Chapter 482 The master loves me the most
There is a small sachet inside, containing warm beans. On a letter, Zhuzhu's cute handwriting reads: "Han Wanwan beans are hot". There is also a letter from Sheng Minglin. Greetings and explanations.

Han Zhenge had a smile on his lips. When he looked at this word, he could think of that cute little princess with a pink face. She raised her little face and softly called Han Wanwan, which made people want to give her everything.

He reluctantly put away his own letter. Han Jiujiu couldn't wait any longer and said in his mind: "It's my turn!"

Han Zhenge was in such a good mood that he couldn't help but want to tease him, so he pretended not to hear and said to Shanda Mingwei: "Did your master ask you to deliver the letter?"

Shanda Wei nodded.

The people around him suddenly gasped.

Han Zhenge smiled and said, "Then tell me, does your master like Lu Wuqi, Han Jiujiu, or Han Wanwan the most?"

Upon hearing this, everyone could see the contempt in Shanda Weifeng's eyes. Then he raised his paw and pointed at himself. For fear that others wouldn't see it, he jumped half a circle on one leg, keeping his paw pointed at himself.

Me, me, me!My master loves me the most! !
Han Zhenge's eyes widened in shock.

Lu Wuqi almost died laughing, slapping his thigh: "You, hahahaha... you are making me laugh so hard. You don't think our Lord Bird is a stupid bird who only nods and shakes his head, do you?! Our Lord Bird is better than me?" How smart are you! You actually compete with our Lord Bird for favor, hahahaha, you are going to laugh me to death..."

Han Zhenge couldn't help laughing.

The onlookers once again marveled: "Wow! It's really a magical bird!!"

In front of all the fans, Shanda Weifeng performed with all his heart and soul that he was better than anyone except that he couldn't speak. After everyone had finished reading the letter, he even compared it with his paws and wings for a long time and made a writing gesture, which meant that they should reply quickly.

So the two of them could only write a reply quickly.

Zhou Yinhan sat aside drinking tea in a very righteous manner, but Lu Wuqi asked him: "Uncle, you don't want to write?"

Zhou Yinhan explained: "My letter was not written by Her Royal Highness the little princess, but by Ming Lin."

"Oh!" Lu Wuqi snorted, but still said: "Why don't you just write a letter? Being idle is also idle, don't you think?"

Han Zhenge polished the ink for him smoothly: "Yes, write one. His Highness has never written to you, but he will be very surprised to see your letter."

Zhou Yinhan: "..."

He had no choice but to write one.

While waiting, someone tried to feed Shanda Weifeng, but Shanda Weifeng rejected it with nobility and coolness. After all, it had a place to eat, and the food was quite good, and it could not be looked down upon by ordinary things.

Two quarters of an hour later, Sheng Mingfeng flew away with the letter, leaving behind countless legends.

Soon they arrived in the capital. Sheng Minglin received the letter. Before he could say anything, Sheng Minglin hurriedly flew away. Sheng Minglin could only shout: "There are still letters to be delivered tomorrow!"

Shanda Mingfeng cried in response.

It went to the palace and compared it with its exclusive little eunuch. The little eunuch suddenly realized it and quickly put on its majestic cloak.

Early the next morning,
In the county town, which is three or four days' journey from the capital, Wang Shuzhi, Qin Jiangbai and his party escorted a long group of people back to the capital and set out on the road early in the morning.

It snowed yesterday and lasted all night, but it got warmer during the day. The snow gradually melted, and there was mud under my feet. The branches above my head were dripping with water from time to time, making a crackling sound.

Qin Jiangbai came back from a round of inspection. Wang Shuzhi turned his horse's head and got closer to him. He smiled and said to him: "Let's hurry up and try to get out of the city before nightfall the day after tomorrow. We can enter the city early in the morning." ”

Qin Jiangbai nodded.

Wang Shuzhi smiled and said: "I have been on these two missions together for several months. I miss my son."

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said, "I miss Zhuzhu'er too." After blurting out the words, he was still a little embarrassed. After all, Zhuzhu was the royal princess and he was just a minister.

Wang Shuzhi is a good person, so of course he will not find fault with him, he will just laugh and act accordingly.

The two of them chatted for a while, and the horses fluttered under their feet, mixed with the sounds of people behind them. No one noticed that the hillside in front of them cracked silently... The snow continued to flow. As it infiltrates downwards, this crack in the ground becomes bigger and bigger...

At this moment, I heard a cry above my head.

Qin Jiangbai suddenly raised his head, then quickly took off his hat and whistled several times.

Shanda Weifeng responded, and then slowly fell into the muddy water. At that time, he jumped to the side with a crunch, shaking his paws in disgust.

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "Grand and majestic."

He got off the horse and pointed to it: "Stand on that grass."

Sheng Mingfeng squeaked again, moved to the grass, then raised his head, turned around, and showed him his cloak. Qin Jiangbai said quickly: "It's so majestic! It's so beautiful."

Sheng Mingfeng spread his wings again, turned his head back, looked at him, and waited. Qin Jiangbai could only continue: "It's simply majestic, handsome, and handsome. Yushu Lin's style is better than Pan An, and he is the best in the world." A condor too!”

Wang Shuzhi: "..."

Forget about everything else, maybe Pan An has gone too far.

Sheng Mingfeng loved to hear it, and he squawked with joy. He turned around, spread his wings, and the two brothers hugged his shoulders, and then there was a squeaking and chirping, and the squealing was in a cadence.

In fact, Qin Jiangbai couldn't understand it at all, but he still nodded.

Shanda Weifeng told him everything about his winter hunting trip and yesterday's fan meeting, and then pointed to the envelope on his chest with unfinished meaning.

Qin Jiangbai reached in and took out the letter. When he saw that it was written by Zhuzhu, he immediately smiled.

He opened it carefully, looked at it several times, smiled and took the warm bean into his hand again, looked at it carefully, put it in his arms, and then made another gesture with great authority, asking him to write a reply.

Qin Jiangbai was embarrassed: "I can't write on the road."

Grand and majestic: "Chirp ah ah ah!?"

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said, "How about I find something to engrave on."

He looked back and forth and peeled off a large piece of bark. Then he borrowed a needle and carved a few words on the bark. He showed it to Shanda Weifeng and put it back in its envelope with a smile.

Shanda Mingfeng was dissatisfied and spread his wings to block his way.

The next moment, a rumbling sound was heard, and for a moment, the feet shook, the ground shook, and the grand majesty grabbed Qin Jiangbai with one claw, howled, suddenly flapped its wings, and flew into the sky.

Qin Jiangbai faced down and was caught in the palm of his hand, looking down blankly.

The huge mountain seemed to have turned into a torrent, rumbling down the road. The dirt and gravel swallowed up the road in an instant, and continued to go down, filling the valley, and then poured into the opposite hillside. Then slowly, slowly stopped.

After a long time, there was a gasp in the Jinyiwei team, and then, the sounds of exclamation sounded one after another.

At this time, the mountain in front of them has become a mountain. If they were not stopped by the grand majesty, if their team moved forward, they would be buried under this pile of soil from beginning to end, no matter how high their kung fu was. , and it is impossible to escape.

Even if it was lucky and the team moved quickly, at most the first few people would escape, and the group behind would have no hope of surviving.

(End of this chapter)

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