Chapter 480 The true auspiciousness of serving the country
The Nuanyang Stone was given by the imperial court.

Many courtiers had suffered from the previous Ice Stone, which was indeed magical and a summer savior, but at that time, they didn't think too much about it.

But now, I have to think about it more.

There is a kind of sacred stone, which can be said to be obtained by chance. Two kinds... are very troublesome.

Throughout the day, all the officials of the court gathered together to discuss and discuss.

Throughout the night, everyone tossed and turned without falling asleep. Everyone touched their foreheads a dozen or even dozens of times to see if there was no fever.

Morning the next day.

Emperor Mingxi asked around, and everyone said they had no fever, so Emperor Mingxi rolled up his sleeves and removed the bandaging on the spot.

As mentioned in the previous description, this magical medicine is more than twenty times better than the ordinary gold-creating medicine. The system has always been generous. The gold-creating medicine it uses for comparison must be good. Besides, even ordinary gold-creating medicine, An injury like this will heal in 20 days.

Therefore, Emperor Mingxi was very confident when it was demolished.

Even though I was mentally prepared, I was still a little surprised.

There is still some cream left on that part of the skin, which has probably not been completely absorbed. It looks moist. After wiping it off, the skin is intact. Only by looking carefully can you see the slightly uneven wound traces. A little reddish.

All the courtiers were stunned.

Everyone did not believe in evil, so they opened it one by one. Everyone's wounds were displayed in a circle, including those who were forcefully broken several times by the emperor.

It's all healed up and it doesn't look like there will be any scars.

The military attachés couldn't help shouting, and the civilian officials couldn't help but look shocked.

No matter how much you hear, nothing is as good as seeing it with your own eyes, and no matter how much you see it with your own eyes, nothing is as good as experiencing it yourself!

This is a true miracle! !
Emperor Mingxi said: "This magical medicine is taken from a kind of magical flower, which was discovered by Zhuzhu accidentally! And the previous cold ice stone and warm sun stone were also discovered by Zhuzhu accidentally! Zhuzhu is auspicious. Body... God loves my Dasheng royal family so much that he sent the pearls here. Throughout the ages, and looking through the history books, have you ever seen such true auspiciousness that can help the emperor avoid danger and contribute to the country? Let me tell you the final word, Let’s not talk about other things, let’s just talk about the merits of this magical medicine for the country. Which of the ministers thinks that she can equal her? This medicine has been passed down to future generations, and it has the merit of being able to live tens of millions of people! She is responsible for no matter how big the title is. I can afford it!”

The officials looked at each other again, and many of them lowered their heads in thought.

But there are still people who are scratching their necks and saying: "Prince Duan? Don't you say a word, Prince Duan?"

What he meant was that even if the emperor gave such a great gift, as a minister, he should decline it politely.

Prince Duan, who had never lost a verbal battle, replied quietly: "May I ask Mr. Zheng, the emperor just spoke, but Mr. Zheng didn't hear it? What the emperor said was obviously the result of auspiciousness, why did Mr. Zheng insist on holding on to the blood relationship? ?You mean that the emperor is a nepotist?"

The man glared and was about to speak, but Prince Duan continued quickly: "Or maybe this auspiciousness is just common people. They have no relatives or dependents in this dynasty, so they don't know how to farm melons and plums. Only Master Zheng can believe that the emperor and I are the same." Out of public motives? Could it be that since this Xiangrui happens to be my daughter, I should hide her abilities from others in order to avoid suspicion and for the sake of my own reputation before and after her death, so as not to be suspected? Is this a waste of time for Brother Gu? And Dasheng’s safety?? Is this what Mr. Zheng means?”

Mr. Zheng said anxiously: "This official has no such intention!"

"Then what does Mr. Zheng mean? I have a clear conscience. Mr. Zheng, please explain clearly! Otherwise, I will ask the emperor to comment!"

Mr. Zheng opened his mouth, but still said: "Even if it is auspicious, the word Shuntian is still passed!"

"What does it mean to have passed??" Wang Wenda, Wang Fengzhang's father, was well prepared and got ahead of everyone. Fei Ye said like an idiot: "What does it mean to have passed?? Officials with excellent performance appraisals and pilgrims who are virtuous can be promoted... ...This is called ordinary. If there are three levels in a row, it is called "passed". In the final analysis, it is because the Taizu's pilgrimage inspection system came first! To put it bluntly, there are rules first, and then there are judgments, and only then can you say that a sentence is not enough or Passed. For the auspicious nature of nature, how can there be any standard in all dynasties? If there is no standard, how can we judge it? "

He raised his hands upward and said: "Auspiciousness is given by God! The only one who dares to judge and can judge auspiciousness is God, and there are emperors who are 'carried by heaven'! May I ask Master Zheng, where did you stand when you said this?" Don’t you think it’s overstepping your bounds!?”

Mr. Wang skillfully used the "big hat" that is a special skill for civil servants.

Mr. Zheng knelt on the ground at that time: "Your Majesty, I am scared, but I have no disrespect at all!"

"Then what do you mean?!" The military attache couldn't help but said: "You stand here, besides beeping every day, have you done anything serious? If you can't get up, you have to get others to do it. Why are you so shameless when you get involved in business?"

Because Emperor Mingxi and General Xie are both divine generals, the military officers also feel a bit like "their own children" towards Zhuzhu. Besides, this medicine is related to themselves. They are really grateful and lucky, not just obedient. Oh my god, isn’t she the royal princess?

Give it to her! !

As soon as the military attaché appears, the painting style changes.

Some of the civil servants couldn't help but said: "Master Zheng is just following the rules..."

Military Attaché: "Let me ask you, are rules more important than life?"

The civil servant looked solemn: "Of course rules are more important than life!"

Military Attaché: "Come on, come on, I'll send you on your way now. If you die, I'll see who else is here to yell about the rules."

The civil servant was furious: "You, you, you! You barbarians!"

The court hall was as noisy as a vegetable market. Emperor Mingxi was used to it. He drank tea before going back to the palace and waited for them to finish arguing.

The officials continued to quarrel until nearly noon, and when they were hungry, they made a temporary truce, and then continued the quarrel the next day.

Seeing that it was almost done, the only few remaining opponents were speechless, and Emperor Mingxi said: "Okay!"

The officials quickly stopped.

Emperor Mingxi said: "My decision has been made! Everyone, Zhuzhu is a body of auspiciousness! God has given auspiciousness. As an emperor, I am overjoyed and frightened!! For the great prosperity of ten thousand years of foundation and for the common people of the world, I , I wish I could offer my sincerity to God to show my sincerity!"

"I am still afraid of something external like a title. As ministers, you are standing in the court, but you are still worried about it. I really doubt your ability, and even more doubt your thoughts!! You are really not afraid , will God take back this auspiciousness??"

He leaned over slightly and looked at these people one by one: "Auspiciousness that has never happened since ancient times came to me, but I was forced away by you who were stubborn and stubborn or had ulterior motives. Do you want to record it like this? , making generosity laughable in the history books, and being infamy for thousands of years?! Do you want to be a sinner in Dasheng?"

All the officials knelt down: "I don't dare, I am afraid, I deserve death for my crime."

Emperor Mingxi was silent for a long time, and then said: "The cabinet and the Ministry of Rites discuss the decree together! Retreat from the court!"

He walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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