Chapter 497: Just like Tangtang, how sweet is it?

Zhuzhu put her chubby hand in and pressed it hard, and a piece of the originally tight countertop popped out. When she pulled it out, it was a thin wooden board with "paper" written on it.

Han Zhenge murmured: "The piece of red is gone...half of the red. At dusk, the sun sets and only the paper is left. How wonderful!"

Lu Wuqi sighed: "It doesn't look difficult. I think I can think of it, but why can't my brain think of it?"

Shen Ling learns and uses his unique skills: "Many of the eternal tricks are very simple! Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's order to push the favor, the most evil conspiracy throughout the ages, is it difficult? It's not difficult at all! What about the golden sword trick? It's not difficult, so wait. After what happened, many people like you thought that these things were simple and they could definitely figure it out. This is a word, hindsight helps!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Lu Wuqi: "..."

Lu Wuqi asked: "If you are so knowledgeable, why do you think it's so unlike you to say it?"

Shen Lingjue laughed: "Who cares who said that? Just think about it and see if it's true!"

He grabbed the props from Sheng Minglin, imitated the way he was in that room just now, and said seriously: "The answer to this room should be pen, ink, paper and inkstone! Now that we have pens, ink, and paper, we still need inkstones." ! Go find the inkstone for me!"

The Seventh Prince and Lu Wuqi laughed and kicked him, while the others were laughing and looking for the inkstone.

Sheng Minglin secretly complained to Huo Chenzhao: "This talented man is really stupid."

Sheng Minglin felt that these were all word games and too shallow. He did not know that what later generations learned was completely different from theirs. This was already a situation where talents were following the Romans.

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "After all, this is a place for children to play. Do you still expect to get the top score in the exam here!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Yes."

Following this talented man's thinking, finding an inkstone is actually quite simple.

If you see one next to the word stone, just look for the stone.

This time Sheng Minglin didn't move, and a few people found a small opportunity next to the stone and got the inkstone.

Originally, after breaking the Talent Game, and then realizing the true meaning of "there is heaven outside the world, there are people outside the world", the whole game is quite educational, but who told Sheng Minglin to unintentionally break the last level as soon as he came in?
So everyone didn't think about anything. After embedding the four props, the door opened. Inside was a small staircase. Walking up it, you'll find the second room.

According to reports, the owner of this room is a retired hero.

So when the situation is broken, the brothers need to climb up the wall.

After passing this level and entering the fourth room, it was noon. Zhuzhu was also exhausted, so everyone sat down in the room to rest.

I guess the Adventure House has a good sense of time. The third and fourth rooms have large tables and many chairs for everyone to eat.

Sheng Minglin tried to find a loudspeaker to shout, and sure enough, tea was served in a short while. He could only serve a little at a time, but he sent some food three times.

Shen Lingjue ran to go to the toilet, and then shouted inside: "You can wash your hands here!"

The place inside was not too crowded, and there was a wooden bucket on the wall where you could wash your hands, so everyone took turns and started eating lunch.

None of us were people who couldn't bear hardships, and there were no dishes on the table, just steamed buns with several kinds of fillings, and the porridge prepared for Zhuzhu in the morning.

Zhuzhu had a special small bowl at home. For the first time, she drank porridge from a bamboo tube. While drinking, Sheng Minglin fed her the steamed buns.

The dumpling took a bite and looked at everyone with big smile.

The Seventh Prince sat opposite her and said with a smile, "What is Zhuzhu smiling about?"

Tuanzi swallowed the bun and said, "Zhuzhu thinks it's really good." The seventh prince didn't understand: "What? What's really good?"

Tuanzi didn't know how to say it, so he stretched out his little hand and made a circle: "It's so nice to play together, make love together, and have dinner together. It's so nice. Zhu Zhuxin felt like Tangtang is so spicy and sweet!”

She smiled beautifully for a while, then thought of something again, and sighed: "It's okay to be tied to Si Guo Guo and Qin Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and fed her another bite of buns.

Sister, it feels so good to fight side by side, doesn't it? Your brother, I think it's pretty good too.

He smiled and taught her: "This is good and happy, but I am still a little dissatisfied. I think it would be better if Si Guo Guo and Qin Guo Guo were here, and I would be satisfied, right?"

Tuanzi ate the buns, his cheeks bulging, and he nodded vigorously. Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "This feeling is called a fly in the ointment."

Tuanzi nodded again, repeating vaguely: "I'm not familiar with the beauty! I'm not familiar with the beauty!"

After several people finished eating, Zhuzhu began to feel sleepy. After all, she had been using her legs and brain all morning, which was quite tiring.

But she was afraid that her brother would not be able to pass the test if she left. She held on with her eyes closed. Sheng Minglin smiled and coaxed her: "Look at Xingxing Guoguo, carrying such a big baggage just to bring a mat and quilt for Zhuzhu." Yes, so if Zhuzhuer doesn’t take a nap, wouldn’t the preparation of Xingxing Guoguo be in vain?”

Shen Lingjue said quickly: "Yes, Zhuzhu, I prepared all of these, I have been carrying them all morning!"

He quickly opened it and found a place to lay it for Zhuzhu. Tuanzi yawned: "Well, then, Zhuzhu will take a nap for a while."

She lay down obediently, closed her eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

Everyone immediately turned on silent mode, and everyone spoke in breathy tones.

Because there is no Zhuzhu, more than one person walks squatting to simulate Zhuzhu's height.

In this adventure house, every room has its own weird routine, but it’s not too difficult once you get the feel for it. Anyway, Zhu Zhu’er slept for less than an hour, and everyone has almost solved the puzzle in this room. .

But everyone guessed it and left it alone, waiting for Zhuzhu to rise up and solve it.

Zhuzhu turned over, and Shen Lingjue stopped doing anything. He flew over and punched her in the other direction, vying for favor without any concealment.

Sheng Minglin didn't argue with him, just sat there and rested, while Shen Lingjue fed him water and walked around in circles.

Then everyone performed passionately, each acting more like the other, because this was an open-book exam. In order to pretend that he was the smart one who guessed the answer, Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince Lu Wuqi were competing openly and secretly. , just need to take action directly.

The real wise Sheng Minglin: "..."

In fact, Huo Chenzhao, the second smartest person who also helped a lot: "..."

Han Zhenge, who only realized today that he is not very smart: "..."

Tuanzi didn't realize anything was wrong at all, and happily contributed his best efforts and passed the test together.

The Adventure House has a total of seven floors. The lower five floors are all two rooms on one floor, and the upper two floors are two large rooms. Each room has a different routine. Each level is more difficult than the next. The later you go, the more cooperation you need. Each level requires a full four people, and the work the cubs need to do is irreplaceable.

When he entered the last room, even Sheng Minglin felt a little headache.

The last room is like a fairyland, with white mist emerging. Pavilions and pavilions are vaguely visible in the white mist...

(End of this chapter)

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