Chapter 486: Move Zhuzhu’s heart away
The seventh prince suddenly choked and almost choked to death. He coughed wildly and explained with difficulty: "No, no, cough, cough, it's none of my business. Yes, cough, cough, it was Shen Lingjue who asked me to go. !”

Princess Duan learned the lesson and said, "Baby, it's none of my mother's business! It's Shen Ling who never asked my mother to go!"

The young prince, who was betrayed by everyone in the blink of an eye, said: "..."

He looked at Sheng Minglin.

Sheng Minglin secretly threatened with his eyes.

In the end, Shen Lingjue was very loyal and did not say: Your brother doesn't have time to go. If he doesn't go, you won't be allowed to go, so let me go and play by myself first... Such words.

He held Zhuzhu's little chubby hand with both hands, crying: "Little ancestor, little baby, I really didn't secretly play behind your back. We have never seen this kind of thing, so I definitely can't let you directly. Go play, what if there is any danger, so I just want to check it out first and make sure it’s okay before I take you there.”

"Liar! Lied to children!" Zhuzhu withdrew her hand and hugged her with her little arms: "You didn't tell Zhuzhu at all. If Zhuzhu doesn't have much, then you just go with Zhuzhu on your back! And Zhuzhu... …”

She suddenly paused and her eyes widened: "Zhu Zhu used to have a small house in his mind, but when he got home, it suddenly disappeared. Could it be that you secretly moved it!? That's why Zhu Zhu couldn't remember it!" I didn’t want to play!”

The young prince could not argue: "No, really not, Zhu Zhu'er, I really didn't move it..."

In order to protect himself, Sheng Minglin coughed and pointed at his head.

The young prince understood instantly: "Zhuzhu, we really are not going to play. Think about it, if we want to play, we must use our brains. So, how could we not take your brother and you with us? We are not smart enough. But how do you get through this!"

Tuanzi was a little convinced and blinked. Shen Lingjue continued: "Your seventh brother and I, we are both martial arts masters. We just went to see if the small house was safe. We can fly. If there is danger, we can escape." Come on! Don’t you think so? Your mother went to see if the courtyard over there was cleaned, so we got together. "

Tuanzi believed it: "That's right!"

"Yes," Shen Lingjue nodded repeatedly: "That's it."

Tuanzi apologized obediently: "What's wrong? I tied the beads wrong. Don't be angry at Xingxing Guoguo."

Shen Lingjue breathed a sigh of relief: "No, no, of course I won't be angry with Zhuzhu."

Tuanzi opened his hands, let him hug him, kissed his face, and then made a suggestion with bright eyes: "Then let's cash in the debt and go play??"

"Ah, this," Shen Lingjue didn't want to be the bad guy and said immediately, "Okay, let's go now!" He turned around.


Prince Duan was calm, and Sheng Minglin had no choice but to stand up and stop him: "Zhuzhu, there are no lights over there. You can't see anything when it gets dark. Can you go tomorrow? My brother will play with you tomorrow."

Tuanzi hesitated for a moment and looked at the sky: "Okay then, don't forget to mess with me tomorrow."

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "No."

Tuanzi said to Huo Chenzhao again: "Beautiful Guoguo will tell Zhuzhu tomorrow."

Huo Chenzhao nodded in agreement.

Everyone then went back into the house. Princess Duan and others went back to change clothes. Prince Duan was still waiting for his wife after the food was served.

Zhuzhu suddenly remembered and took her father to look at the painting. Huo Chenzhao's painting had also been completed.

Although he himself was not satisfied yet, Zhuzhu was very satisfied and said to him seriously: "Zhuzhu's heart, Zhuzhu sends you a few words to decide! Zhuzhu said that the painting is good, it means the painting is good." !”

The paintings are indeed very good, with bright colors, full of childishness, huge mushrooms, and round houses. Influenced by Cui Yun, he also painted big tigers and grand majestic figures, which are completely different from current paintings. The style is beautiful and cute. If you look at it a few more times, your childlike innocence will bubble up.

Prince Duan said: "I want one too."

Sheng Minglin: "I want it too."

The Seventh Prince who had just returned: "I want it too!"

The young prince was outside and didn't know what he was grabbing but he quickly opened his mouth: "I want it too!" Huo Chenzhao: "..."

Tuanzi's little head was spinning around, pleased with himself: "Do you all like Zhuzhu's heart?"

"Yes," Prince Duan said immediately, "Our hearts are not as lovely as Zhuzhu's!"

He said casually and gave the paper to the boy: "Send it to my room to hang it up."

"Uncle," Huo Chenzhao could no longer be modest and said, "I'll frame it and send it over tomorrow."

Prince Duan smiled and put down the painting: "Thank you then."

Tuanzi: "But this one is tied to the four-pot pot!"

"It's okay," Prince Duan said, "The next one belongs to him. I'm the elder and I'll take it first."

Tuanzi was frightened: "Oh!"

So everyone decided happily.

After dinner, Zhuzhu fell asleep, and Prince Duan and his wife also left. Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince planned to stay and sleep on Shangsheng Huahua's mat. Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao were about to leave, so Sheng Minglin asked: " Ling Jue, you have a serious look on your face, what are you thinking about?"

Shen Lingjue sighed: "I was thinking, uh-huh, uh-huh..."

He blurted out the middle part and continued: "Shen Zhao and I are both fourth brother's confidants and generals. I stay with you every day, and my brain is often useless and useless. In the future, I Why fight? Are you going to be as reckless as Qilang?"

Seventh Prince: "...??"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Is it possible that when we grow up, there will be no more wars to fight?"

Shen Ling had no idea what the fate of the country would bring. He only said: "Is it impossible? Could it be that... the fourth brother will be allowed to supervise the country while the emperor concentrates on fighting the war??"

Sheng Minglin smiled and left.

The two of them, Shen Lingjue, then lay down. Lychee closed all the curtains, blew out the lanterns, and returned to the house.

Shen Lingjue rested her hands on her hands and thought about something. Before she fell asleep, she suddenly heard Zhuzhu inside shouting "Guo Guo".

Shen Lingjue turned over and heard Lychee getting up inside. She walked slowly to the couch, Zhuzhu called Guo Guo again, and then Nunuo said: "Sister Lychee."

Lychee then said: "Master is awake?"

"Well," Tuanzi said in a vague voice, "Zhuzhu wants Guo Guo."

Shen Lingjue quickly turned over and jumped up, flying in: "Zhu Zhu'er?"

Tuanzi tried his best to open his eyelids and took a look at him, and realized that he was a member of the secret team, so he told him: "Zhuzhu is having a dream! I need to call daddy and Guoguo."

Shen Lingjue said quickly: "I'll call him."

He came out and said quickly: "Qilang, you go call Minglin, and I'll call the prince."

The Seventh Prince didn't have time to ask any more questions, so he put on his clothes and went. They went much faster than the servants, and they were quickly called over.

Although the seventh prince did not say that he was in the secret team, it was almost an open secret now, so Sheng Minglin did not drive him away.

He just asked softly: "Zhu Zhu'er, what did you dream about?"

(End of this chapter)

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