Chapter 499 Zhuzhu’s Two Dads

This group of monarchs and ministers were probably all capable of multitasking. Emperor Mingxi raised his eyes and looked at the tower door, then waved back without looking.

Huo Chenzhao thought his name was Sheng Minglin, but Sheng Minglin pushed him, so Huo Chenzhao passed by.

Emperor Mingxi still raised his head to study the words on the pagoda door, without looking at him, and said directly: "When you are in your position, you must plan your own affairs. From now on, you and Ling Jue will have to take on the things around Zhuzhu easily. Don't I feel that Zhuzhu should be perfunctory when she is young. She is a majestic princess and needs to hold up her airs. No one can come to Zhuzhu in the future. No matter what Zhuzhu wants to do, everything must be arranged properly. Don’t treat yourself as a playmate, and don’t treat yourself as a playmate. Think of yourself as Mr.…”

In the middle of the process, he also told Prince Duan: "If there is no uncle, wouldn't you choose dad? It's not like two dads can't do it!"

Prince Duan snorted: "There is obviously an uncle."

Emperor Mingxi failed to become a father, so he clicked his tongue and continued: "Zhuzhu certainly needs to increase his knowledge, but there is no need to encourage others. Although auspiciousness is rare, our officials in Dasheng are not useless. We can't rely entirely on our Zhuzhu'er. one person……"

Huo Chenzhao responded repeatedly.

He was still young and not very good at this aspect, but fortunately Emperor Mingxi spoke in much more detail than usual, so he understood the meaning.

On the premise of ensuring that Zhuzhu is happy and safe, try to increase your knowledge so that you can upgrade the system and get prizes without losing anything.

While they were talking here, the fourth prince was still searching for the root cause: "Zhu Zhu'er, who said this?"

The dumpling is cute: "Guo Guo!"

The fourth prince confirmed: "Your brother said that the fourth brother didn't come yesterday, so the fourth brother is not familiar with Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Yes!"

The fourth prince turned his head and looked at Sheng Minglin silently.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Zhuzhu, is that really what my brother said?"

Tuanzi nodded, looked at his brother's expression, and twitched his little ears in confusion: "Yes, just do it, Zhuzhu is a good girl, Zhuzhu can't lie!"

Sheng Minglin held his forehead and had no choice but to explain to the fourth prince: "Yesterday you and Brother Jiang Bai didn't come. Zhuzhu said it was a pity, so I taught her that this is a fly in the ointment. Not everyone is familiar with it."

He repeated to his sister eloquently: "A fly in the ointment! A fly in the ointment means not enough. If everyone was here, it would be great, happy, and flattering, but there are still two people missing, so that's why it's a fly in the ointment. Good, fair, not enough. ."

Tuanzi suddenly realized: "A few dishes! A fly in the ointment! Si Guo Guo and Qin Guo Guo are not coming, a fly in the ointment!"

While talking, the tower door also opened.

When I walked in, I saw that the scene had completely changed, but if I looked closely, I could see the familiarity, as if many building blocks had been built into different scenes.

Sheng Minglin once again secretly lamented the magic of the adventure house.

Then Sheng Minglin brought Zhuzhu over and watched several people looking around.

Emperor Mingxi didn't have any airs, and he was deeply involved. He looked around everywhere. In front of such an emperor, Xie Ji'an and others didn't have to be too shy and said whatever they saw.

In fact, this kind of thing is not difficult to say. For these naughty people, I'm afraid it's not even entry level. The main reason is that the way of thinking is different. It's easier to guess once you feel it.

Prince Duan listened to Sheng Minglin's narration; Emperor Mingxi listened to his younger brother's imitation; although the fourth prince did not listen, he was very detail-oriented and could detect subtle things; Xie Ji'an was known as the most talented person in the world, and his brain was absolutely sufficient.

Therefore, although the eldest prince and Cheng Fengqi are relatively bad at this, this team still crushed yesterday.

Yesterday's batch mainly relied on Sheng Minglin's brain, but this batch has several brains that can be used, so the solution is very fast. Sometimes someone will see it before Sheng Minglin can see it.Therefore, it was only noon when we arrived at the fifth room, and everyone just started eating.

This time everyone was well prepared, and Zheng Zhongshun was at the bottom, so the food served was relatively rich. Although there were still not many dishes, there were also soups such as wonton noodles. Everyone had lunch, took a short rest, and made dumplings. After a restless nap, the group became enthusiastic and continued to solve the puzzle.

So when Zhuzhu woke up, she changed to another room.

At this moment, Sheng Minglin couldn't hold her with the quilt for long, so it was Huo Chenzhao who held her.

Tuanzi looked around, pulled the corner of the quilt here, and then pulled the corner of the quilt there, covering their faces in the quilt, and whispered in his ears: "Beautiful pot, protect the national line, and again It’s time to draw a lottery!”

The eldest prince, who was standing two or three steps away, happened to hear: "..."

He walked away as if nothing had happened. Although he didn't understand, he didn't know why his heartbeat was beating like a drum. He always felt as if he heard something great. Think about the cold ice stone, warm sun stone, and this magical small building...

Since coming back from winter hunting, many people have been nagging in his ears. He is just a layman, and he will become dissatisfied if he listens too much. He is not completely unmoved, but at this moment, he is at a loss.

Sheng Minglin also heard it, and looked at each other calmly with Huo Chenzhao, neither of them spoke.

Although the eldest prince has always been gentle, he was indeed more silent this time... But he is also a good and good person with a deep brotherhood. It would be best if the transition can be smooth. Emperor Mingxi brought them here, and it is not without this. aspect meaning.

I just hope that the eldest prince can really figure it out!

When the group finally reached the top floor, it was just around 16 o'clock. Seeing this fairyland-like situation, Xie Ji'an and Cheng Fengqi all knelt down, and Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan also bowed solemnly.

After all, although they knew what was going on, it was also a good thing to make the ministers feel in awe.

Prince Duan signaled, and the eldest prince slowly stepped forward and took the box, his expression calm, a sigh in his throat, but when he took the elevator down, he unknowingly turned into relief.

On this journey, there are many traps. Even if you don’t know the mechanics of traps, you can still tell that something is wrong...

Everyone has the same understanding in their hearts: this building is definitely not of this world.

Divine eagles, sacred tigers, tall buildings that appear out of thin air... how can I dare to think about such things!

With such auspicious help, the fourth prince is completely invincible!

What's the point of jumping around?What else is there to fight for?It would be a joke to argue anymore.

Emperor Mingxi and his party came out, and Zheng Zhongshun stepped forward to report: "Your Majesty, Master Wang and Master Qin are back."

Emperor Mingxi groaned: "Just in time, let them enter the palace after midnight tomorrow."

Zheng Zhongshun quickly agreed. Someone had already run out and ordered the guards to deliver the message.

Tuanzi heard this and asked quickly: "Master Qin, is he Qin Guoguo?"

"Yes, yes!" Sheng Minglin imitated her words and said with a smile: "They are probably waiting in front of the palace gate to see the driver. Once they get the message, they will go back. When we go back, we will go to his house to block him."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely: "Zhuzhu misses him!"

Prince Duan said: "You think about this and that, but you don't know how to think about your father and me!"

(End of this chapter)

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