Chapter 475 Zhuzhu’s Friend

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Han Jiujiu and Han Wanwan, just write one. They live together."

"How about that?" Tuanzi shook his head, raised his two little fingers and moved them: "Although Han Jiujiu and Han Wanwan are together, they are two people. Two people, of course, must be divided into two. Believe it!"

Okay, Sheng Minglin said again: "Then why not write: wine, beans, heat?"

"No," Tuanzi still refused solemnly: "How can a pot and a pot have the same name? One pot and two pots have the same meaning, but the name cannot be less than one. Otherwise, it will be It’s someone else’s fault!”

Cub Zai really has too many strange little persistences. Sheng Minglin felt cute in his heart, kissed her little head, nodded with a smile, and said that I was wrong.

So Zhuzhu spent the whole morning writing, and finally she wrote about all the people she knew.

Zhuzhu'er was so tired that she turned around and shook her head, leaning onto Shanda Huahua.

Sheng Minglin hurried over and rubbed her little arms.

The little dumpling was spread out in his fur, with tears in his eyes: "Guo Guo, it's too difficult to be a talent, isn't it? My hands are tired, my head is tired, and my eyes are tired, is it okay to write and make Guo Guo?"

Sheng Minglin laughed and said: "Brother is not like this. When I grow up, my bones are strong, so I won't be too tired to write."

Tuanzi nodded, still looking like he was out of body.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "What is Zhuzhuer thinking?"

Tuanzi said with difficulty: "I can't think of anything. There are many constraints in Zhuzhu's head. I fought to pay off the debt. The beating was so severe that it was about to break Zhuzhu's head."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Shen Lingjue came in from outside. When he saw this posture, he said, "What's wrong? Is Zhuzhu'er okay?"

Tuanzi just looked at him and said weakly: "Xingxing Guoguo."

Shen Lingjue came over and looked down at her: "What's wrong, honey?"

Sheng Minglin replied: "I have written a lot of posts and I am tired."

"Oh!" Shen Lingjue said, "Why didn't you wait for me to come back and let me write it for you?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "No, Zhuzhu's friends can't let others help."

"All right, let's..."

As soon as Sheng Minglin saw his beaming expression, he knew what he wanted to say... He definitely wanted to see the adventure house, but he was afraid he wouldn't have time today, and he had to go to the palace to draw a lottery.

He reminded him: "Zhuzhu will definitely enter the palace in the afternoon."

Only then did Shen Lingjue remember: "Oh."

He picked up Zhuzhu and said, "Come on, I'll take you out to play for a while and rest your head."

He ran Zhuzhu and jumped out directly from the door of Shengda Huahua, followed by Shengda Huahua and jumped out.

Sheng Minglin looked at it from the window, then returned to the case and recorded it.

People usually give even numbers as gifts, so Sheng Minglin always calculates them according to even numbers. Considering that the fourth prince probably also has someone who needs gifts, Sheng Minglin recorded twenty pieces for him, and the amount the emperor gave him should be enough.

The second person with the most is Qin Jiangbai, who has a special family situation, and the others only have two.

Then close friends sent two more ice stones. Sheng Minglin each wrote a short message, briefly talking about the use of the two beans, and familiarly mentioning the interesting story of Zhuzhu writing the letter in person, which will be directly included tomorrow. In the post, just ask someone to send it over with you.

He has quick hands and finished writing before it was time to eat.As expected, Prince Duan also returned to his residence, and the whole family gathered in Zhuzhu's Yueyuan for lunch.

Shen Lingjue hugged Zhuzhu and walked several times on the bird rack on the roof. After making a fuss for a while, Zhuzhu became energetic.

After lunch, Prince Duan directly carried Zhuzhu into the palace, and Sheng Minglin naturally followed.

A small bed had been laid out in the imperial study room, and Prince Duan put Zhuzhu on the bed. Sheng Minglin's mood was a bit complicated. If he could take a nap in the imperial study room, it would probably be Zhuzhu.

Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince stood guard in front of Zhuzhu's little bed. They were too close to chat at first. They had a book in their hands and were reading. However, the two emperor brothers did not talk behind their backs, and from time to time they would say something interesting. After hearing what they said, Sheng Minglin simply put down the book and listened to them attentively.

They said that during the Chinese New Year this year, King Xiang would come over.

Prince Xiang was the third son of Grandpa Taizu. He was very talented, good at calligraphy, painting, and poetry, and his calligraphy was particularly exquisite. He was favored by Grandpa Taizu. Because he and Prince Duan were in conflict with each other, they often fought openly and secretly when they were young.

But later he began to learn Taoism and became addicted to it. He called himself "Zixuzi" and his temper became more and more weird. When Taizu passed away, he was very sad and even committed suicide. He really committed suicide, not an act, he almost died. Dead... So even if it was for reputation, Emperor Mingxi would definitely be very kind to this filial brother. He would reward him with something from time to time. After a few years, he would always call him back to the capital to see him.

The King of Xiang had no children, only a pair of twin daughters, who were granted the titles of Princess Chang'an and Princess Changning respectively.

It is said that they are both very beautiful, and they are already nineteen years old. However, the marriage of the elder sister did not go well, and after they got engaged, first the fiancé's father died. When the three years of mourning were over, the fiancé passed away again, so it was so late.

The younger sister has been frail and sick since she was a child, so she has never discussed getting married.

Because of this, Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan also had some sympathy for him.

Sheng Minglin was curious and asked the fourth prince: "Have you seen it?"

The fourth prince said: "Of course I have met Uncle Wang. I think Uncle Xiang is a handsome man, quite a bit of a celebrity, and his views on many things are unconventional and very interesting. As for the two cousins..."

He explained: "They are the same age as me, only a month older. I have never seen them. When I came back last time, Princess Changning was ill again, so only Prince Xiang came to Beijing."

Prince Duan turned around and said: "The two princesses have been raised delicately since childhood. Even I have never seen them. I only heard your mother say that even if you go from one palace to that palace, you still have to wear thick veils. No. Dare to blow some wind."

The fourth prince smiled and said nothing. Apparently he had heard this rumor, but he was not as nosy as Prince Duan, so he didn't say anything about it.

Sheng Minglin also laughed, but when he caught something out of the corner of his eye, he turned his head and was startled: "Eh?"

He didn't even notice when Tuanzi woke up. Most of his face was covered by the quilt, and he was blinking and listening to something.

Sheng Minglin was happy: "Zhu Zhu'er, when did you wake up?"

Tuanzi’s voice was soft: “I just woke up!”

She asked her father: "Why can't you blow in the wind?"

Prince Duan smiled and said: "Because she is not in good health and dare not blow the wind, she will get sick."

Tuanzi sighed, thought for a while and asked: "Then why doesn't she get a good treatment?"

"I don't know," Prince Duan said, "Maybe he was born weak and not easy to treat, so he can only be raised like this carefully."

Tuanzi was very sympathetic: "Then it's so uncomfortable for them, they can't even go out to play! Can't Zhuzhu give her a Doudou?"

"Doudou can't do it either," Prince Duan said with a smile, "Doudou can't cure diseases. But if they come, the emperor will give them Doudou."

Tuanzi asked again: "What's her name?"

(End of this chapter)

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