Chapter 489 How dare you compete with the bright moon?

This discussion lasted all morning.

In Wu Anbo's mansion.

Jiang Mingyue was sitting upright, watching Taoist Aunt Bai Ou cast a spell without blinking.

At this time, one of Taoist Sister Bai Ou's pair of dry eye holes was cut open by a knife, dripping with blood. She sat upright, but the flesh on her face twitched from time to time, obviously in severe pain.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel something. She raised her head suddenly, and then her whole body shook violently, and she leaned back as if she had been hit by something.

Jiang Mingyue said in a trembling voice: "Godmother?"

Taoist Aunt Bai Lotus's eye was constantly flowing with blood, and her whole body was shaking with pain, and she collapsed on the ground.

Jiang Mingyue suppressed her fear and went to help her. After a while, she stopped shaking and whispered: "They used fire! The roots were destroyed! There is no way to come back."

Jiang Mingyue was shocked: "Then, what should we do?"

"It doesn't matter." Taoist Aunt Bai Ou touched the blood on her face and sat upright slowly: "That's enough. A quarter of an hour is enough to make these people tremble in fear. All the officials are panicking. I don't believe that the emperor really dares to have his own way! "

Jiang Mingyue said in a trembling voice: "But godmother, why should we stop her? The more lucky Sheng Mingzhu is, the better, isn't it?"

Taoist Aunt Bai Lotus "looked" at her and sneered: "She has been on a high level since she was born, and having the emperor's trust is the icing on the cake. This is just right. If her auspicious name is really given to the world, and her luck is at its peak, then... ...Too much is not enough, so I would rather suppress her than let her become too outstanding."

She began to talk to herself, and she even raised her hand and waved it a few times, catching Jiang Mingyue's hair.

Jiang Mingyue hissed, covered her head, and wanted to say something, but Taoist Aunt Bai Lotus ignored her. Jiang Mingyue pouted, so she had to stand up with her skirt, walked out quietly, and closed the door carefully.

As soon as she turned around, she instantly lost her obedient expression, smiling with pride.

As she walked out slowly, she slowly turned her fingers back, playing with the pearls on her ears with her fingertips, showing a contemptuous smile.

Pearl?How can mere worldly things compete with the bright moon!
Everything about you will eventually be my nourishment, send me the phoenix dance for nine days!

She didn't know that at this moment, in the room behind her, Taoist Aunt Bai Ou was groping around, hurriedly twisting the hair on her fingertips into a ball and stuffing it into the bleeding eye socket, and the blood slowly stopped. , Taoist Aunt Bai Ou breathed a long sigh of relief, with a complicated look on her face.

Near noon, the imperial edict was finally drawn up.

The title of Zhuzhu was added with the word Shuntian, and she was named Princess Shuntian, the protector of the country. She was a high-ranking princess, with a fortune of ten thousand stones. The color of her clothes was set to be the color of dawn, and she was given the auspicious robe of dragon and phoenix.

In fact, he originally wanted to set the annual salary at [-] shi, but Prince Duan felt that it was unnecessary. His brother was already poor, so there was no need for so much in this regard. Therefore, after his repeated refusal, he decided to set the annual salary at [-] shi, just like the prince.

In addition, because Zhuzhu was a super princess, her position was higher than that of a prince, so Emperor Mingxi specially gave her two thousand guards to protect her and belong to the imperial guards. He also ordered Shen Lingjue to command thousands of households and rule the country. These guards are specifically responsible for Zhuzhu's safety.

At the same time, he asked Zhou Luli to send someone over to teach him how to use it step by step.

In addition, due to the auspiciousness coming from heaven, it is planned to open Enke next year.

As for the abolition of foot-binding, because it was not mentioned before and there was still a quarrel, it was undecided for the moment. Emperor Mingxi didn't care too much. Anyway, he had to issue the decree separately, so it didn't matter if he waited for two days.

Soon, a fresh and hot imperial edict came out, and Zhu Zhuer was carried into the palace to receive the edict.

The little girl didn't know anything, so she did whatever she was asked to do. The little girl knelt on the ground obediently. After listening to a lot of words that she didn't understand, she finally completed the process, took the imperial edict with both hands, and was handed over by Zheng Zhongshun. Helped him up.

The shaft of the imperial edict was quite big, and Zhuzhu's little hands couldn't hold it, so she quickly hugged it in her arms, and looked around with the imperial edict in her arms. Her big black eyes, and her ignorant little eyes were very provoking. like.

All the ministers looked at her with great love.

ah!This is the auspiciousness of our great prosperity!The prosperous divine princess!

It’s very different at first glance!

Why is it that three-year-olds can do literature and four-year-olds can do martial arts?That's all worldly wisdom!How can you compare with His Highness!
Being auspicious is destined to heaven, and it should be innocent, pure and ignorant!
right!Your Highness is such a pervert!

Emperor Mingxi left his seat, clapped his hands and said, "Zhu Zhu'er, please give me a hug."

Tuanzi opened his hands to let him hug him, held his face and asked: "Uncle Huang, is it okay to be a mediator?"

Emperor Mingxi was a little surprised: "Can you still smell it?"

Tuanzi nodded: "It's a little bit less frightening!"

Emperor Mingxi quickly patted Zhuzhu's back to comfort him, and then asked: "What did the imperial doctor say to those prisoners on death row just now?"

Zheng Zhongshun said quickly: "Your Majesty, the imperial doctor said that the injury was not poisonous, and the yellow water flowing out does not seem to be poisonous. Judging from the pulse conditions of those people, their vitality was severely damaged, their internal organs were weakened, and their lives were not long. Compared with last night, It seems like I have aged 50 years all of a sudden.”

Everyone gasped in shock.

Someone said: "This monster can actually rob people of their vitality?"

The fourth prince whispered: "Since Yao Yi has no spiritual intelligence and cannot recognize the human body, how can he talk about plundering? Therefore, rather than plundering the vitality, it is better to say that he is contaminated with death..."

He came over quickly and saluted Emperor Mingxi: "Father, why don't you stop going to court here for the next few days?"

Emperor Mingxi pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "I asked someone to ask Master Yanyi."

When Tuanzi saw her fourth brother, whom she hadn't seen for several days, she couldn't help but open her hands to him, and the fourth prince took her over.

Zhuzhu had a lot to say to him, but she couldn't say it in front of the whole palace, so she had to grab his shirt and tugged hard. The fourth prince smiled and bumped his forehead with her.

Emperor Mingxi said directly: "It's getting late, let's disperse. Ji'an will write an article to record this matter and spread it throughout the world."

Xie Ji'an came out of the queue and responded.

Emperor Mingxi took the lead in leaving the hall.

Jin Yiwei knew that Bei Feihong was already waiting outside, so Emperor Mingxi ordered him to thoroughly investigate Yao Hao's matter. At the same time, he also had to quietly send people to capture Taoist Aunt Bai Lotus.

Although there is no evidence to prove that this matter is related to her, the matter is serious and there is no clue now. She happens to be a Taoist, so she will arrest him first.

Because Master Du'e hadn't been found yet, Emperor Mingxi directly asked someone to ask Master Yanyi.

Master Yanyi replied: "I cannot know about this matter, but the poor monk has not noticed the danger."

Emperor Mingxi was rewarded and complained as usual: "So, it means he doesn't understand? He can't control it??"

Prince Duan advised him: "Don't force it. If he really knew everything, he would have become an immortal long ago, and he would not be just an ordinary monk."

"That's true," Emperor Mingxi was amused by his words: "If you can't fix it, honestly speaking, you can't fix it. He is also a good monk."

He waved him closer and whispered: "At this moment, the imperial edict has just been issued and the people don't know yet. You and Xie Qing will take Zhuzhu and go out of the city first to put down the armored cavalry. After that, no matter where you go to play, you will be there." It’s always safer in the city.”

(End of this chapter)

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