Chapter 476 National Fortune Line Lottery
Prince Duan thought for a moment: "It seems... the eldest daughter's name is Sheng Qianqian? The younger one's name is Sheng Zhenzhen."

Tuanzi nodded: "It sounds great!"

Sheng Minglin dressed her in a robe and said with a smile, "The pearls sound nice too."

"Yes," Emperor Mingxi said unabashedly, "Zhuzhu's name is the most beautiful. No one has a more beautiful name than our Zhuzhu'er."

Tuanzi felt the love and smiled sheepishly at him.

After getting dressed, she asked someone to carry her down, washed her face, cleaned up, sat down and ate some snacks for a while, waited for Zhu Zhu to feel refreshed, then washed her hands, called up the system interface, and prepared for the lottery.

Even Zheng Zhongshun was kicked out. There were only four of his own people in the room surrounding Zhuzhu. Everyone started the lottery for the National Games Line with great anticipation.

The first draw can still be drawn three times.

Zhuzhu didn't take it seriously at first, but she was infected by everyone's solemn and serious attitude, and she couldn't help but look serious. She didn't even dare to breathe hard anymore. She closed her eyes and used her fingers harder.

Sheng Minglin watched without daring to blink.

The pointer flickered, pointing to something, and then slowly pushed out, becoming larger and clearer...

Sheng Minglin read: "Three hundred tons of compressed biscuits (fifty tons for each of the six flavors) (freeze-dried vegetable bags 1000g x 1000 bags as a gift)"

Several people:"……???"

Emperor Mingxi was the first to ask: "What is this?"

Sheng Minglin read the explanation again.

This is a modern military ration that has a strong satiety, sufficient calories, is light in weight, and is easy to store and transport. It also contains various vitamins and minerals, and some also add fruit pulp, nut pellets, meat floss, etc., which can meet the needs of long-distance marches. nutritional needs...

Prince Duan asked: "Can you take a small piece out and have a look?"

"It's okay, kiss!" Tongtong's attitude was extremely enthusiastic now: "Kiss, we have sample packs! It's free, kiss!"

Prince Duan: "..."

He felt teased, but he endured it silently.

Given so much, teasing is nothing. He can persuade his brother or his fourth nephew to hurry up and go there as soon as possible, for the sake of the world, and not to be embarrassed.

They all threw out a lot of tasting packs, which looked like dozens of packs. Each pack was only ten grams, a little smaller, and had various flavors. Sheng Minglin carried it in his pocket, and everyone took one to study. one time.

Fortunately, the system is very strict about what is taken out. The outer packaging of this kind of biscuits looks like paper, and the characters are also theirs, and they are also arranged vertically. They say peanut flavor, scallion flavor, sesame flavor... etc. wait.

Emperor Mingxi tore one open, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

Xiaotuanzi looked up at him chewing and swallowed involuntarily.

The fourth prince saw it, so he also opened one and let Zhuzhu take a bite first.

I didn't expect it to be so hard. I bit down on the dumpling so hard that I closed my eyes. My teeth clicked and I bit off a small part of it.

The fourth prince bit off half of the remaining one, and stuffed the last piece into Sheng Minglin's mouth. Then he took another flavor and opened it. The three of them took another bite, mainly to taste the taste.

Prince Duan also took one himself, and everyone was chewing it slowly. It took a long time to finish chewing.

In the end, Emperor Mingxi nodded and said, "It's indeed good. You can chew it in your mouth."

Prince Duan also finished chewing, went over to pour tea, got a cup for his brother, took a cup for himself and rinsed, and then said: "Although I don't know the calories and the minerals, but it should be quite full." .”

The fourth prince nodded: "It tastes like sugar, but also salty, very fragrant, and absolutely filling."

After several people talked, Sheng Minglin temporarily put these cookies on the table and came back to ask Zhuzhu to smoke the second one.

The second one extracted is:
One thousand kilograms of miracle medicine for trauma (shelf life is three years) ([-] flower seeds are given)

Jinchuang ointment, nameless, is a holy medicine for lazy people's trauma cultivated by a small world medical practitioner. It is an unusual plant. The whole flower is used as medicine. It is dried and ground into powder. The juice of the root system is mixed into an ointment. It can replace antibiotics and has pain relief, hemostasis and anti-infection properties. It has equal effects and the healing speed is more than twenty times that of ordinary gold trauma medicine.Detailed cultivation, pharmaceutical and medication instructions are also provided below.

Sheng Minglin watched and thought about it, and Emperor Mingxi beamed with joy when he heard it, "That's great! That's great!!"

When fighting, you are afraid of getting hurt. What kind of war would not involve tens of thousands of people dying?
Those who were seriously injured were not so much at a loss, but some would become overheated and die just because the weapons were rusty and dirty. It was really unfair.

With this medicine, there is no need to worry!
Although they don't know anything about antibiotics, they know from the back that with this medicine, the wounded will not have fever or anything, and will not die!

That's great!
Emperor Mingxi had nowhere to vent his joy, and he did not dare to pat Zhuzhu, so he patted Prince Duan twice, and patted the fourth prince twice, grinning widely.

Prince Duan and others were all smiling.

Looking at their performance, Tuanzi knew that he had got a good draw, and grinned happily along with him.

Several people were excited for a while before moving on to the third one.

When they smoked it, the four adults thought it was a horse.

Because Prince Duan and Emperor Mingxi were talking for a while, the focus was actually on food and horses. It was an accident to get the trauma medicine. With the food, we will definitely get horses this time! !
Prince Duan was shouting crazily in his heart, and Emperor Mingxi, although he couldn't see it, was still staring at that place, and he was also shouting crazily in his heart.

The hands, which were spinning so fast, felt as if they were slowing down in their urgency, and finally stopped.

Prince Duan gasped in surprise when he saw it clearly.

Emperor Mingxi grabbed him: "What! What is it!!"

Sheng Minglin read anxiously: "A cavalry army of ten thousand people (including men, horses, and full armor and cavalry equipment)."

Emperor Mingxi went crazy with joy at that time. He lost all the airs of the emperor, shouted loudly, and stretched out his hand to slap him hard.

Suddenly I remembered that these were pearls and shells, but I couldn't take a picture of them. I turned around and slapped myself on the thigh. I grinned in pain and jumped on the spot several times. I couldn't help laughing. Prince Duan was also beaming with joy. , the two brothers hugged each other, and Emperor Mingxi patted his younger brother's back vigorously: "Zhuzhu! Our good Zhuzhu!! Hahahaha!"

Naituanzi raised his head and stared blankly at this scene: "...??"

She wanted to say that Zhuzhu was here!

But seeing that Uncle Huang's big hands were like two big cattail fans, clapping so loudly, he just didn't dare to say anything.

What is armored riding equipment? To put it simply, people wear heavy armor, and horses are also covered in heavy armor. Both people and horses are invulnerable. Although these equipments actually take too much time and money to build, if they really exist, they can be placed in the team. When charging forward, he is simply invincible.

The key is that Can Yuan's cavalry is extremely powerful, far better than Dasheng's cavalry. This can be said to be a serious problem for Emperor Mingxi. Therefore, Emperor Mingxi has been training cavalry since he came to the throne and formed an elite division. It's called Three Thousand Camps.

The name was called Three Thousand Battalions because it started with three thousand Mongolian cavalry, but according to Emperor Mingxi's idea, there must be at least ten thousand people.

But because the court had no money, the Three Thousand Battalion could only struggle to support it. It had been still 3000 people for several years, but now, he got 1 people with better equipment! !
Emperor Mingxi was so happy that he danced happily, almost dancing in the main hall.

Sheng Minglin had never fought in a war and did not have a deep understanding of this kind of thing, but seeing the God of War Emperor so happy, he felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in being a minister and serving his people, and he watched with a smile.

No wonder the system says that the rewards are extremely generous, even if it can be given to anyone, the rewards are really extremely generous! !

Then he suddenly remembered and asked Tongtong: "Are there any special offers?"

"Kiss some!"

Tongtong's voice is completely different from his now. It is the voice of a sweet boy: "Today's special offer is a pigeon food bowl. Dear, it only costs ten points, and it also comes with free pigeons. Dear, the purchase is also limited to ten." Oh dear!"

Kissing each other one by one, Sheng Minglin's face was blurred by the kisses, he held his forehead and walked over to take a look.

Emperor Mingxi finally stopped being ecstatic and came over to listen.

Sheng Minglin read it to him.

(End of this chapter)

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