Chapter 481 I am so loved by others
So the matter settled.

The reason why the Ministry of Etiquette was called was because the clothes needed to be changed, not because Prince Duan was the head of the Ministry of Etiquette.

Previously, Emperor Mingxi said that the emperor was named Minghuang, the prince was named Garcinia, and the princess and the prince were both named Garcinia.

He chose Garcinia because he thought that Garcinia is a medicinal material, but Garcinia is actually not very good-looking. In the end, the Ministry of Rites decided to call it the color of dawn, which is the color of golden light when the sun rises. It is red with yellow, bright and gorgeous.

Moreover, the color of the king is yellow, and the color of the ministers is red. This color has both the color of the king and the color of the ministers. Whether it is the color or the meaning, it is very suitable for the uniform of the prince. After all, princesses like Zhuzhu do not often have it.

After being selected, Prince Duan was quite satisfied.

His pearls are white and beautiful. They will look good in this color. Although the fourth prince has a cold temperament, he is handsome, so he will look good in it. As for whether the prince will look good in it in the future, wow, that’s the point. What's wrong with him?

As for the many people who wanted to change the dragon robe into a phoenix robe, he rejected it. After all, becoming the Protector Princess is to have the status of participating in political affairs. What they want is the dragon robe, so as not to look like a female family member.

In short, Prince Duan reported the matter happily, and then just waited for the decree.

I won’t tell you what to say later.

Time goes back to the day of the meeting.

In Duanwang's mansion.

A batch of small boxes had been made overnight and delivered early in the morning. Sheng Minglin sent his servants to deliver them door to door.

He himself took a low-key trip to Qin Jiangbai's house while Zhu Zhu'er hadn't gotten up yet.

Nuanyang Stone is considered a treasure. Although it cannot cure diseases, for many people, such as frail old people and women with cold body, it is also regarded as a kind of magical object. Therefore, it is better to be low-key when using it, so as not to be ignored. People with long eyes are watching, and you will get into trouble for nothing.

Sheng Minglin was afraid that his servants would not be able to explain clearly, so he simply came over by himself to see how the elderly people were doing.

At this moment, the Qin family finally looked like an official family, with a concierge and a cook. After Sheng Minglin entered, several old people did not come out. Only Qin Jiangbai's eldest father, the old man named Qin, came to receive him. .

Because of a little accident, Emperor Mingxi, the sixth emperor, knew that the fourth prince had a good relationship with them, so he did not give it to the fourth prince when they divided it. Therefore, Princess Duan moved [-] pieces to him, which was not enough in the end. You can buy it if you have points, but the special price is [-] points for [-] points, and the regular price is [-] points for [-] piece, which is not a good deal.

Therefore, Sheng Minglin only brought seven warm sun stones, but he brought twenty cold ice stones, which could be saved for summer.

Seven stones are for each person. Qin Jiangbai’s own Nuanyang Stone. Sheng Minglin also told them that Zhuzhu definitely wanted to give it to Qin Jiangbai with his own hands, so he didn’t bring it over.

The old man's conversation was polite and reasonable. Although he was slightly uncomfortable, he was not rude at all.

Sheng Minglin also felt that the conversation was comfortable, and specifically said to him: "Uncle, I heard that Brother Jiang Bai has finished his errand and started to rush back. I estimate that he will arrive in five or six days. This trip will be full of people." They have all performed meritorious services and have not been injured, so uncle, don’t worry.”

There was joy in the old man's eyes: "Thank you Minglin."

After Sheng Minglin returned, replies from various governments also came back one after another.

Sheng Minglin deliberately didn't move, waiting for Zhuzhu'er to wake up so he could watch it with her.

Zhu Zhu'er was eating breakfast, and posts were sent one after another. Zhu Zhu'er was really interested, so she hurriedly finished her breakfast and quickly took it over to read.

Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao accompanied her one by one.

As soon as she opened it, Zhuzhu let out a wow and said, "The production is really good. They don't fight. They just lined up and came over!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and began to read to her.

These second-generation people are all used to socializing, and they are all very smart. When I saw the post, Zhuzhu was specially asked to write it, and I understood. The replies were all written to Zhuzhu, and the words were very simple. Thank you for the beans. Dou and Zhuzhu also invited Zhuzhu to play at their home.

Zhuzhu nodded while listening. Wherever he read, she kept responding: "Zhuzhu misses you too!" "Okay!" "Zhuzhu will go play with you tomorrow!"

After thinking about it, Tuanzi was still a little tired.Then she twisted her fingers: "That's not right! It's not enough! Didn't Si Guo Guo Guo reply?"

"Yes!" Sheng Minglin said seriously: "Fourth brother didn't reply, that's too much! Next time he comes, Zhu Zhu'er cover his eyes and don't ask him to see your new house!"

Tuanzi nodded: "Yeah!"

She thought for a while and then said: "Also, Qin Guoguo didn't reply! Han Jiujiu, Han Wanwan, and Lu Lu didn't reply either! Uncle Yunduo and Mr. Xu didn't reply either!"

Sheng Minglin said: "I'll ask someone to urge you."

Sheng Minglin went out and really sent people to urge Xu Heshu and Cui Yun, and then came back to explain: "Brother Qin, Han Jiujiu, Han Wanwan, and Lu Lu have all gone out on errands. Wait until they come back..."

Zhuzhu suddenly climbed off the stool, looked around, ran to the door, opened the door, stretched out her little hands, and went out to try it out.

Then she turned back and said: "Guo Guo, your hands are cold! It's cold! It's windy! They definitely want warm beans to keep them warm!"


So Sheng Minglin called someone back to Shangguan Weifeng and asked it to deliver the message.

I sent Han Jiujiu and Lu Wuqi over first. In fact, there was Zhou Yinhan there. Zhou Yinhan followed him out, but he didn't help much. It was considered a training...

Speaking of which, Zhou Yinhan himself is not on Zhuzhu's friend list, but Mrs. Zhou is. But on Mrs. Zhou's side, Princess Duan has sent someone to see her off, and experts like Zhou Yinhan and Mrs. Zhou are not afraid of the cold at all. So Sheng Minglin only wrote a letter and explained a few words.

Then Shandaweifeng set off.

Shengweiwei was not a pigeon. He had very good eyesight and could understand people's words. He searched along the road and found it quickly.

At this moment, several people were hunting outside. Lu Wuqi, with his keen ears, was the first to hear it. He suddenly rushed out and waved wildly: "Master Bird! Grandpa Bird! Come down, come down! I miss you so much!!"

The grand majesty gathered its wings and fell. Lu Wuqi let out a roar and threw himself on it. He hung on it and hugged it wildly: "Master Bird! Ahhhhh, I miss you so much!"

Shanda Mingfeng stood up straight with his eagle head raised. Although he was in the second grade, in the eyes of outsiders, he was still very handsome and domineering.

Everyone around was amazed, and they were even more proud of the grand majesty... That's right, it's me, the one who is loved so much! !
Lu Wuqi made love for a while and then said, "Where are you going?"

Sheng Shanda stretched out his paw coldly and pointed at him.

Lu Wuqi was surprised: "Looking for me?! Why are you looking for me?"

Shanda Weifeng gestured downward with his mouth, and then Lu Wuqi saw a envelope hanging on his chest and quickly took it out.

Inside was a small bag of sugar cubes... Zhuzhu now poured in a few more letters.

Lu Wuqi gave the candy to his men first, then opened the letter and read it, one by one.

Uncle Zhou personally opened it... and gave it to Zhou Qinhan.

Han Jiujiu kisses... and gives Han Jiujiu.

Lu Lu kissed it... He pressed his head under his chin, and then held up the last letter: "Why did you return two letters?" He stuffed it to him.

At this moment, it was actually Han Zhenge who was taking charge of the body. When he saw the letter and was about to give up his body, he saw the last letter that read, "Han Wanwan personally expresses my gratitude."

Han Zhenge raised the corner of his mouth, took the letter, and opened it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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