Chapter 473: Never marry into the royal family
Sheng Minglin went over first, and then saw a familiar situation.

Princess Duan was sitting guarding a table of small boxes. When she saw him coming, she waved her hand: "Come Lin'er, which one of these boxes looks better?"

At that time, Nuanyang Stone bought a thousand pieces in total, which is quite a lot, but it is not too much if you really want to divide it.

So the two emperors and brothers discussed it and gave Emperor Mingxi [-] pills, while Prince Duan's Mansion kept [-] pills.

In addition to using it for himself, the emperor must also reward some concubines and ministers. They must also have it in the prince's palace, and Prince Duan's palace must also send it out.

But one Nuanyang Stone is only about the size of a soybean, and you can only give away two or three stones. Although it is very magical, if you give it directly, it will definitely not look very precious, so Princess Duan asked the store to send some small boxes. Once you’ve chosen a style, ask someone to make more.

Sheng Minglin responded and sat down to pick.

Princess Duan stood next to him with a fan, and while fanning him casually, she said: "You first pick out a few sachets, Zhuzhu's, yours, and Zhao'er's, and hang them all on your body. I will randomly choose whatever is hanging in the house for you.”

Sheng Minglin already had experience in this kind of thing, and immediately said: "I don't know much about these, mother, please help us choose."

Princess Duan smiled and said: "Okay, I'll choose the sachet for you, and you can choose the box. I really don't know what those young men studying outside love. I see that Zhuzhu also has a few girls that he likes. If you want Send them in sachets. I also have some here. Let’s use them at home first. Then let’s talk about giving them to others and to whom. When the time comes, write me a list and I’ll take note of it... Actually, I don’t have many people to give away, just your dad. Give it to a few, it won’t cost much..."

While her mother was mumbling in her ears, Sheng Minglin just nodded with a smile and picked out two types of boxes. Princess Duan handed them over directly to someone to make a hundred of them.

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu and I can't give away so many people. Maybe we can't even use twenty."

"It's okay," Princess Duan said with a smile, "There are frozen beans and warm beans. Maybe there will be other beans sometime, and they will always be used."

Sheng Minglin laughed.

Then Princess Duan started to pick out the sachets, and said: "You only take the ones from you, Jue'er's grandfather, and Master Shen Zhao's family, and send them over from me. Do you understand?"

Sheng Minglin responded with a smile. Of course he understood that sending gifts from him was a sign of brotherhood, while sending gifts from elders was a matter of family friendship. The meanings were different.

Princess Duan handed over a sachet, and Sheng Minglin put a warm bean in it. The two of them quickly filled it up while passing it over.

Princess Duan suddenly remembered something: "By the way, yesterday your father talked about Jiang Mingyue. I remembered that I saw her talking to Ba Lang twice when we were at the hunting ground."

Sheng Minglin was stunned: "Eighth Prince?"

"Yes," Princess Duan said, "I didn't know her at first and didn't pay attention to her. Later, when Zhuzhu was choosing someone, didn't she miss her? So I looked at her a few more times, and then I saw her again. She is talking to the Eighth Prince..."

She explained: "Rokuro is a bookworm. He reads books every day when he goes to the hunting ground. Sevenro doesn't hang out with them, so Goro would take Hachiro out to play from time to time. It's not surprising that they met. When we saw each other, they were quite close. From a distance, it looks normal."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Does the Emperor know this?"

Princess Duan said: "I just went out to play with your wife, and I saw that you kids like to play in the east half. I accompanied your wife just because I wanted to take a walk, so I went to the west half. We met together.”

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Now that the Queen knows about it, he doesn't have to worry. It's not convenient for him to interfere with the prince's affairs.

But as a worrying maniac, he still couldn't help but think... If he really thought about it in a more outrageous direction, wouldn't it be that they wanted to help an inconspicuous young prince ascend the throne when they contacted the eighth prince?At this time, Wu Anbo Mansion.

Jiang Mingyue was sitting opposite a woman wearing Taoist robes.

The woman had loose hair, was thin, and had two pits where her eyes were. Even though she had delicate lips and nose, she still looked very scary.

Jiang Mingyue lowered her eyes, not daring to look at her at all. She just held the tea on the table with both hands and said, "Godmother, please use it."

The female Taoist Fairy Bai Ou nodded and said slowly: "Why do you want to take action without permission?"

Jiang Mingyue said anxiously: "I had no choice but to do that! I didn't expect He Xingzhou to go there too! He actually got favors from Sheng Mingzhu and Sheng Minglin. Those young masters are also on good terms with him. I'm really worried!"

Taoist Aunt Bai Ou said coldly: "You still want to hide it from me! How could you know that he also went before you went?"

Jiang Mingyue lowered her head in fear.

Taoist Aunt Bai Ou then said: "Besides, I have said many times that there are many smart people in this world. I would rather suffer a loss than expose my tracks! If you want to deal with He Xingzhou, you can come back and tell me! How many things can't be done? Why do you want to do this? Let the shadow take action? Doing it yourself is always the last resort!"

Jiang Mingyue murmured: "I, I really didn't expect that the shadow is very powerful, why would it be discovered... Fortunately, no one knows that the shadow is related to me, and no one knows that He Xingzhou was injured by the shadow."

She bit her lip and moved closer, pulling Fairy Bai Ou's sleeve: "Godmother, I don't dare anymore. You have to help me."

Taoist Aunt Bai Lotus was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "Do you get along well with those people? You didn't have any conflict with Xiangrui, right?"

Jiang Mingyue's eyes flashed with a hint of guilt, and she quickly said: "Godmother, how dare I conflict with Sheng Mingzhu? As soon as I saw He Xingzhou getting ahead, I knew something was wrong. His luck must have greatly increased, so I didn't do it at all. If you dare to show up, you have always avoided them."

Taoist Aunt Bai Ou nodded: "Fortunately, you are smart! You are not in a hurry to show off!"

She paused and calculated for a long time before saying: "You don't have to do anything these days. The New Year is coming soon. Sheng Qianqian will come to Beijing this year. When the time comes, I will ask her to cooperate with you."

Jiang Mingyue asked tentatively: "There is nothing wrong with her tonic?"

Taoist Aunt Bai Lotus said calmly: "Children of that kind of luck, even if their origins are taken away, will still have various encounters. Her tonics are now considered to have a bright future, but now, there happens to be a good opportunity... He left Beijing. I will let him break his legs before he returns to Beijing, and after he returns to Beijing, I will make him stupid and disfigured. After that, Qianqian can sit back and relax, and you can naturally take advantage of her."

Jiang Mingyue felt aggrieved: "Godmother, you can't be partial!"

Taoist Aunt Bai Ou tilted her head coldly and "looked" at her, making Jiang Mingyue lower her head suddenly in fright.

Taoist Aunt Bai Lotus then said coldly: "Do you think she has a good background? But don't forget, having the surname Sheng means she can never marry into the royal family."

Jiang Mingyue suddenly realized, "Yue'er understands, godmother, I will be good."

Taoist Aunt Bai Lotus nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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