Chapter 488 One password and one action

The two emperor brothers discussed it for a while and then secretly made some arrangements.

Early the next morning, more than half an hour before the morning court, the cabinet ministers, the six ministers, the left and right censors, General Xie and two military attachés were brought to Fengtian Hall and hid behind the throne screen.

Only Prince Duan dragged Xie Ji'an and hid him facelessly under the imperial desk. The two of them looked out from under the tablecloth.

After a while, the cleaners arrived.

But it was still dark at the moment, and all the unlit areas in the palace were dark. Unless you walked over, you wouldn't be able to see anyone behind the screen. As soon as you swept the room, you were blocked by the eunuch.

The person in charge of cleaning was just a little eunuch with no status. Of course, he didn't dare to ask anything... so he left obediently.

Prince Duan waited with bated breath. As soon as someone scanned the area in front of the table, he stared at it without blinking. Seeing that the cleaning was almost finished, when a young eunuch passed by, sure enough, a drop of water dropped from his sleeve.

Based on Prince Duan's observation and judgment, he did not look around or make any other movements at all, and it was definitely not intentional.

This proved that his previous guess was correct. This person was not an insider, but could be anyone.

Prince Duan stared at the drop of water without blinking.

It was so dark that it was difficult to see clearly. It was not until the cleaners left that Prince Duan came out from under the table and greeted the people behind. Everyone formed a circle and stared at the drop of water.

Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan agreed that Yaoyuan had no intelligence.

It is impossible for anyone with intelligence not to be afraid of the emperor. After all, even if he is a foolish emperor, he is still the supreme being, and the destiny of the world is all in one body.

Therefore, Yao Yi must have no intelligence and cannot adapt to changes.

There is no spiritual thing. Even if there are a lot of people watching at this moment, it is still slowly growing bigger, and then gradually, like the water on the stove, a trace of white gas slowly emerges.

In fact, it's very thin. If you don't stare hard, you won't be able to see it.

But it is true that under everyone's attention, he became angry and gradually turned black.

Everyone couldn't help but stay away, covering their faces with their sleeves and not daring to show their hands, but they still kept staring.

At this time,
Outside, the officials were brought in a full two-quarters of an hour in advance. They were surprised to see that their superiors had already arrived.

Someone had already gone over to lead the explanation, and then gestured for everyone to line up, so that they all came to see the growth of Yaoyui with their own eyes.

Looking around, the time is almost up.

Then Emperor Mingxi also came and sat down. Everyone spread out and stood close to the wall of the palace. In front of them stood the imperial guards to protect them. They all held torches in their hands, but they did not light them.

When the time came, more than one person secretly thought about the process of going to court, counting the time, which is when Zheng Zhongshun started to say: "If there is something to do, leave the court if there is nothing".

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, the black air on the ground was like a monster rushing out of a small hole, suddenly rising, expanding, and quickly transforming into a beast shape about half a man tall.

More than one person gasped in shock!
Even if you are mentally prepared, seeing this scene with your own eyes will still make your hair stand on end! !
As a result, the next moment, Prince Duan said loudly: "Right!"

Yaoyuan rushed to the right...

Prince Duan: "Left!"

Yaoyuan rushed to the left..."

Prince Duan was very calm: "Right, left, turn around! Half a circle!"

It was originally a very scary demon, a very scary situation, but under Prince Duan's completely synchronized and flawless response to each command and movement, it actually became weird and ridiculous.

Moreover, the place where Yaoyai pounced was where they usually stood. Now they were standing against the wall, far away from there. Yaoyui didn't even touch the edge. Not only did they not look scary, they looked a bit stupid.

Then, a group of guards rushed in and pushed one person in against the momentum of Yao Yi's attack. After a while, another one... pushed several people in succession.

These are the prisoners on death row who were found overnight yesterday, including men, women and children.Several more guards chased Yaoyai and threw live chickens, ducks and other objects inside. After all, Yaoyui was rumored to eat livestock and kidnap children.

But after being thrown in, there was no reaction. The black mist would be dispersed, and the live chickens and ducks would run out again screaming, and then they would be covered with baskets by the guards who had been prepared.

About a quarter of an hour later, the black mist seemed to be rushing out. Zhou Luli, the commander of the royal guards, gave an order, and the guards in the palace lit torches almost at the same time.

The torches formed a circle, and then quickly gathered in the middle. Zhou Luli gave the order again, and the torches all stretched in. There was only a slight hissing sound, like fire meeting water, and the black mist dissipated.

Everyone waited for a while before slowly approaching, but nothing was left in place.

It was only then that everyone slowly exhaled.

Before he could even finish his breath, the screams of the death row prisoners rang out.

Zhou Luli directly commanded the people, using torch sticks to hold the condemned prisoner up, and then everyone wrapped their hands with cloth, knocked the prisoner unconscious and carried him down.

But everyone saw it clearly. It was just as recorded. Wherever the skin was exposed, there were traces of blood as thin as a needle drawing. It looked like it had been scratched by the sharp claws of a cat or other animals, and that was all. For a moment, it emitted a stench like a fester, flowing with yellow water, and looked extremely terrifying.

However, some of these death row inmates have their faces covered, and some have their whole bodies covered. A thin layer of clothing is fine. Even live chickens and ducks with feathers are fine. Only the skin is exposed, no matter what is exposed. No matter where you are, you will suffer such injuries.

When so many examples are in front of us to prove this point, the situation suddenly seems a bit ridiculous.

The eunuchs came up to clean up in an orderly manner, and it was cleaned up in a blink of an eye. Then everyone put down their hands covering their mouths and noses and slowly gathered together.

Someone said angrily: "How dare you do such evil things in Jinluan Palace? Such a lawless party and the execution of ten tribes are not enough to offset their guilt!!"

The crowd roared in anger.

Someone else said: "Although there are many monsters, they have always only caused trouble among the people. They dare to enter the Jinluan Palace. This is the first time!"

"Exactly! He took the risk at this moment and risked the disapproval of the world. It shows how afraid the traitor behind him is of His Highness!"

"Hiding one's head and showing one's tail, framed and framed, he is truly a shameless person!"

"Fortunately, there is auspiciousness to protect the country. Otherwise, if the demons cause chaos in the court, I really don't know how the situation will change and the people will wake up and be deafened!"

But there are also young officials who excitedly said: "Since the Han Dynasty, demons have been causing chaos, and no one knows why. But now it is in our hands to unravel the mystery?"

Everyone had just witnessed Xuan Yi with their own eyes, and they were all a little excited and couldn't stop talking.

Then, someone finally came to his senses and turned around to salute: "Your Majesty, please issue an edict as soon as possible so that the auspicious name will be spread throughout the world, so as to protect me and prosper and deter those behind me!"

Emperor Mingxi nodded: "Yes."

The imperial edict had already been drafted, but after everyone's discussion, some additions and changes were made.

Dasheng originally did not have a royal princess, so a royal princess was specially appointed for this purpose. However, the officials felt that this was originally an exception for auspiciousness. In order to prevent future generations from abusing it, it is better to change the name to the divine princess.

Emperor Mingxi thought it made sense and agreed.

At the same time, Da Sheng originally did not have a super grade, and the prince was only a genuine one. In order to have a transcendent status, he specially created a super grade.

In addition, the ordinary Gun dragon robe could not satisfy these people, so it was decided to change it to a dragon and phoenix robe, that is, a five-clawed dragon on the front and back, and a phoenix on each shoulder.

In short, all the ministers are enthusiastic... Well, it is not appropriate to say that they are enthusiastic. The main reason is that everyone feels that their life safety is threatened.

Who would have thought that Yaoyai was man-made?
Who would have thought that it would be unsafe to be in the palace?

They have worked hard for half their lives to step into the court, not to be killed by monsters, so they are eager to add some protection to their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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