Chapter 490 The Fairy Little Ancestor

Prince Duan agreed and hurried out of the palace with General Xie without even having lunch.

Sheng Minglin and others accompanied Zhuzhu and waited outside. As a result, Huo Chenzhao was arrested to check the pulses of those death row prisoners. His father hugged Zhuzhu and left without paying attention to him. Sheng Minglin had no choice but to catch up and take the bamboo tube from which he drank water. He handed it to his father, and then watched them get into the carriage he came in and leave.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

After Prince Duan and General Xie left the city, they changed into an inconspicuous carriage, and the three of them ate a few bites of food in a hurry on the carriage.

The carriage was swaying, and Zhu Zhu'er quickly fell asleep. When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw that everything was dark around her. It was still swaying. It was very warm and comfortable. Tuanzi closed her eyes and fell asleep again. Yes, this is the case three.

She didn't know that she was being carried entirely in her uncle's arms. Although there was a Nuanyang Stone, General Xie was afraid that the wind would blow on her, so he wrapped her up tightly.

General Xie only took more than fifty of his close personal guards and left them outside. Only he and Prince Duan walked into the mountains, talking in a low voice.

General Xie said, "What do you mean? Why can't I understand it?"

Prince Duan smiled and said, "What did the emperor tell you?"

General Xie said: "Your Majesty only asked me to train a cavalry force of [-] people. He said that you don't need to ask any more questions. You will know when the time comes... But, where are the people? Where are the horses? What are you bringing Zhuzhu for? What about Zhuzhu?" Xiang Rui, can you conjure people and horses out of thin air? That’s not Xiang Rui, it’s a living god!"

Prince Duan laughed softly and said: "Then why don't you think about it, why do you need to do this job? A team of ten thousand people, let the general train for what?"

General Xie said: "I know this, I know there must be a secret, and this secret must be related to Zhuzhu, that's why I was asked to come. So, now that I have arrived, you can tell me what the secret is!" "

Prince Duan said: "Let's wait until Zhuzhu wakes up."

General Xie glared at him.

Prince Duan looked at the sky and began to take off his clothes: "What's going on? It's time to wake up?"

Tuanzi felt a gust of cool breeze and opened her eyelids again. When she saw her father, she smiled blankly and wanted to close her eyes and sleep again. Prince Duan said quickly: "Zhuzhu'er, wait a minute, don't sleep yet, you go to bed first." The armored cavalry army is released, and there is also uncle's armored cavalry suit."

The group was stunned.

Then her eyes widened and she reacted for a while. Finally she came to her senses and tried to figure it out with her little arms.

Prince Duan quickly opened the hem of his clothes, pulled the little dumpling out, and put it into his arms, saying: "It's cold in the mountains, don't freeze. You don't have to come out, just take out the armored cavalry."

Tuanzi: "Oh!"

General Xie frowned and looked at the two people, and then he saw his niece's little pink arms stretched out from the lapel of Prince Duan's clothes.

The next moment, there was a neat and uniform crackling sound in front of me. It was the sound of metal rubbing.

General Xie raised his eyes and was so frightened that he took two steps back and subconsciously held the handle of the knife.

The open space in front of me was empty just now, but now it was full. Every person and horse even stood in a neat line, and their armor shone in the sun. Then all the people dismounted and marched across the field in perfect order. Called: "General!"

Even though General Xie had gone through hundreds of battles, he still couldn't come to his senses for a while.

The next moment, Tuanzi stretched out his little head from his father's arms, and was stuffed back by Prince Duan. Only his big eyes were exposed. He smiled crookedly at him and said in a muffled voice: "There are also uncle's horses." Horses and clothes!”

General Xie watched helplessly, and in front of his eyes was another set of tall, well-dressed horses, and a set of armor neatly placed on the ground.

General Xie's first reaction was to squat down and touch it. The tentacles were cold and heavy when he lifted them. It was indeed real armor, not an illusion.General Xie was speechless for a moment: "...!!!"

At this moment, Prince Duan was also looking at these soldiers.

He has studied and explained in detail that the physical condition of these armored cavalry is based on the average of the 300 healthiest people in the army; the combat effectiveness is based on the average of the 100 people with the highest combat effectiveness in the army; the appearance is random, other talents are random, and the background is simple. No relatives or friends, high loyalty value.

In other words, they themselves don't know that they are not from this world. In their memories, they are soldiers here.

They will have simple memories, such as I am an orphan, my family members are all dead, I was sold as a refugee, etc... Some will know a little bit of literacy, and some will also have some other little skills, it's all random.

And in the future, just like every soldier here, they can learn and practice, they can become more powerful, they can become weaker if they slack off in training, they can get married, they can grow old, sick and die, their loyalty value is relatively higher, but it is not absolutely unchangeable. All in all, very true.

There is no need to explain these to General Xie in detail, just tell him that this is a truly outstanding army.

After a brief moment of astonishment, General Xie glanced at the lapel of Prince Duan's Mansion with extremely complicated eyes.

Prince Duan touched his daughter through her clothes and nodded to him: "Then I'm going, Zhuzhu'er, see you again, uncle."

Tuanzi only showed one small hand and grabbed it twice: "Uncle, see you in debt."

General Xie nodded and regained his composure: "Goodbye, immortal... little ancestor."

Prince Duan left and got into the carriage to return home.

Over there, Sheng Minglin waited for a while, and Huo Chenzhao came out.

He was afraid that Zhu Zhu would be disgusted by the smell on his body, so he deliberately wrapped a tent from head to toe, leaving only his eyes and hands exposed.

When he took it out, it was similar to what the imperial doctor did, but he had never done it before, so it was difficult to judge accurately. But now, when he took it, he felt that these people were dying old people. Their vitality was declining, not like the prime of life, nor did they have injured pulses. .

Sheng Minglin said: "It's quite scary."

Huo Chenzhao was quite optimistic and said: "They have tested and found that even if they are only wearing a thin summer shirt, they will not be injured. And since Hei Yi can be restrained with fire, other Yao Yi should also be able to correspond to the five elements. "

Sheng Minglin said: "Tell me what it's like today."

Huo Chenzhao told him in detail, and Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "No wonder Zhuzhu's title has changed again. These people are scared."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "I think the guards are quite excited, and the eunuchs are also quite excited. The most terrifying thing is the unknown. As long as it is known, it will be less scary..."

He suddenly remembered: "By the way, the emperor gave Zhuzhu two thousand guards and Ling Jue a thousand households, asking him to command these people and protect Zhuzhu's safety."

Sheng Minglin was surprised: "Oh?"

He thought for a while and said, "It won't be a waste. Han Zhenge will be back soon, and your master wife, Ling Jue will teach you personally, so there will be no problem."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "I also overheard something."


Long wait, hugs.Whenever I need to add an update, something will happen. Well, I'll see if I can add it tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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