After Sheng Minglin and others were sent to the door of the imperial study, the eldest prince put down Zhuzhu at the door and was about to leave. Everyone had walked out a few steps, but Zheng Zhongshun came out to send a message, saying: "Everyone, come in."

Sheng Minglin smiled and took his arm, and they went in together.

In the Imperial Study Room, Wang Shuzhi and Qin Jiangbai had just finished receiving the order and thanked Wan'en.

Wang Shuzhi came back from this trip with two great achievements: gold mining and the suppression of anti-religious religions. Although he is just an executor, there is water in it, but outsiders don't know it. He has done a lot of things before, and he has done a lot of credit. Young Master, Emperor Mingxi was very willing to give up his title to his own people and gave him the title of Uncle Pingjing. Although it could not be hereditary, it was considered a rare kindness.

Qin Jiangbai did not ennoble him, he just brought the Honghu Guard to the forefront, and Qin Jiangbai made him the commander of the Honghu Guard.

As soon as Sheng Minglin entered, Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: "Minglin, how about I give you a long history first?"

The sudden words made even Sheng Minglin stunned. Zheng Zhongshun quickly explained. Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Thank you, Uncle Huang. Minglin knows that Uncle Huang loves me. I can also become an official while taking care of my sister!"

Emperor Mingxi laughed out loud and pointed at him from a distance.

The official "Chang Shi" is similar to a staff member. It is a very common assistant officer. It can be found in many places, such as the Chief Shi of the Prince's Mansion, the Chief Shi of the Governor's Mansion, etc., ranging from the sixth or seventh grade to the third grade.

If it is a long history of a general's subordinates, it is also called a military commander's history, and can also lead troops in battle.

But this official is indeed not very formal in the eyes of many people, and he is not very popular... But Sheng Minglin is young, and his pearls are important, and he needs to keep an eye on them at all times, so giving him a long history is obviously a transition.

Sheng Minglin quickly understood the meaning. He didn't care and didn't pretend to say goodbye. Emperor Mingxi was also very happy.

Emperor Mingxi immediately said: "Okay, you go back first."

Wang Shuzhi and Qin Jiangbai resigned, and Shen Lingjue also resigned.

So only Emperor Mingxi, Prince Duan, the eldest prince, the fourth prince, Sheng Minglin and Zhuzhu were left in the imperial study.

Emperor Mingxi asked directly: "What good stuff is Zhuzhu smoking again?"

Sheng Minglin understood as soon as he saw that the eldest prince was not allowed to leave. He stepped forward with a smile, opened the box and said, "I smoked two things, this one is called lighting stone."

He took Zhuzhu a small wooden toy, with four sticks on each side. It looked inconspicuous at first glance, but as soon as he took off the cover, several people couldn't help but let out a cry.

Who is not a cultural person? This thing is much brighter than a lantern when reviewing memorials at night.

Emperor Mingxi tried several covers back and forth, and was very happy and nodded.

Sheng Minglin brought Weather Pillar over again and said something.

Emperor Mingxi asked: "How many points does Zhuzhu have?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I looked at it, and there were 100 points."

Emperor Mingxi raised his head and calculated: "One for each county, at least one thousand or several hundred will be purchased... Is this thing easy to break?"

"Not fragile," Sheng Minglin said, "I've asked about it, but I haven't tried it."

Emperor Mingxi threw it directly to the ground. Although he didn't use any force deliberately, for a tall man like him, it really didn't break.

Emperor Mingxi picked it up and rubbed it carefully for a while, then said: "Ten thousand of them first? Will they be broken?"

"Not easy to break," Sheng Minglin said: "It is said that it can withstand both high and low temperatures. As long as it is not thrown into the fire, it will not break easily. If it does not break, it can be used forever."

Emperor Mingxi thought for a while and said, "Then let's get 1 first and save some money in case there are other good things!"

Prince Duan interjected: "Did you read it?"

Sheng Minglin knew what his father was asking: "Look, it says it will snow tomorrow, cloudy the day after tomorrow, and clear the day after tomorrow."

Emperor Mingxi asked: "When you came, did you look at the cloudy sky?"

"It's not cloudy," Sheng Minglin said, "I took a look and it's a very clear sky."

"Okay," Emperor Mingxi said: "If it snows tomorrow morning, I will buy 1 of them, transport them from you to the palace, and then divide them down. I will ask someone to pick them up then."

He then returned to his seat and sat down. He thought for a moment and then said, "Minglin, your Jianghu News Tower, you ask them to go to the people and spread some news." Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "For example, the Immortal Tower in the capital. ? Strange ice stones, warm sun stones and lighting stones? Pillars that can predict the weather? Are these all related to beads? "

Emperor Mingxi said: "What a lighting stone? It's too plain. It's called a bright stone!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Yes, I understand."

As for Xiangrui, when you can cover it up, you can naturally cover it up, but since you can't cover it up anymore, you have to build momentum. The more Xuanhe you are, the safer it will be.

Emperor Mingxi saw that he understood and stopped talking. He waved his hands and said, "You brothers, let's go eat and have a nice chat. Let's play with Zhuzhu for a while."

Sheng Minglin understood instantly, responded, and came out with the eldest prince and the fourth prince.

The three of them had a brief discussion and simply went to the Queen's side hall for dinner.

When the food was served, Sheng Minglin explained the past life events of Chen Shanhe System in detail from beginning to end.

The eldest prince was immediately dumbfounded.

Of course he knew there was something going on between them, but to the extreme of his imagination, he never expected that it was something like this. It was completely beyond his knowledge.

Sheng Minglin was not surprised.

Prince Duan goes out on business every day and is well-informed. He is dumbfounded at first glance, let alone the eldest prince.

He just ate his food and waited for him to slowly digest the matter.

After more than a quarter of an hour, the eldest prince said: "I really feel sorry for you... I really suddenly realized how big the world is and how small my own body is. These things are too bizarre and unimaginable. It's so shocking. people……"

He was a little incoherent, and in the end he didn't say anything anymore. He patted the fourth prince on the shoulder: "Shiro, I have told you before that no matter what happens, our brotherly friendship will not change. Now the eldest brother still says the same thing!"

The fourth prince also said solemnly: "My younger brother has never doubted my elder brother."

The eldest prince nodded and patted the back of his hand, saying nothing.

After they finished eating, they even went to sit in front of the Queen for a while.

The eldest prince and the fourth prince are both her sons, and the palms and backs of their hands are all flesh. The queen has not eaten or slept well for a while. She walked around and said nothing. In fact, she said everything. The queen also Can rest assured.

The three of them returned to the imperial study.

Zhuzhu had just woken up from her nap when she was being held by Prince Duan. After drinking a few sips of water, she asked: "Four pots, fat pots, have you finished building them?"

Two people: "...??"

Tuanzi explained: "Dad said, you brothers are going to build a wall, so that Uncle Huang won't miss you."

Prince Duan: "..."

That's called brothers fighting against each other!

Prince Duan had no choice but to explain: "I'm telling you, uncle Huang, not to think too much!" He patted his daughter's face and said, "No, little darling, weren't you taking a nap just now? So you were pretending to sleep?"

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu was sleeping, but daddy was too loud, so he woke Zhuzhu up."

Prince Duan: "Is it my fault?"

Tuanzi nodded confidently.

The eldest prince and the fourth prince stepped forward and saluted: "Father is no longer worried. We are fine."

Emperor Mingxi smiled and nodded.

In the evening, Prince Duan and his family returned to the mansion and found that Shen Lingjue had not come back yet. He only sent a message back, saying that 2000 people had been selected, but it was inconvenient and unnecessary for so many people to live in the mansion, so Shen Lingjue I absolutely plan to live in the health center first, get acquainted with these people for a few days, select some of them to go to the house for rotation, and call the rest if something happens.

After dinner, Princess Duan started counting the bright stones with great interest. (End of chapter)

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