Chapter 478 Princess Shuntian Protects the Country

In fact, in the Dasheng Dynasty, the emperor, prince, prince, prince, and prince could all wear Yishan crowns and dragon robes. However, the emperor's clothes were yellow and the others were red.

The patch pattern is also a five-clawed dragon pattern, but there are differences between the straight dragon and the walking dragon. The straight dragon refers to the dragon with its body upright, and the walking dragon refers to the dragon with its sideways body.

The royal prince's uniform pattern is a five-clawed dragon on the front and back, and a five-clawed dragon on each shoulder. The royal prince's uniform pattern is a five-clawed dragon on the front and back.

Therefore, it is not impossible to let Zhuzhu wear the same Gonglong robe as the prince.

Although Emperor Mingxi was indeed excited, he did not lose his mind.

Because before, everyone had a misunderstanding. One was that the national destiny line should improve the national destiny of the entire country; the other was that this matter should only happen when Zhuzhu grows up.

But now it turns out it's obviously not the case.

The national destiny line, now it seems, should be Zhuzhu's own influence on the national destiny...including the growth of his own thoughts.

Therefore, Zhuzhu opened the national destiny line by mistake, but he can help later!
Even if Zhuzhu really grows up, as a woman, he can't make her the prime minister... In fact, it's not impossible to say that. As long as the system provides enough, the prime minister can be the prime minister, and he can create a national preceptor for her!
Having said that, if you want to influence the destiny of the country, no matter how this line is calculated, there must be a key link, which is becoming an official and being promoted, right?

Therefore, it is definitely useful to improve Zhuzhu's political status, especially her influence and voice in the court!

Prince Duan and the three of them soon figured out what Emperor Mingxi had planned. All four of them felt that the way was right. The main reason was that there was no clear explanation on this matter, so they could only fumble around.

Finally, Prince Duan sighed: "But, we have to fight for a while."

"It doesn't matter." Emperor Mingxi said: "We don't think this matter is difficult! If nothing else, who dares to beep when Shanda Huahua hits that pestle? After two days of fighting, we will establish the crown prince and give it to Zhu. Beads block the wind!”

Fourth Prince: "..."

It's my dad! That's right!

But he didn't feel unhappy about it.

While several people were discussing, the system was still floating in the same place as before, and had entered the standby state. The interface was dark, and only a circle of light flashed around it from time to time.

Until then, the interface suddenly lit up.

Sheng Minglin flew past and said, "Tongtong, how are you?"

Tongtong said: "As long as I get one set! Alas! Stingy! So stingy! The customer service actually told me that they have never heard of armored riding equipment and trial equipment. I said I have never heard of it, which shows that you are ignorant! You are a system mall. We need to keep pace with the times and improve services. Hai Moulao has even arranged hair washing, how can you be content with the status quo!"

"He also asked why he couldn't take out a set of equipment from the [-]-person team and try it out. I said, "How can the [-]-person team move? You don't understand what obsessive-compulsive disorder is at all. A team of [-] people, a team of [-] people, one less person." , even if there are less than half a person, we can’t call it a team of ten thousand people! He was convinced by me! He said that he also has obsessive-compulsive disorder! The cavalry of the team of ten thousand people are all about the same height, weight, appearance and combat effectiveness!"

Sheng Minglin applauded him on the spot: "You are so awesome, Tongtong! Your words are sharp! It's admirable!"

They all said proudly: "It's not bad. It's a pity that they refused to give more and only gave me one set!"

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "That's a lot of sets!"

Sheng Minglin sincerely thought that the so-called "only one set" meant only one set of armor, but when he took a look, he realized that the one set he mentioned was a complete set of armor and cavalry suits, including matching horses, in addition to human beings. Both children have it.

Tongtong also said, "This horse has been trained to prevent falls. It will not fall easily. It has a strong load-bearing capacity and a fast charging speed. It cannot be replaced by other horses."

Sheng Minglin sincerely praised it: "Everything! Kiss! You are so awesome, so great! I am really grateful to you!"

Although they were all picked up for free, one set was picked up for free and it smelled particularly good. Everyone was very happy, and even the pearls were full of joy. Their little mouths felt like they were covered with sugar: "Thank you all, Guo Guo, you are the best in the world." That’s all!” The Tong Tong villain grinned: “Host, this is what Tong Tong should do!”

Then everyone started discussing the details.

There is no need to take out magic medicine, military rations and other things for the time being. We will wait until the army sets off next year.

With only the armored cavalry, you can find a place to release them first, and then send General Xie out to run in and train first, so that they can be used directly when the time comes.

You can also take out the pigeon food bowl. This kind of magical object is given to key officials in key positions. Needless to say a word, it is a huge shock.

So Zhuzhu took out the pigeon food bowl first.

It looks like it is made of jade. It is white like mutton-fat jade and is similar to a semicircle. One side is concave and convex, and the "core" exposed at the concave and convex place is light yellow. The concave and convex parts of each pair of bowls can be completely combined, but The combination is not gossip, but a strange talisman pattern.

Sheng Minglin asked Tongtong: "This won't break, right?"

Qi Tong regained his accent again: "No, dear, it won't be broken if it falls accidentally, unless it is deliberately damaged."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Can I try?"

"Of course!" The villains all puffed up their chests: "If it breaks, ask them to pay a hundred yuan!"

Sheng Minglin relayed that upon hearing this, Emperor Mingxi pushed Sheng Minglin, then grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

It made a very strange squeaking sound, not like jade, but like a metal object. It spun around a few times and slowly stopped.

Immediately outside, someone said through the door: "Your Majesty?"

"It's okay, I'm fine here."

Emperor Mingxi replied, and the people outside retreated.

Sheng Minglin had already picked it up and inspected it carefully. Sure enough, it was not broken at all.

Then there is no need to worry. Generally speaking, no one dares to drop such a gift from the emperor.

Emperor Mingxi took the pigeon and looked at it again. It was larger than ordinary pigeons. It was gray in color and looked inconspicuous. He was also wearing a small bag at the moment, with both sides on his feet and tightly covering his chest. Front, as inconspicuous as a feather.

Emperor Mingxi was amazed.

Sheng Minglin went out and asked for paper and pen, and wrote down all the feeding instructions.

The rest is for the emperor to do.

Prince Duan and the three of them stayed in the palace for dinner and were not released until dark.

The carriage of Prince Duan was in front, and Shanda Huahua followed leisurely. Wherever he passed, there were many people he had never seen following him.

In the morning of the next day, Emperor Mingxi made his decision to the court.

The courtroom exploded at that time... going crazy, crazy!
How can the words "Shuntian" be used easily?They will also be given dragon robes, and a special royal princess will be appointed, Princess Shuntian to protect the country!
Your Majesty, have you lost your mind?
Prince Duan, do you know how to cast poison? ?

(End of this chapter)

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