Chapter 477 Zhuzhu is a princess
Generally speaking, this pigeon food bowl is like a locator in the game, sold one by one.

I have a bowl here, and no matter how far away you are, as long as you hold this bowl, the big pigeon given by the system can accurately find you, and then people holding this pair of bowls can write letters to each other.

You know, today's flying pigeons are not like others think, just one pigeon is released to send a letter, but several or even a dozen pigeons may be released for the same letter to ensure that there are no problems. , I am certain that I will receive it, so I can only write it on an emergency basis and cannot write confidential matters.

Eagle News is slightly better, but training falcons is a very difficult and expensive task.

And this kind of pigeon can fly high, is small and inconspicuous, will not be caught by people, and is not afraid of cold or heat. Unless it encounters extreme circumstances, it can definitely deliver the letter no matter how far it is. This is very important to many pigeons. Sometimes, for example, border military affairs and the like, that is a magical weapon!
Emperor Mingxi was so happy that his beard almost flew out.

He was really happy. He would be pleasantly surprised if he got any of these four things, let alone all of them!

He couldn't wait to go into battle immediately and go to Mobei to do his damn thing!

Xiaotuanzi was behind him and clicked the screen a few more times. The system quickly said: "Host, I've finished smoking!"

"Have you finished drawing?" Tuanzi was surprised: "But, you haven't tied up Zhuzhu yet to draw uncle's clothes!"

Tongtong said honestly: "It's the first time I've drawn the lottery, I've drawn it three times, and it's all gone. There are no clothes, and the special items are not clothes."

Tuanzi twisted his fingers...

The main reason is that none of these things can be taken out and held in hand, so Zhuzhu feels as if she didn't get anything.

In the end, after all, I really finished smoking, and I suddenly felt sad. I lowered my head and picked at my little hands...Zhuzhu didn't get the clothes...Zhuzhu couldn't afford it, so woo woo...

Emperor Mingxi said directly: "It's okay Zhuzhu'er! I will give that armor to your uncle to wear!"

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "Then you don't have any? That won't work. Daddy said those are clothes to protect the emperor's uncle. Zhuzhu wants both the emperor's uncle and the great uncle to have them!"

Emperor Mingxi was moved on the spot: "Oh, my big baby, my Pearl!! My auspiciousness! Why is it so painful!"

He knelt down and took the little chubby boy into his arms, just rubbing it.

Sheng Minglin thought for a while, then suddenly walked over and said to Tongtong very gently: "Kiss, there should be a trial version of that miracle medicine for trauma, right?"

All: "Yes, dear!"

It took out a trial package, and it fell out with a bang. It was a jar, which weighed about half a kilogram in the hand.

Sheng Minglin smiled sweetly: "Dear, the Armored Cavalry Army should also have trial wear, right?"

All: "No! There is no trial set for the Armored Cavalry suit."

"Kiss," he shouted, and the face of the thin-skinned handsome boy turned red, but he still persisted and continued: "Kiss, please help me ask, others have trial wear, why don't the Armored Cavalry Army have them? ? There should be a suit of armor and riding gear, right?"

In fact, Sheng Minglin was really embarrassed to call her Qinqin, it was too shameful.

He was not too embarrassed to ask for armor and riding equipment. After all, the system had already provided many, many, many armors, but the armor was really too expensive. The string of zeros left a deep impression on him. Xiaotuanzi was a deeply shocked little boy at that time. The look in his eyes was still fresh in his memory... Although he didn't know how much her points had increased after opening the National Games Line, what if she still couldn't afford it?

He smiled very gently.Prince Duan Meiyoun also joined the battle: "Dear, how can such a precious thing not have trial sets? There should be at least ten or eight sets of trial sets, don't you think?"

"Yes, dear," Sheng Minglin said again: "Zhuzhu has so few points. It will cost more to buy. If you take advantage of the lottery and get a few more trial clothes, Zhuzhu won't have to worry about a piece of clothing for so long. dont you agree?"

Everyone immediately felt the same: "Yes! Kiss, you are right! I will go find them right away! The service in this dignified system mall is so inadequate! If you dare not give them a trial installation, I will give them a negative review! I will also discuss it in the system forum Write him a [-]-word essay! I will complain to the main system about them! You guys are waiting for my good news!"

All the villains suddenly turned into dull expressions, probably because they had gone offline to contact the mall customer service.

Prince Duan and his son turned around and winked with the emperor and his son.

Emperor Mingxi said in his eyes: You are really greedy... Well done! !
Prince Duan/Sheng Minglin’s eye words: That’s too much, it’s just a basic exercise, for the sake of Zhuzhu, don’t complain.

Everyone then sat down to drink tea and calm down their excitement.

Emperor Mingxi sat at the top and held Zhuzhuer in his arms. The more he looked at it, the more he felt curious about it. Our big baby is so cute, so cute, and the more he looked at it, the cuter he became...

He simply didn't know how to love her. He squeezed her arms and legs for a while, and said to her: "Jiu Zhu'er, the thing I'm pulling out this time is not Zhu Zhu'er's own. Wait a minute." Go to Uncle Huang’s treasury and pick whatever you want!”

"Yes!" Tuanzi said, "Zhuzhu is so happy with Uncle Huang and Daddy, Si Guo Guo, and Guo Guo Guo!"

what! !

The Emperor God of War was once again deeply moved by the children's words. He opened his big mouth like an O and sucked Zhuzhu's little fleshy cheeks into his mouth... It was soft and fragrant, hahaha, he couldn't eat such a small glutinous rice dumpling. You can eat eight in one meal!
Prince Duan endured it for a while, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up: "Come on, fourth daddy, suck me and let Zhuzhu go!"

"Get out of here!" Emperor Mingxi ruthlessly pushed his unlucky brother away, finally let go of his mouth, then kissed his little hands, calves, and blew on Xiaotuanzi's dull hair, puffing... one puff, puffing... again One mouthful.

Tuanzi was so blown away that he closed his eyes.

But facing the aura of Mingzhu, there was no resistance, just as obedient as a rabbit.

Emperor Mingxi felt as if he had a convulsion. Hehehe... He was so grateful to the person who taught Zhuzhu what a Mingzhu was and what a loyal minister was!

Then, after Prince Duan stood up again, Emperor Mingxi took the initiative and shouted: "I! I want to give Zhuzhu to wear a dragon robe!!"

Prince Duan: "...???"

Fourth Prince/Sheng Minglin/Zhuzhu: “…???”

Emperor Mingxi looked at Zhuzhu without blinking: "I want to change the rules for my jewels!! The emperor's uniform is bright yellow, and the prince can choose garcinia! Zhuzhu and the prince both wear garcinia. ! I want to give Zhuzhu the title of Shuntian, Princess Shuntian! No, I want to create a special royal princess for Zhuzhu, with a status higher than the prince! Princess Shuntian protects the country!! She can supervise the country! She can receive it Soldier! You can participate in politics!! My Zhuzhu'er is the quasi-emperor's daughter!"

Several people:"……"

It's not that serious. It's really not that serious. Your Majesty, please calm down first.

(End of this chapter)

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