Chapter 471 Qionglou Immortal Residence

Two days later, he returned to the capital.

Zhuzhu said goodbye to her new acquaintance Guoguo sisters, holding hands and saying uncontrollably: "You come to Zhuzhu to play."

Several people nodded incessantly: "Okay, okay! Definitely."

The carriage from Prince Duan's Mansion passed by, and the little dumpling was still holding on to the window, waving his hands, and crying. Several young ladies couldn't help wiping away their tears, and several young men also had circles in their eyes inexplicably because of this atmosphere. redness.

While thinking with red eyes, I can see it if I want to!As for that!well!
During this hunting, Prince Duan's Mansion had a great harvest. It was cold and the prey was all fresh. Sheng Minglin had asked people to distribute some prey to everyone in advance, including Jiang Qingyang. Although Qin Jiangbai was not in Beijing, Sheng Minglin Lin also asked people to give their family two wolves and some pheasants, hares and the like.

After arriving home, not only Sheng Minglin and the others, but also Prince Duan and his wife were very interested and wanted to go and see the growing Qionglou.

Before we arrived, we saw a beautiful small building.

The group of people entered the courtyard in three steps and then saw a small building as exquisite as a handicraft standing in front of them.

Although the small building only has two floors, it looks very tall. On the right is a circular castle-like building, and on the left is a verandah-style roof, slightly shorter than a round house, with well-proportioned cornices.

The whole building has white walls and gray edges, with light red glazed tiles on top. The bright glazed windows have rounded arcs, and the overall color scheme is gentle and elegant.

In addition, there is a circle of railings on the second floor of the circular castle, which can be used to look into the distance. But at the end of the railing, there is a slide, which can be slid down from there, all the way around the castle for more than half a circle. Then slide to the door of the main house.

There is also a large circular window on the top of the main room, with a platform in front of the window, probably to facilitate the entrance and exit of flowers in Shangshang. There is also a birdstand at the top, which should be used for Shangsheng's majesty.

In short, the whole small building is like a carefully carved big toy, very beautiful and cute, completely different from the wooden cabin that was taken out.

Several people praised him repeatedly.

Because Lord Duan sent his confidants back, although they did not "witness", they could be considered as witnessing this magical scene in person. Therefore, the confidants and Zhuzhu's servants were in awe of Prince Duan's family more than anything else, and they were extra special everywhere. Be careful.

The house is almost ready. The downstairs is mainly for entertaining guests, while the first floor of the circular castle is equivalent to a study room, surrounded by bookshelves, but no books have been placed yet.

Going up the indoor stairs, Zhuzhu's bedroom is on the second floor. Opposite the bedroom, there is Shangsheng Huahua's sleeping place, an oversized oval high-sided soft cushion, and there is also Shangsang's majestic sleeping place.

Princess Duan even stepped forward and tried it. The door actually rebounded automatically and could be pushed in or out. Once closed, it was tight.

Princess Duan called out from upstairs, then took a few steps back and looked out the window next to her. She saw Shanda Huahua, who was still downstairs, leaping onto the platform with ease, then lowering her head and getting in.

Shandaweifeng also has an entry door on the roof, which also rebounds automatically. If it doesn't rain or snow, you can sleep on the birdhouse, or get into the house.

No wonder the house is so high, it turns out to be grand and majestic.

The furnishings in the room are still Zhuzhu's original furnishings, but because her things are so exquisite, they don't look out of place when they are put in. On the contrary, it feels like there is a universe inside.

Zhuzhu was so surprised that she couldn't even say wow, her eyes were wide open and full of dreams.

Everyone was also shocked. They could only sigh for a long time and didn't start talking until now.

Princess Duan said: "This window is good and bright, but we need to make some curtains to cover it."

Prince Duan also said: "These things," he pointed to some tables and chairs outside the second floor: "all move downstairs. From now on, guests will not be entertained here on the second floor. There are people who want to play in the round room, and there are also people who can play alone." Go up the stairs, and this is your daughter's boudoir. Only my family comes here occasionally, so there is no need for so many tables and chairs, so I'll change it to something else."

As they talked, everyone went to look at the circular castle again.

Even the roof of the Round City Castle has transparent skylights, which are particularly bright. There is a circle of glazed windows around the perimeter. The bookshelf is slightly shorter than the bottom, and there are some long and small shelves placed at a distance.

Sheng Minglin said: "There are railings above, and there are bookshelf in the room. When Zhuzhu grows up, you can actually receive friends here and use the lower part as your own private study." Prince Duan nodded: " It's true, the view from the top is really good. You can also plant some flowers below, and when spring comes, the vines will climb up and the flowers will bloom. It will definitely look great from a distance."

He held on to the railing and turned around, and then said: "But this way, the original house looks a bit strange."

"It's not bad," Sheng Minglin said: "Plant some bamboo flowers and trees over there to cover it. To distinguish it."

Princess Duan: "Stop planting bamboo, just make it a place for children to play, make a rattan wall, and put a swing, a see-saw, and those rocking horses here. It's not just right."

Sheng Minglin said: "Mother is right."

Everyone had already raised their smiles, but Prince Duan spoke a step too late: "..."

Several adults discussed it, and Zhu Zhuer woke up from the dreamlike feeling just now. The whole group was so happy that they started running around the room, and the seventh prince also ran around with her.

Tuanzi walked to the window and looked down: "Wow!!"

The seventh prince also raised his head to look: "Yo!"

Shanda Huahua: "Uh-huh!"

Grand and majestic: "Guga!!"

Tuanzi ran to Shangsheng Huahua's mattress again, suddenly pounced on it, and rolled over: "Wow wow wow! It's so soft!"

Seventy-three years old followed and lay on it: "It's quite soft!"

Shanda Huahua came over and nudged the little master gently with her head: "Uh-huh..."

Shanda Weifeng rushed forward and almost jumped on Zhuzhu, but then Shanda Huahua kicked her away: "Quack!!"

There were four of them, big and small, and they made a lot of noise in the room.

Sheng Minglin stepped back from time to time to take a look. When he saw Huo Chenzhao leaning against the window and looking at him, he felt relieved and looked at Shen Lingjue again.

If Prince Duan and his wife were not here, he would still have to make trouble, but when Prince Duan and his wife were here, he calmed down a lot and followed them with a very calm expression. In fact, his mind had already flown into the room, and he listened with his ears straight. He couldn't even react when Sheng Minglin talked to him.

So Sheng Minglin looked at him like this.

Shen Lingjue suddenly came back to his senses: "Ah, hey? Minglin, you called me?"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "I said, you go upstairs and downstairs, touch and try everywhere to see if there is any danger or anything that needs to be added."

Shen Lingjue's eyes lit up: "Okay."

He went happily.

Prince Duan saw this and laughed at him: "How old are you?"

Princess Duan casually pulled him to the slide: "Ignore your dad, he's not up to date. Come on, son, slide one for mom to see!"

Elegant young boy: "No, no, no, I..."

Prince Duan stepped forward and lightly kicked him, and he sat down. Then Princess Duan reached out and pushed, and he slid down. To be honest, it felt really good. There was a place where he connected at the end. The big basket was quite soft. Sheng Minglin stood up from the basket, his ears turned red in embarrassment, and he came up silently.

(End of this chapter)

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