Chapter 493 Cub Adventure House

The next day, everyone is going to the adventure house.

This time, Shen Lingjue was fully prepared, just like moving. He brought a lot of things, not only snacks, but also rice such as steamed buns, a wet handkerchief to wipe his hands, and even Zhuzhu brought a mat and quilt.

Sheng Minglin was speechless: "As for it?"

"As for that!" Shen Lingjue said: "Even if you are a little smarter than me, you can live in one room for an hour, but with so many rooms, wouldn't it take several hours? Zhu Zhu'er is not tired? Not hungry? No need. Eat? No need to take a nap?"

Sheng Minglin had to admit that he was right, nodded silently, and started to add things to it.

Shen Lingjue said proudly: "Now you know how powerful I am, right? You just took advantage of your own brother, otherwise, the one Zhu Zhuer loves most in her heart will definitely be me."

Sheng Minglin snorted, not arguing with him at all, and asked in a low voice: "Is there a convenient place?"

Shen Lingjue said: "Yes."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Is it available in every room?"

Shen Lingjue: "..."

He stopped and stared at him: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Sheng Minglin understood and couldn't help laughing. He then remembered and asked, "You accepted the order yesterday and didn't go to pick up the guards?"

Shen Lingjue said: "I'm thinking that these kind of guards have been with Zhuzhu for many years. I have only trained shadow guards, but not this kind. What if I can't choose well? Jiang Bai will be back soon. Waiting for Jiang Bai Bai came back and asked him to accompany me to pick... So I went to tell Mr. Zhou that I was still busy with something. I would hand over the matter first and then go to him in two days to pick someone and pick someone up. Please come back and teach me."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows... Where did he pick up a brain from?

He deliberately asked him seriously: "When you went out yesterday, which way did you go? Did you encounter anything strange?"

Shen Ling had no idea. As expected, he stopped and thought about it seriously: "It's just that way. Isn't it just the same way into the palace? Strange things? I didn't encounter anything strange!"

"That's it!" Sheng Minglin looked puzzled and slowly walked towards Huo Chenzhao while saying, "Then where did you pick up the brain? I also want Brother Seven to pick one up too!"

Shen Lingjue: "..."

He pounced.

Sheng Minglin skillfully pulled Huo Chenzhao over to block him. The three of them did not dare to make loud noises for fear of waking Zhuzhu. They suppressed their laughter and made a fuss for a long time before stopping.

With the joint efforts of the two people, they packed up two big burdens.

When Zhuzhu'er woke up, they got on the carriage and went out. Lu Wuqi was already waiting on the road. He jumped on the carriage and was very excited: "Are you going to that strange building? I've heard about it too! It's said that it comes from inside the moon. When it fell out, it still shone brightly at night, and now everyone in the capital calls it the Immortal Tower!"

Sheng Minglin was a little surprised: "There are already such rumors?"

"That's right!" Lu Wuqi said: "They say it was brought by the little princess! The little princess has a divine tiger and a phoenix by her side, so she is the lower realm of gods! There are many such rumors!"

Fine.Sheng Minglin didn't ask any more questions.

It's not far away, and we'll arrive soon. We get off the carriage and enter the yard. When we look up, we see the tall adventure house.

The Adventure House is a seven-story octagonal tower. The top and bottom are almost the same thickness. It covers an area of ​​about 260 meters square. It is very big. From a distance, you can see the glazed windows on the wall of the tower, which are shining with crystal light. The whole look is indeed similar to Very different from ordinary buildings.

More than one person exclaimed: "Wow!!"

After finishing the dumpling wow, he found that everyone was also wowing, so he immediately added: "Wow!" Sheng Minglin laughed, and when he turned around to look, he saw a middle-aged man running over with a smile on his face.

This is the steward left here by Princess Duan. His surname is Lu. He has a diligent attitude, looks capable, and is very discerning.

Sheng Minglin looked around and asked briefly.

This courtyard is in a good location. It is a three-entry courtyard. At that time, the hanging flower door and the west wing were demolished to make up the garden, and then the tower was put in.

Behind the tower is the main room. The hall is quite large and can be used as a place to receive guests. The east wing is also empty and can sometimes receive female guests. The reverse room in the front is the servant's room. The back room behind the main room has been demolished. , there is also a backyard, just right for guests' horses or carriages.

The east and west wing rooms of the main house have not been demolished. If the owner and guests need to change clothes or take a short break, they can do so.

Around the tower, some flowers and trees were moved and some small scenery was made. In this way, it became a place dedicated to playing, and it can be considered that the sparrow has all the internal organs even though it is small.

Manager Lu bowed and said: "The princess came here the day before yesterday and said that if the prince wanted to change anything, he directly gave the order and we would change it."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "No need for now, tea and other things are all ready, right?"

Manager Lu hurriedly said: "Everything is ready, the little one. The princess also asked Cai Cai to buy some leisure books. She said she came here to play, and she doesn't know how to read serious books. If there is anyone waiting, just read them for a while. The prince has to go. have a look?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "No need."

As he spoke, he walked around the tower and found that there was a room connected to the tower, which was a flat semi-circle. When he went in, he saw a row of small doors on the wall, with the number of the room written on them. , pushing open is a table with a special box, where you can put some small things, such as tea and snacks, and send them directly to the room.

And above the small door, there is a slightly raised cylinder with a mouth and ears painted on it, which should be able to communicate with the room.

In front of a table at the back, there is another box with a lock, but it is not locked. When you open it, there is a small mechanism with the word "Open the door". It should be for people like Shen Lingjue who can't pass the test, so they can open the door. Let him out.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but secretly nodded, and ordered Manager Lu: "In the future, whenever anyone comes in to play, there will be two servants here to listen to orders at any time. Pick two who have tight mouths and are smarter. Also, buy a lock to lock this place. , take the key with you. If someone wants to come out at that time, ask them to call you and then unlock it to prevent someone from opening it by mistake. This door should also be locked at ordinary times, and no one should be allowed in. "

Manager Lu responded repeatedly, and Sheng Minglin looked around again, and casually gave orders when he saw anything. After seeing that there was no problem, he returned to the tower.

Above the tower door were written in large letters: "Cub Adventure House."

There is a description on the door: Your grandmother is sick. When you were young, you had to take your two brothers/sisters and your father/uncle to the top room of the pagoda to get the medicine to treat your grandmother.But now, every door is locked. You must observe, reason, solve puzzles... and use various props in order to open the door and get the elixir. So, XX, please work hard!

Fortunately, the father in the manual has been changed to dad.

But in these words, the character options such as grandmother, brother/sister, father/uncle, etc. are all to be selected. They are things that can be turned up and down, and there are words written on each side of the small plane.

Shen Lingjue replaced her grandmother with a friend, choosing her brother first and then her brother.

Then, you have to measure your height. There are special height rulers for cubs, as well as height rulers for older siblings and fathers and uncles.

Everyone measured it individually, and finally had to enter the cub’s name below.

Shen Lingjue had obviously studied it over, so he squatted down and pressed it back and forth. Sheng Minglin also moved over to take a look.

This name plate is made up of many extremely small poles stacked up to form a square frame, so if you press the corresponding pole back a little, the word "Zhu Zhu" will appear.

After finally filling it all out, the tower door finally opened. After a few people entered, the tower door clicked shut again.

(End of this chapter)

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