Chapter 483: The big bird is too majestic

Shangshengweifeng was frightened by the vast power of heaven and earth, and circled for several times until Qin Jiangbai came to his senses and said: "Let's go down! It should be fine."

Shanda Weifeng slowly disappeared and returned to the team.

Wang Shuzhi didn't even have time to speak to him, so he quickly ordered: "Go back! The tail of the team becomes the leader, and retreat immediately! Leave this mountainous area!!"

The team quickly recovered and retreated quickly.

Wang Shuzhi saluted the grand majesty and said sincerely: "Thank you, Lord Bird! You saved our lives!"

In fact, I just came to deliver a letter. I was scared just now, and my legs are still a little weak now, so the big bird leaned on Qin Jiangbai's grand majesty: "..."

It quickly stood up straight and raised its head!

That’s right!it is me! !
I'm so awesome!

This divine bird!Saved your lives!Love me crazily and worship me! !Humanity! !
At this moment, the Jin Yiwei in the team came back to their senses and thanked the sacred bird one after another. Qin Jiangbai tugged on its wings: "Let's leave here first, in case there is another..."

Before he finished speaking, Shangsheng Mingfeng grabbed him with one claw and flew away again. Only Qin Jiangbai's voice was left in the air, "I didn't mean for the two of us to leave... Oh, forget it!"

Qin Jiangbai simply didn't come back. He went to the inn to get pen and paper, rewrote the letter, and included this matter. At the same time, he also said to Shanda Weiwei: "I praised you to your master, wait for her You’ll know after reading the letter.”

Shangsheng Weifeng nodded and squeezed his head to watch him write, as if he really knew him.

Qin Jiangbai held its head with one hand and slowly stroked its fur. He quickly finished the letter with his right hand, folded it up, and stuffed it into the envelope on its chest: "Go back."

Shanda Weifeng asked: "Chiewa?"

"I'm fine, don't worry and go back."

Only then did the grand majesty fly away.

The innkeeper's waiter saw this scene: "..."

Afterwards, countless people came to inquire about what happened, and they also described the divine bird’s humanity and talents to others countless times. Finally, it was passed around, and it became:

When the earthquake was about to happen, a divine bird entered the inn, transformed into a handsome man, and threw a letter into the air. The letter disappeared in an instant, and the mountain god received it, so no one was hurt by the earthquake this time.

The handsome man Qin Jiangbai: "...???"

But no matter what, Shanda Weifeng flew back with the letter.

In Duanwang's mansion.

Today, Sheng Minglin still has no time to take Zhuzhu to the adventure house.

Zhuzhu had forgotten about it, but luckily, Shen Lingjue's chatter made Sheng Minglin deaf, so there was no other way. Sheng Minglin had no choice but to send Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince to take a look first, because there were not enough people. It happened that Princess Duan also wanted to take a look, so the three of them went happily.

Sheng Minglin writes articles at home.

Prince Duan said that after receiving the decree from Princess Zhuzhu, he would immediately issue an edict to prohibit foot binding for women in the private sector, and it would be very strict. Starting from the ninth year of Mingxi, that is, from next year, all local county magistrates and government orders will be issued. If they are not in place and some people don't know about it, they will all be dismissed from office. If there are still women with bound feet among the people, their relatives will not be allowed to take the imperial examination or enter the official position. Those who have already entered the official position will be demoted, and those who report it will be rewarded.

Very good, it's the emperor's style. If you don't take action, it's fine. Once you do, it's unambiguous.

So Prince Duan asked him to write an article first to build momentum, because women's objections to this kind of thing would not be conveyed, and those who would object would only be some scholars, so he published the article first to set the tone.

So Sheng Minglin is writing an article at home.Mr. Qingcheng felt bad. He had no inspiration for a while, so he asked someone to take a few stones, put them in his shoes, and walked back and forth several times.

When I was walking, I was so absorbed in thinking that I didn't feel much pain. When I stopped, it hurt so much that I couldn't bear it. So Sheng Minglin took a deep breath and wrote an article with a woman's voice.

A woman's feet were bound to make them small, so she married her husband. Unexpectedly, her life was inconvenient. In the boudoir, when she was wearing socks, her husband praised the three-inch golden lotus. But when she took off the socks, she saw that she was so deformed that her husband vomited for three days. From then on, he withered and never dared to get close to her. He would vomit when he saw her. He even talked about it privately with his beautiful concubine, which was very unpleasant... Later, he wrote about a fire in his home. Others escaped easily, but she couldn't escape at all with her small feet. Went out and almost got burned alive, so I wrote this article...etc.

After he finished writing, he immediately covered his face and reflected on himself, why do he always write articles that he would never admit to be written by himself?

On the other hand, I picked up a book and opened a page at random. The first word was: month.

So his pen name this time was called "Yue Niang".

Then he put away this article and continued to think about Mr. Qingcheng's style, but couldn't think of anything.

He simply put on his shoes and socks and went to find Cui Yun, preparing to ask Cui Yun to write an article.

Cui Yun laughed as he watched, and finally he laughed so much that he fell on the table and said with a smile: "You really impress me every time!!"

Sheng Minglin said shamelessly: "It's okay, as long as you get things done, there is no shame. I will also follow your personal experience in the previous article. Foot binding and burial, these two major stains of the Great Sheng Dynasty, we must find opportunities to abolish them one by one. .”

Cui Yun couldn't help but stop smiling. After a while, he nodded: "Yes."

Sheng Minglin added: "But after I finished writing, I was thinking that my article might really help women not like to have their feet bound, but now, there are still some women who have their feet bound. How can they survive? So look back I have to write another one.”

Cui Yun nodded thoughtfully.

Sheng Minglin asked him: "By the way, why didn't you reply to Zhu Zhu'er?"

Cui Yun smiled and said: "Just in time, you can take it back for me. I just finished painting."

He handed him a scroll, opened it, and drew a giant eagle and a giant tiger. Little Zhuzhuer was sitting on the head of the giant tiger, supporting the ground with one hand, raising a small hand and touching the giant tiger. The eagle's beak, the giant eagle cocked its head and bowed its head, was rubbing her affectionately.

The giant eagle is majestic and majestic, and the big white tiger Yuan Ting Yue Zhi is even more beautiful. The little red dumpling in the middle is so soft and sweet that it makes people's hearts melt with cuteness.

Sheng Minglin praised her repeatedly and quickly went back to coax Zhuzhu with the scroll without waiting for him to finish writing the article.

Zhu Zhu'er had just woken up. When she got the portrait and looked at it, she exclaimed in surprise: "Uncle Yun Duo... no, Mr. Cui, he can draw Meng Meng! He saw Meng Meng who annoyed Zhu Zhu'er!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "No, he didn't see Zhuzhu's dream, he just accidentally had a dream similar to Zhuzhu's."

Tuanzi nodded: "That's great! Sheng Mingfeng is so beautiful, Shanda Huahua..." She turned around and waved with her little hand, Shanda Huahua gracefully leaned over the tiger's head, and then Sheng Minglin was squeezed off the stool by the huge tiger's head.

Zhuzhu didn't pay attention and compared it: "Look, you are so beautiful! Zhuzhu is also beautiful, right?"

The big white tiger nodded and meowed like a kitten. Tuanzi said again: "When I'm in the hunting habit, Zhuzhu will sit on your head and go out with you to find careless potpots." He Xiao Yi Ji Da, do you still remember?"

Big White Tiger: "Uh-huh, uh-huh... ow."

As soon as its throat was not clamped properly, the gong came out all of a sudden, like a bellows, and then the whole tiger froze. After a while, it turned around and ran away, rushed out of the small door, and jumped down building.

Tuanzi: "...??"

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but smile. He was a tiger, and his image was quite burdensome.

(End of this chapter)

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