Chapter 485 From Zui School to Zui Zhongguan

This article is like a slap in the face, scolding those pedantic literati who chanted the Three-Inch Golden Lotus.

The article says that if a person has the ability, he will be able to fight on the battlefield with great enthusiasm; if he has talent, he will also need to work hard to stand in the court!

Only trash who has no ability and no achievements, does nothing all day long, and has no place to put his energy, would have such a disgusting hobby and like women's small feet!
He doesn’t even like normal feet, but likes those that are mutilated and deformed. Such people, whether they are officials or officials, are very scary... Why?

Seeing one spot can reveal the whole leopard. A person who does not like beauty but loves cruelty, does not like lotus faces but loves deformed feet. What he likes must not be the scenery of the prosperous age and abundant harvests, but what he likes must be the desolation of life and devastation... Because this is also tantamount to The country is incomplete.

Haha, it was really exciting to write it, peeling off the skin and bones!
Sheng Minglin read it several times, until his heart surged.

Cui Yun didn't really "hear" such words at this time, but he was able to write as if he was speaking directly from his heart, with a fierce fighting spirit coming to his face... He was able to fully incorporate his own emotions, which is really amazing.

There are so many talented people in the world. Xie Ji'an and Cui Yun are all so powerful that they give him a feeling of being separated by a world.

Sheng Minglin sighed repeatedly, and then he became interested. He sat on his desk, sharpened his ink and started writing.

He wrote, from the mouth school to the mouth loyal official.

It is said that in every school, there will be people like this. They often talk about how hard it is to study, about hanging beams to pierce the buttocks, and burning ointment to follow the sundial, as if they have tried their best... In fact, when I hold the book, I have already been thinking about delicious food. , beauties, beautiful scenery, it seems that he is studying, but in fact he is just wasting time, pretending to be diligent, deceiving the teacher, and being complacent about it, thinking that he has got a big deal.

From this, it is said that there are some officials who always have many reasons and difficulties no matter what decree is issued by the court. They feel that the civil and military officials in the court are not as smart as you. They feel that there are reasons why everything should not be done, and even think about it. He used many tricks to deceive and deceive, hiding things from others, and was complacent about them. He felt that he was smart and could be an official, and he secretly laughed at some "honest people" who actually implemented government orders...

But the more you are this kind of person, the louder you shout the word "loyalty", the shouting makes flowers bloom in flowers, and the tears flow freely. Once others are promoted, they feel that the world is unfair, that others must have their own way, and that all officials in the world are not as good as you. You are so loyal, why are you not allowed to be promoted...

Who knows, but words of loyalty are not worthy of being called loyalty. You have fooled yourself, and even briefly fooled Shangfeng, but you can only fool the people. The people's days and the people's dinner tables can be seen in your political achievements. No falsehood allowed.

This article still seems to follow the vulgar and down-to-earth style of "Mr. Qingcheng" and has nothing to do with foot binding. However, as long as it is published at the right time, it will be more useful than writing about this one thing.

After all, who is the most powerful person in this kind of thing?

A scholar who has not yet entered officialdom.

If you are not a scholar, you can just say what you say. If you cannot write articles, it will not be circulated and it will have little impact.

As for those who have become officials and have more, they will naturally be cautious in what they say.

Only the second-year middle school boy who has not been beaten by life dares to "speak for justice."

As for scholars, who doesn’t have a few schools of thought around them?
Maybe he himself belongs to the mouth school, so whether he knows it or not, starting with this, he can easily win over this group of people.

After Sheng Minglin finished writing, he put down his pen and read it himself.

Just now I felt that there was a world of difference, but now I feel that my writing is quite good.

Someone behind him said: "Very good."

Sheng Minglin was startled, and when he turned around, he realized that Cui Yun had returned at some point.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Come on, Mr. Cui, sit down quickly. I just read what you wrote. It's so fluent and flowing that I'm amazed."

Cui Yun smiled at him, then suddenly raised his hand, took the brush, and drew a small flower under his article with a few strokes. Then he put down the brush, patted the table, and suddenly asked him, "Why is the little prince?" not coming?"

Sheng Minglin laughed dumbly.

To draw a small flower is to praise his wonderful strokes; to pat the table to look for Shen Lingjue is to praise him.

This was the first time he felt the scholar's half-joking banter.

This kind of interaction between literati and literati is completely different from how he gets along with other people.

The two chatted for a long time, and it was almost dinner time before Sheng Minglin went back.

When he went back, his father had actually come back and said to him: "It's almost done. It should be finalized tomorrow." He was talking about the princess. Sheng Minglin nodded and gave him the article in hand. took a look.

Prince Duan crossed his legs and finished reading, and said: "Who is this? The writing is not bad!"

Sheng Minglin said deliberately: "Thank you dad for the compliment, the kid will work harder!"

Prince Duan raised his eyebrows: "Yue'er is really smart as ice and snow."

As a result, Sheng Minglin turned around and said, "Zhuzhu! Daddy said he met a cute little girl named Yue'er outside!"

Prince Duan: "...???"

Why don't you play your cards according to the rules?
Tuanzi had already run over, looking up at her father: "Is Yue'er cuter than Zhuzhu?"

"Of course not! How is it possible!" Prince Duan said immediately: "There is no baby in this world cuter than Zhuzhu! Yue'er is a bad boy with a bad mouth and a bad heart. How can he compare with my Zhuzhu'er!"

Huo Chenzhao listened silently.

The way father and son get along is unprecedented.

Prince Duan was about to pick up his daughter when he suddenly heard something and looked up.

Outside, Princess Duan, the Seventh Prince, and Shen Lingjue walked in dejectedly like cocks defeated in a fight.

Prince Duan hurriedly went out to help his wife, and Sheng Minglin also came out and helped Shen Lingjue. As soon as Tuanzi saw this posture, he flew out and hugged the seventh prince's leg.

The seventh prince picked up her collar and took her into his arms.

Tuanzi hugged his face: "Qi Guo Guo, what's wrong with you?"

Seventh Prince: "Alas!"

Shen Lingjue: "Alas!"

Princess Duan looked at them: "Alas!"

Prince Duan: "..."

Prince Duan really didn't know what was going on, but Sheng Minglin guessed it and said with a smile: "Isn't it difficult to pass the adventure house?"

"Alas!" Princess Duan said, "I'm so stupid. I should have known a long time ago that I should have taken your father or you to do this kind of brain-intensive work. In the end, I only took Xiao Jue and Xiao Jue with me. Qilang, go, aren’t the three of us just delivering food?”

Prince Duan understood clearly: "Can't you pass? Take the essay test?"

"It's not an essay test! I wouldn't be afraid if it were an essay test!" Shen Lingjue was very unconvinced: "It's not like I haven't studied. I'm really anxious and I can just take the first prize, but the room is a mess, so I just I don’t know what it is doing, nothing is right, no matter what it is doing! I suspect there is something wrong with this house!”

The Seventh Prince said: "Ling Jue also said that he would keep it on him and let me follow him! He was extremely confident. Two hours later, a wooden sign came out of that room, saying that we had not cleared the customs in this room so far. Do you want to click on one? Admit defeat, then quit, and fight another day... As a result, Shen Lingjue said, I don't believe this evil, I have to pass the level today! Then I pressed 'Continue to Persevere', and it was another two hours without drinking a sip of water. I was thirsty. Kill me!"

He took the teapot and drank water to his mouth.

Princess Duan also said: "They seem to put out a wooden sign every two hours. The second time, Ling Jue was still not convinced and wanted to press on and continue! Fortunately, we two stopped him!"

The three people complained to each other. Tuanzi was in Brother Seven's arms, looking at this and that. His eyes were wide open in shock: "You guys, did you secretly go to the Adventure House? Didn't you bring Zhuzhu?"

Three people: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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