Chapter 495 Congratulations on passing the first level

"I've seen it!" Lu Wuqi rushed to say: "I've seen the word "Lu"!"

The Seventh Prince said: "I saw it too, just now! Here, here!"

Several people then looked at this word and began to figure out how to dig it out.

Tuanzi also joined in the fun and squeezed in with everyone to watch, but she was small and couldn't see the height when she was squeezed closer, so she played around and touched it. When she saw a platform, she put her hands on it. Go up.

There was a slight click.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes looked down...

Tuanzi was startled, let out a sigh, and let go of his hand.

"Okay, you! Zhu Zhu'er must be the best!"

Shen Lingjue praised, squatted down, looked at it, and then tried to press up: "It can move here! It can move this one too! Ah, I know it!!"

He was afraid that Sheng Minglin would compete with him, so he said very quickly: "Salary! Do you get salary when you get an official position? This means taking the imperial examination! You have to go from an ordinary person, to a child student, to a scholar, to a scholar, to a tribute scholar, to a Jinshi!" Isn't this person walking with a book in his hand? Every step must be touched!"

He pressed as he asked, and sure enough, he could press all the way, but when he pressed all the way to the top, the word "Lu" didn't pop up.

Shen Lingjue scratched his head and looked back at Sheng Minglin.

Sheng Minglin said: "There are at least four people who can break through the level. Do they need to cooperate? You all press the button at the same time and try."

So everyone, including the dumplings, stretched out their hands, and pressed six hands on the steps at the same time, but there was still no response. Then Sheng Minglin stood behind, tiptoed hard, and reached the osmanthus tree above, saying: "The Toad Palace wins the laurels."

He pulled it, and everyone pressed it again. Sure enough, the word "Lu" popped out. This time, four people really needed it.

Shen Lingjue was pleasantly surprised: "One more thing to go! Cai!"

"Wealth?" Lu Wuqi said, "I haven't seen any money anywhere."

"I don't think I saw it either."

Sheng Minglin walked to the counter and turned around. The abacus was stuck. He saw two bottles of wine weighing two kilograms and one bottle weighing one kilogram on the table. His heart moved and he turned around to look. The price on the wine list said: "Who knows the abacus?"

"I know how!" Lu Wuqi pretended to be someone from all three sects and came over immediately: "What do you mean?"

Sheng Minglin bent over and looked at it, and said: "Three two three, add three two three, add one two two."

Lu Wuqi slapped it, and then heard a click, the bucket opened, and there was a mortise and tenon component inside.

Sheng Minglin straightened up and sighed: "No wonder it requires 'adults with certain experience', they even need to be able to do abacus!"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Lingjue said: "It's still wrong, these are all tenons!"

Mortise and tenon joints, the protruding ones are called tenons, and the recessed ones are called tenon grooves. They are all tenons and cannot be combined into a pattern.

Huo Chenzhao said: "I know."

He quickly walked over and pointed at a place: "Embed it here."

A few people went over to take a look, and saw some holes on the wall that looked like they were very damaged, at a height of one person.

Shen Lingjue immediately sucked the palm of his hand, and swam up like a gecko, sticking to the wall. Then he tried the one in his hand one by one, and when he tried the third one, he went in with a click.

Lu Wuqi immediately threw another one to him, and quickly put all five on it. As soon as they were placed, the door below slowly opened.

Several people couldn't help but shout out in surprise!Although I have been using my brain, it doesn't feel like the time is long. In fact, it took at least more than half an hour to solve this room.

Several people quickly entered the second room. Shen Lingjue turned around, picked up the baggage in each hand, and followed in.

As soon as a few people entered, the door clicked and closed automatically.

This time, a few people were not so scared. They just stood there and looked at the room.

Compared with the simplicity of the previous room, this room is obviously more luxurious, but it is also much smaller. It is like a woman's boudoir, with flower windows, tables and dressing tables, bookshelves, flower stands, lamp stands, tables and chairs and a bed. etc.

There is written on the wall: "Zhuzhu, congratulations on passing the first level! But the magic medicine is rare, you still need to keep working hard! The tower guard in the second level is a talented person. You and your brother can solve the difficult problems she poses." Can you make it?"

Sheng Minglin read a prayer to Zhuzhu.

Tuanzi nodded without hesitation: "Yes! Guo Guo is the only one!"

Sheng Minglin chuckled, thinking in his mind, a talented man?Why specifically mention this identity?Is this a reading test?

He first looked around for words and saw the words written on the lamp: "The body is straight and the body is strong. Although I cannot speak, I will respond to my words."

Is it an inkstone?
But he searched around for a long time and couldn't find the inkstone.

Zhuzhu also followed and looked around.

But in this room, there were no paintings on the walls at all, so Zhuzhu got distracted while looking for them, and ran to the window to sit and look outside.

This window is very strange. It has no window frame. It only has a strip on it and is painted with a red color. There is also a large window in the upper right corner of this window, which is also like this.

Sheng Minglin turned his head and saw it. He suddenly thought of something and said, "Ling Jue, go and stand at that window."

Although Shen Lingjue didn't know why, he was very obedient and flew up in a swish.

Then Sheng Minglin said: "Shen Zhao, you stand here, Wuqi, you stand here."

In this way, all four people in the most basic configuration are used, and the whole is shaped like a ∩, with small windows and beads on both sides of the inner circle, and a window and a person in the outer circle.

After setting it up, there was no response. Sheng Minglin thought for a while, then went to look at their feet and said, "Zhuzhu, step your feet into these two circles, open your hands, and hold the two sides."

Tuanzi stood obediently like a big character, with his head almost touching the wooden strips above the window.

Shen Lingjue didn't need Sheng Minglin to tell him, he also stood in a circle, with a horizontal bar and a big character, which became a sky character.

Both Huo Chenzhao and Huo Chenzhao also found the circle under their feet, standing with their legs slightly apart, but without opening their arms, forming a human figure.

That is to say, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

As soon as the four of them stood, they heard a clicking sound. The middle of the ∩ shape parted, revealing a door. After entering, there was another door. On the door leaf, there was a vague shape of pen, ink, paper and inkstone...

So, he has finished the final panel, but where are the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, or the objects shaped like pen, ink, paper and inkstone?
So a few people came out again and continued looking.

Sheng Minglin still felt that the riddle with the answer being an inkstone was strange, so he went up and stared at it again, and turned it around. He looked inside and saw that there were candles, but they were fake and made of wood. Is this supposed to be for fire prevention?
So where is this inkstone?

There are four kinds of things: pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Why do you write the riddle of the inkstone on the lamp?
Sheng Minglin was thinking hard, and everyone was also thinking hard.

Zhuzhu was very obedient and didn't disturb her brothers when they were thinking about things. She just played around by herself. Suddenly she said: "Pot, pot, pot, pot!"


Are you surprised or surprised?This chapter is also updated with 3000 five-star reviews. I’m late, but I’m fat O(∩_∩)O!
(End of this chapter)

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