Chapter 498 Princess Zhan Shi Huo Chenzhao

As soon as they entered the room, everyone was shocked...

Tuanzi deeply believed that he had arrived at the place where the gods lived. After being stunned for a long time, he murmured to himself: "Mom and dad haven't come yet!! There are Siguo, Uncle Huang and Uncle Huang! And Qin Guoguo, Fengfeng Guoguo..."

Amidst the sound of dumplings being cooked, everyone finally came to their senses.

This is actually a level, but it is relatively simple and you can pass it if you obey.

Moreover, this level is also the only level with dolls. Many dolls are whirling and dancing. When separated by this white mist, their joints are flexible and their hands are as soft as silk. They completely look like real fairies. Only when you get closer can you see the expressions on their faces. It's drawn.

And the fairy really gave me a box. When I opened it, there was an almost translucent white ball inside, which smelled like a sweet scent.

Sheng Minglin thought that this should be taken away, right?

He took it away first, and then everyone followed the fairy's instructions and entered a room. After closing the door, the room trembled slightly, and then slowly went down, watching the changes in the scenery outside the window. There was no such thing as an elevator in ancient times. Ren Sheng Minglin: "...!!!"

Others also: "...!!!"

Only Tuanzi was carefree and lying by the window: "Wow! Pot, pot, pot, pot! Look!"

It was already dark when they returned home. Lu Wuqi, whose world view was in jeopardy, said goodbye to them and went home. The others entered the home hungry.

There was already a boy waiting at the door. He smiled and came forward to salute: "Your Majesty, Your Highness, the prince said that when you come back, you should go directly to the main courtyard."

A few people passed by. Princess Duan was waiting in front of the door and said with a smile, "How was it? Did you pass the customs?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "I'm done. This is the magic medicine."

He gave her the box, and Princess Duan followed them: "Are you really done? Tell me later!"

Sheng Minglin nodded, hurriedly called down the food, fed Zhuzhu first, and asked someone to take her down to change clothes. The few of them talked about the matter at once.

Not to mention Princess Duan, even Prince Duan listened with interest.

Sheng Minglin quietly asked Tuanzi in the carriage, and then explained: "This magic medicine is either a real magic medicine or used as a prop, but it is very fragrant and can be used to incense a house or smoke clothes. It is said that it can It will last for a year. Every team that completes the level will have one."

Princess Duan sniffed it: "Isn't it good?" She looked at Prince Duan.

Prince Duan received the signal from his wife: "No problem, I will go when I have time!"

The next day, he immediately told his brother.

It just so happened that on this day, I received several decrees, about Yaoyuan and the abolition of foot binding. Among them was one about building Princess Zhanshi's mansion, and ordered Ji Shihou Huo Chenzhao to be the princess's young master.

Yaoyuan's notice was written by Xie Ji'an. It was sharp and concise, and the key points were very accurate.

It only said that Yaoyuan was put down when he caused trouble, but it didn't say that Yaoyuan caused trouble in the palace. The main purpose was to tell everyone that this thing was done by traitors. Fortunately, Xiangrui dreamed of the method of restraint in advance, and then laughed calmly. It explains the rigidity and senselessness of Yaoyuan's attack, and also writes about prevention and restraint methods.

Because Yaoyui is the most famous demon among the people, there are too many legends, and they have been around since ancient times, but no one has ever known the truth. Therefore, as soon as this decree came out, there was an uproar and the auspicious name became even more resounding.

For the common people, this is confidence. You are nothing but a monster, you are just a drop of water! ?Our prosperous dynasty has auspiciousness and protects our country!I'm afraid of you!

As for those who abolish foot binding, in addition to not being able to enter the official service, they are also not allowed to participate in the draft, which is very strict.Sheng Minglin also hurriedly arranged for people to spread a few articles at different times. Those in the capital asked Changmu to fly to the ear tower. Those outside, waited until night, directly asked Sheng Weifeng to take people around and spread the articles everywhere. Once posted on the wall, it will spread all over the world very quickly, controlling public opinion as quickly as possible.

Because these two decrees affected a wide range of people, Princess Zhan Shifu's imperial edict was ignored by many people.

Huo Chenzhao received the order at Prince Duan's Mansion.

He didn't expect that he would be asked to do Zhan's job, but this was much better than being a companion, both for him and Zhuzhu.

For him, this is a serious official position, where he can manage things legitimately, and he will have serious qualifications to enter the official career; for Zhuzhu, although Zhuzhu is young, she is also a daughter, so it is a bit strange for him to be his companion. So Zhan Shi is better.

Zhan Shi actually imitated the official position of the Eastern Palace, but because the princess is young, she is currently one level lower than the official position of the Eastern Palace.

The East Palace is equivalent to a small court. In addition to the Six Fus of the East Palace, namely the Crown Prince's Grand Master, the Crown Prince's Grand Tutor, the Crown Prince's Protector, the Crown Prince's Young Master, the Crown Prince's Young Master, and the Crown Prince's Young Protector, there are also the Crown Prince's guests, bachelors, etc. There is a special Zhanshi Mansion, which contains Prince Zhanshi, Shao Zhanshi, Fu Cheng, Chief Secretary, etc.; in addition, there will be places like the Economic Affairs Bureau.

Prince Zhan Shi is roughly equivalent to a chief deacon of the prince, who is in charge of the political affairs of the mansion, square and bureau.

Prince Zhan Shi is a third-rank official, Young Master Zhan Shi is a fourth-rank official, and he is downgraded one level to fifth rank. In fact, it is very good. If he hadn't taken advantage of Zhuzhu's east wind, why would a bald prince like him not be promoted from sixth rank to seventh rank? The product begins to boil?

Moreover, since he has nothing to do above him, he can also choose his subordinates. In short, it is very convenient.

Huo Chenzhao was very happy. He smiled and said to Sheng Minglin, "You work and I'm an official. It's good."

Sheng Minglin was also happy. Indeed, many of the jobs he did were Zhan Shi's jobs, but there was no official position.

While the two were talking, Prince Duan's entourage came outside and sent a message: "When Zhuzhu wakes up, take her to the adventure house."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

So when Zhuzhu woke up, she hugged him over.

When I went to take a look, Emperor Mingxi, Prince Duan, the eldest prince, and the fourth prince were all there, as well as the courtiers Xie Ji'an and Cheng Fengqi.

This is probably because the crown prince is about to be established, so Emperor Mingxi came to the bottom of the pot and took out all the money, including himself and his sons, and let these ministers run away on their own!
Tuanzi hadn’t seen the fourth prince for a long time, so he happily rushed towards him, “Four pots of pot!”

The fourth prince picked her up, and Tuanzi held his face, and said to him: "Si Guo Guo, you didn't come yesterday, we all played together, it was so fun, even the beauty is unfamiliar!"

Fourth Prince: "...What are you not familiar with? Who are you not familiar with??"

Here, Prince Duan specially changed into neat clothes and said, "Do you want to go? Don't say anything if you go, we will break it ourselves!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "How can we break it? We told you yesterday and still have to say it?"

"Can I take advantage of you?" Prince Duan said, "I have adjusted the scene a long time ago!"

Yes, it can be difficult to adjust the scene, so Sheng Minglin nodded and said with a smile: "Son, we'll see."

So a few people went, and Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao also followed.

(End of this chapter)

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