prince Duan was dissatisfied: "Fourth brother, what you said is wrong. The scripts were also written by people, and monks and Taoists also wrote the scripts. These methods were written to warn the world! Compared with some eminent monks who speak implicitly, Sometimes it is an effective way to understand things through story books.”

Emperor Mingxi disapproved, and smiled and said to Sheng Minglin: "When your father was young, he loved to read story books, and he especially loved to read these gods and ghosts. In the palace, your grandpa went to our place instead of asking to read. He watched it in both white and black, and was so scared that he couldn't sleep at night, so he asked me to sleep with him. I stayed with him for two nights and no longer wanted to, so he took Shiro in his arms that night."

Prince Duan didn't feel embarrassed at all, he laughed and said: "To be honest, although Ren'er is a little older, holding her is not as courageous as Li'er. I carried Ren'er, and the two of us could only hug each other and cry. I was shaking, but I hugged Li'er. He seemed to be only six or seven years old at that time? He was a little man, sitting on the quilt seriously, flipping through a book, and then asked me: "That Taoist priest said clearly before that it was just an engagement?" Counting his family members, why would the girl be affected if something happened to the ancestral grave?'"

He laughed as he talked: "I remember it very clearly. In short, he pointed out the inaccuracies one by one as he turned over the book. Finally, he patted my quilt and told me, Uncle Wu, don't be afraid, this is all fake. I would feel stupid hahahaha, but even though I knew it was fake, I was still scared, so I hugged him tightly. Li'er didn't struggle, just said "Oh!" and sighed, just like a little kid. Just like adults...Hahahaha, do you still remember?"

The fourth prince was also a little amused by what he said: "I remember, there was a man named Ye Taoist. He seemed to write quite well and there were no contradictions."

"That's right!" Prince Duan smiled and said, "His writing was novel but not very scary, but it seems he doesn't write anymore now."

They talked non-stop. Tuanzi loved listening to adults talking about things. He huddled on Uncle Huang's lap, eavesdropping with dazzling eyes. Finally he couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Well, Si Guo Guo, aren't you afraid? "

"Not afraid," the fourth prince shook his head: "You know it's fake, why should you be afraid? Even if it's not fake, it's useless to be afraid, so why should you be afraid?"

Tuanzi argued: "But it's because of fear, and it has nothing to do with other things."

"Yes," Prince Duan said immediately: "Fear has nothing to do with other things! Being afraid is not cowardly at all! People who are afraid show that they have rich imaginations! The pictures they come up with are lifelike! That's why you are afraid! Your fourth brother is not afraid, It’s because he can’t imagine it! Alas! How pitiful! He can’t even daydream!”

The very mature fourth prince glanced at him and did not argue.

Tuanzi didn't understand, but instinctively opened his hands: "Four pots."

The fourth prince bent down and picked her up. Xiaotuanzi hugged him, his eyes full of sympathy: "Siguoguo, you came to deceive Zhuzhu's Mengmeng because Zhiji didn't have Mengmeng, right?"

The fourth prince explained: "No, no, I did not cheat Zhuzhu Mengmeng."

"It doesn't matter," Tuanzi said, "If Zhuzhu has a dream in the future, tell Siguoguo everything!" The fourth prince said: "..."

I can’t explain it clearly, really.

He could only say: "Okay, thank you Zhuzhu."

The worried Sheng Minglin struggled to bring the topic back on track: "There is another important point that I haven't found out. Brother Zhao said that she is older than she actually is. So, if her birth time is not false, will she Has it been replaced?"

Emperor Mingxi said: "This has not been found. She was sent out and has been living in Zhuangzi. The Zhuangzi is a remote place with few people. The babies are all the same size. The wet nurse who served her is dead. I don't know if she died normally." ... In short, it’s hard to check whether it’s been replaced or not.”

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Okay, forget it if you can't find it. Anyway, they have the amulet, so let them jump around. One day they will be able to reveal their secrets.

Since we had to leave early tomorrow morning, we didn't stay too long. We had dinner together and then went back.

Before going to bed, Prince Duan also discussed it with his daughter.

When we set out the next day, let the big white tiger wear a bright yellow robe and walk at the front in a grand manner. How cool and bluffing.

Originally, it wanted to cut off Shanda Weifeng, but Shanda Weifeng refused to do so. It raised its paw and pointed at Shanda Huahua, obviously wanting to stand on Shanda Huahua's back.

Shanda Huahua licked her big paw lazily and gave it a look of "What are you dreaming about?" Shanda Weifeng gave up and finally gave up the idea.

So Sheng Mingwei flew over the team in a flaming red cloak. Once he reached a crowded place, he would automatically fall down and take a few steps in a grand manner.

The cloak was very large, very luxurious, tailor-made, even the eagle's head was covered in it, and there were tassels, and the bottom was tied to the tips of the fur so that it would not be blown up by the wind. It looked very human-like, which astonished the people. Hugging again and again.

On the way here, the whole family sat together, but on the way back, they met more people, so Sheng Minglin took Zhuzhu back to his car, and then made an appointment with someone to play drums and pass flowers, so as not to be bored on the way.

They all came out and popped their heads midway.

Because it has been sending applications to the main system, and the main system cannot block him, in the end it probably couldn't bear the disturbance, so it agreed to let it select a few important holidays every year and open special prices in the mall.

They all came out and asked Sheng Minglin.

Sheng Minglin told him all the festivals, but he felt that they were too little. He told him seriously about Mr. Lu Xun's House Demolition Effect. Sheng Minglin said yes, so he wrote down the birthdays of all the gods. Give it a portion and make it a holiday.

Everything became quiet, probably to trouble the main system.

(End of this chapter)

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