Chapter 472 Qionglou Hospitality
The whole family played for a long time, and as they played, they also considered adding all the missing furniture, moving and adjusting it for a long time.

Zhuzhu'er was also so excited to play that she didn't even take a nap and wasn't sleepy at all. Shanda Mingwei got in and out countless times. Fortunately, she didn't shed very much, otherwise she would have shed all over the floor.

After struggling for a long time, everyone finally slept together on Shangsheng Huahua's mattress. Several people were huddled together, and there was only a little Zhuzhu in the middle.

Shanda Huahua lay silently beside the mat, stretched out a big furry paw, hugged her little master, and closed her eyes to sleep.

After two days of traveling and noisy for most of the day, even Sheng Minglin got up late.

After he got up, people who came to him also came one after another.

Sheng Minglin was directly staying at Zhuzhu's Qiong Building. The boss had a building here. He couldn't hide this kind of thing. Let them see it, and it would be good to have some guesses and awe.

Jiang Qingyang was the first to come over. When he saw Qionglou, he was obviously very shocked, and his eyes almost popped out of his head. But after all, there was no friendship, so he resisted and said nothing. He only reported to Honghuwei that everything was normal, but Sheng Ming Lin still asked Shen Lingjue to go over and take a look.

The people from Jinyiwei came over later.

They didn't come to Prince Duan's Mansion often, so they were not as shocked as Jiang Qingyang. They only praised the building for its beauty, and then sent Xu Jingqian's transcript.

Jin Yiwei also spent a lot of time interrogating him, but after the interrogation, it was actually quite simple.

Back then, Xu Jingqian escaped from Han Jiuzhou, returned to the capital, escaped smoothly, and even took revenge on his father and brother who were "unworthy of being his family".

After that, the female ghost in his body kept causing trouble with him.

Yes, Xu Jingqian gave birth to another personality at that time, which was a woman, but he did not believe in the theory of multiple personalities. When he confessed, he still called her a female ghost.

Their previous guesses were correct. The female ghost did love Han Jiuzhou, but Xu Jingqian knew the female ghost very well and was very disdainful of this kind of illusory love, so he took her to see those men with internal diseases.

Just letting her look at the festering and pus-filled wounds made her cry out in fear, and then she disappeared without realizing it.

Without any worries, he prepared to take revenge and assassinate Han Jiuzhou, but unexpectedly saw him rejuvenated.

He was in shock.

Xu Jingqian had seen him before he left. Although he was also personable at that time, he looked to be at least 60 or [-] years old. Even though he had high kung fu, he already had a disgusting old man's smell and his skin was saggy.

But when I saw him that time, he seemed to be a handsome man in his thirties or forties, with firm and shiny skin, as if he was new from the inside out.

It took him a long time to confirm that he was who he was.

He knew very well that Han Jiuzhou created him for his body, but if Han Jiuzhou had mastered the ability to rejuvenate, then why would he need him?On the contrary, he needs him.

After all, he didn't know where he came from. He would always grow old and die in the future.

In the face of his own life and future, hatred seems irrelevant.

He stared at him for several days, thinking about how to negotiate terms with him or blackmail him.

Then he suddenly remembered that he had accidentally met a suspected descendant of Han Jiuzhou.

So he returned to the capital and began to look for his descendants to use as his bargaining chip.

It was also during this process that he met a person and learned how to make human skin masks. With this ability, he took over Jian Siqi's identity and tried every means to climb up... He thought that he could be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister. Extremely human minister, and then after getting old, he will find a way to rejuvenate his youth, or seize his body and become his own offspring, and live another life or ten lives.

The idea was quite good, but after meeting the old Han Jiuzhou, it came to nothing.In addition, Li Xuan's family was indeed killed by him, and it was indeed to prepare an escape route for himself. Who knew that they were exposed halfway, which aroused Li Xuan's vigilance, so he killed them all.

In addition, in addition to Wei Shifeng, he also found two descendants of Han Jiuzhou, but they were very mediocre, not powerful people, and did not know the existence of Han Jiuzhou, so even Xu Jingqian ignored them.

Because Sheng Minglin was responsible for this matter, Jin Yiwei asked for permission to handle it, but Sheng Minglin thought about it and said no.

Xu Jingqian has some skills. He checked those people who don't know, and they probably don't know anymore. Then just let them live in obscurity. Otherwise, Han Jiuzhou has already ruined their predecessors or their predecessors. They It would be too tragic for Han Jiuzhou to be killed now because of his identity as a rebel.

After Jinyiwei left, the people from Changmu Feierlou came again.

Lu Wuqi, Han Zhenge and his party went to Zhongzhou to deal with Han Jiuzhou's secret stronghold.

Because the place had already been found, Han Zhenge sneaked in and took a look. It was indeed the place where he had stayed.

He was so familiar with the terrain there that he led the people up from behind without fighting them. He directly drugged them and went in to pick them up.

Because the miracle drug for rejuvenating children had failed, Han Jiuzhou began to capture children again and conduct cruel training. Fortunately, the time was short, and Han Jiuzhou had very high requirements for the children's appearance. Currently, there are only three children being trained, and It's still in the early stages, and the training isn't cruel yet.

But the children were too young and had already suffered some effects. When they were rescued, they were all as frightened as birds.

Because most of these children were from good backgrounds, Changmu Feierlou was prepared to spend some time finding their parents and sending them back.

After all, only in your own home can you most likely get the best healing.

On the other hand, the steward there was originally the Right Protector of the Holy Cult. He is now in his 80s and [-]s. He works conscientiously for Han Jiuzhou, hoping that before he dies, Han Jiuzhou can give him his spare young body... After entering, he went crazy on the spot, dragging his long beard and crawling on the ground, holding his throat and crying, saying "Grandpa hugs, grandpa hugs"...

Probably because he was too afraid of death and wanted to be a child again, so he went crazy and wanted to be a grandson.

Everyone was afraid that he was pretending to be crazy, so after some discussion, they decided to kill him.

As for the number of people who have died there before, there is clear information on the paper. Maybe the parents, relatives and friends of these people are still in some corner of the world, frantically looking for them; but maybe many people have forgotten this person. , started a new life.

But they still brought this information back, and they will probably be back in a few days.

In fact, Sheng Minglin still wanted to publish this information as a sin against the Holy Religion.

It's not to open the scars, but to learn from the pain, after all, it is not as painful as the heart and lungs at that time, and it will not be unbearable.

Moreover, if something happens to a loved one and it remains unresolved for the rest of their lives, although you can pretend that they are fine, in fact you are just lying to yourself, and it will be broken at the first prick. It is better to have a clear result and cry bitterly before you can slowly let go.

This kind of evil around us, where men from various families are captured and tortured, will be more deeply rooted in the people's hearts and the effect will be better.

Sheng Minglin accepted the information, asked them to investigate Taoist Aunt Bai Ou's affairs, and then let them go.

For people like Sheng Minglin, it is quite comfortable when something has a result, because only when there is a clear result, the matter is considered over for him, otherwise he will always remember it.

Now, Qin Jiangbai has not returned yet, and Zhang Tingyu doesn't know how to handle the trial.

Sheng Minglin was thinking about it, and was about to go upstairs to see Zhuzhu, when Jinyi came over: "Your Majesty, the Princess has asked you to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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