Chapter 494 Entering the adventure house
Lu Wuqi was a little scared, but more excited: "Ah!!"

Shen Lingjue opened his arms: "Come on! Great smart people! Let me see what you are capable of!!"

Everyone laughed and started walking around one after another. Zhuzhu was also very curious. She walked with her short legs and followed this one and that one, looking around.

This room is about half the size of the tower on this floor. It is irregular in shape, very large, and has no door. However, because there are several large glazed windows on the side of the tower wall, the room is very bright.

The overall furnishings can be called simple. It looks a bit like a wine shop. There is a table, a shelf at the back, an abacus on the table, and some paintings and calligraphy hanging around it, but there are no people.

Well, there is also a small room separated in the corner, with a small railing marked "no trespassing area", and "restroom" written on the room, which is a place for convenience.

There is a line written on the wall: "Zhuzhu, the tower guard needs the magic medicine for protection. He has trapped you in this room. You and your brother need to keep looking for clues and open the door to enter the next level." Try Harder!"

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

In this sentence, "Zhuzhu", "Friend", and "Brother" are all written in the square box in front of the door. But how could the square box in front of the door come here?

If the square box in front of the door really arrived here, then the sentence should be "You and your brother, brother need..." It is impossible to automatically omit repeated options.

Therefore, there are many things in this adventure house that are actually very powerful. They may not belong to this era, but they are well disguised as what this world can do.

Before inviting people to play, you must prepare an explanation first. No one can enter the operating room below, so it remains mysterious and makes them think that they need to operate it behind the scenes.

Moreover, from this tone, he felt as if he had caught something.

I told Zhuzhu this, this is the "cub" adventure house!Therefore, the cubs are in charge!

There must be a lot of things that only cubs can discover!

There are also height restrictions, so it’s probably only her height that can see it and be suitable for it.

At this time, several people had begun to move around. Lu Wuqi climbed up the walls and looked everywhere, Han Zhenge looked around for details, Huo Chenzhao kept knocking on the tables and chairs, and Tuanzi followed behind to catch this person. , scratch that one, make trouble, the Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue, who had only been here once, were very calm, sitting on the chairs and watching.

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhu Zhu'er, come here."

Tuanzi: "Hey!" She ran over and looked at her brother with her little face raised.

Shen Lingjue followed immediately, waiting to hear.

Sheng Minglin ignored her and touched his sister's little head with a smile: "Zhuzhu, be smart and don't follow them around. Look at the things in this house. Is there anything wrong? Then pick them out. You Whatever you want to do, do whatever you want, let’s try them all.”

Tuanzi said "Oh", then opened his big eyes and looked around.

Shen Lingjue asked in a low voice: "What did you see?"

"Not yet," Sheng Minglin also whispered: "I just think that since this is a cub adventure house, it is possible that we can only help, mainly relying on Zhuzhu? What are the children thinking, how can adults know? "

Shen Lingjue thought it made sense.

He had looked through the room several times, but there was nothing new, so he followed Zhuzhu directly.

Everyone looked and looked, and then Zhuzhuer saw something. She pointed to a place: "It's a bird, it has no wings."

Shen Lingjue immediately squatted down, trying his best to squat until his eyes were level with each other. After looking at it, he found that the pattern on the stand was five blessings and flowers, and the circles were five bats, but the wings seemed to be glued on, and one of the wings seemed to be glued on. One side is missing.

Shen Lingjue greeted quickly: "Quickly, look for the bat wing, a piece of wood larger than a fingernail."

Lu Wuqi said quickly: "I saw it just now, where is it?"

Han Jiujiu had been found and he hurriedly sent it over. Xiaotuanzi held it with both hands, carefully compared it, and then pressed it on.With just such a press, the "bucket flower" inside popped out. The beads made a noise, and when he was about to pick it up, Shen Lingjue had already seen it. Inside the ball of flowers, there was a place that was obviously a mortise and tenon joint. .

Shen Lingjue was so excited that she let out a loud scream, which made Tuanzi drop the ball with a tremble of his hands.

Shen Lingjue's main reason was that he had fought hard for four hours and left a psychological shadow, so he overreacted a little. When he saw that Tuanzi was scared, he quickly hugged her with both hands: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm just too excited, Zhuzhu'er You are indeed very smart!"

So smart and so on, Tuanzi just does this!
Tuanzi raised his chin proudly... That's right!Zhuzhu is very smart!

Shen Lingjue held the flower: "This should be one of them, there's more! Find it quickly!"

Tuanzi kept looking with his little head held high.

Maybe it was too high, and I couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

He kept raising his head until his little neck was tired, so he lowered his head secretly, and then found it again after a while: "Introduce me!"

As soon as she said that, everyone gathered over: "Where is it?"

Lu Wuqi said, "I saw this too. Isn't it just a girl's painting? What's wrong?"

Tuanzi said: "Her braids don't reach the top of her head!"

Is that so?
Shen Ling was definitely a man of action. He immediately stretched out his hand and tried to push the piece of wood in that direction.

As expected, it pushed until the little girl's braid reached the right position on the screen. There was a soft click, and then the piece of wood popped open, revealing a small door. Inside the small door, as expected, there was another There is a mortise and tenon piece.

But, still can't put it together.

So, parts are still missing.

Several people squatted on the ground and searched according to Tuanzi's thinking. They searched for another two quarters of an hour and found nothing.

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu is the leader, but at least the three brothers who are following us can't be useless, right? So there should be brothers doing the work below."

"That makes sense," Shen Lingjue said, "So what did you think of?"

Sheng Minglin said: "The requirement is to have a brother with high martial arts and a strong father."

Shen Lingjue: "What the hell, tell me quickly!"

Sheng Minglin pointed in front of him. There was a painting hanging over there. It was two people walking on a hillside. They seemed to be talking about something. One of them raised his hand and pointed outward with a smile on his face.

Sheng Minglin said: "The two of them are sitting on the soil. This is the word "sitting", but there is no soil here. There is only the direction this person is pointing..." He turned around and continued: "There is a map, and the territory is also soil. Come two Everyone, sit on the small platform above the map."

Everyone was dubious. Shen Lingjue pulled Lu Wuqi closer, and the two of them flew over and sat directly on.

In fact, it is not too high. Ordinary people can sit on it if they are flexible. As soon as they sit on it, they hear a creaking sound. Two small platforms are differentiated to both sides, and a small part is pushed out in the middle.

Sheng Minglin looked at them one by one and said: "Each of these three happens to have a word on it. Now, this word means blessing, happiness, and longevity. Then, there should be the words "lu" and "wealth".


This chapter is an additional update after receiving 3000 five-star reviews.

(End of this chapter)

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