In fact, the bag of ice stones was just poured out casually, but the bright stone has a cover and must be matched, so it cannot be poured out casually.

Princess Duan asked someone to find a few small wooden boards, and then sucked up the light stones one by one in a row, and then put the hood on. The hood can be placed on the outside of the goggles. In this way, it is easier to count and also There will be no missing cover.

The plan was very good, but at night, when I took it out, I saw that the whole bag was like a sun, so bright that it hurt my eyes.

Princess Duan had no choice but to tie a handkerchief to her eyes and put them on one by one. Tuanzi ran around trying to help, so Princess Duan first put on the goggles, and then asked Zhuzhu to put the hood up.

It's rare that she encounters a job that Little Rouduanzi can do. She is very active and takes great pleasure in doing each one.

Also because Princess Duan wanted to play, Prince Duan, Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao were also there to help.

Prince Duan said: "If it snows tomorrow, we will buy the weather pillars. We will not keep them in our house for now. We will send them all to the palace and give them back when we get back."

Sheng Minglin responded and asked, "Dad, when?"

Prince Duan knew that he was asking about the appointment of the crown prince: "The quarrel will start tomorrow morning, and it will be enough for three to five days."

Sheng Minglin was stunned and asked again: "Seventh brother?"

Prince Duan said: "What do you think?"

Sheng Minglin nodded suddenly again.

Now, Shen Lingjue, Huo Chenzhao and he have all officially come to the public, except for the Seventh Prince. Prince Duan means that Emperor Mingxi should take him with him when he goes on an expedition.

Then, another set of armor is missing.

Although you can get a set from the Armored Cavalry Army, the system armor is invulnerable, lightweight, and can withstand the invasion of cold and heat germs, which is different.

A set of armor costs 100 yuan, and Zhuzhu now costs more than [-] million cents. It is not impossible to spend [-] yuan to buy a bright stone tomorrow, and another [-] yuan to buy a set of armor. In fact, it must be possible, otherwise Zhuzhu will definitely not feel at ease.

Calculating it this way, one square on the National Games Line should be worth 100 million points in reward. As expected, the most generous one is the National Games Line.

Sheng Minglin was just thinking about it when he saw Zhuzhu standing up unsteadily and throwing herself on Huo Chenzhao, saying in a confused voice, "Guo Guo, the light is too bright. Zhuzhu can't open her eyes."

Huo Chenzhao quickly picked her up and saw that she was so sleepy that she rubbed her eyes and pressed her whole body against him.

Prince Duan pulled off the blindfolded ribbon and looked at the window: "It's time to go to bed. Come on, baby, let daddy hug you to sleep."

He took his daughter, hugged her and fell asleep.

The next morning, Sheng Minglin got up and saw that it had snowed heavily. It seemed that it had been snowing for a while, and everything was white. So as soon as Zhuzhu woke up, he bought the weather column and unloaded it in the warehouse. After all, special offers are time-limited.

Sheng Minglin, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder, also cleared away the fractions of the beads and bought seven or eight more, which were distributed one by one at home, leaving [-] yuan to send to the palace.

After unloading the goods, Sheng Minglin called Zhuzhu's new young master, Master Zhan, and asked him to take Zhuzhu away and go back to write a post.

First, I want to give some friends bright stones, and secondly, I also invite familiar people to play in the adventure house, subvert everyone's three views, and by the way, spread the news to promote the progress of establishing the prince.

Zhuzhu was already very experienced in writing Doudou letters, but Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao were different.

Sheng Minglin is his brother and is more casual. He can write whatever he wants. But now that Zhuzhu has Shao Zhan's affairs, Huo Chenzhao, who is Shao Zhan's affairs, cannot be too casual, otherwise it will be dereliction of duty.

So he carefully taught Zhuzhu the post format.

The beads are too small, and if you have to lift your wrist to write calligraphy with your weak hands, you can't really write well.

Huo Chenzhao simply sat behind her, held her little hands, and explained to her in a low voice while writing: "When writing, pay attention to the mention and pause. The mention... is this feeling, and the pause is this feeling..." He continued as he spoke, squeezing her little hand, adding a little more force to control her strength, and continued: "Pick up the pen. When the strokes become thinner, the pen must be lifted up. This is called the front. Lift the pen when the front is hidden. ...And when it comes to this stroke, there is a pause, press down hard... No, no, not hard, just press hard like this..."

Tuanzi liked to learn new knowledge very much. He nodded seriously, feeling that he understood every sentence and had learned it.

Huo Chenzhao led her to write while talking. Watching the neat handwriting come out one by one, Tuanzi suddenly realized: "There are so many beads!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "What do you know?"

Tuanzi pointed at the word: "Uncle Huang! Uncle Huang teaches hunting like this!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "Yes, the emperor taught hunting in this way, so Zhuzhu knows it, right? It's just that he's a little weak, so now he still needs a little help from the emperor, right?"

Tuanzi nodded sharply: "Yes, yes!"

Huo Chenzhao said with a smile: "Then I teach Zhuzhu to write, and I will teach him the same way, and Zhuzhu will learn it, okay? Although Zhuzhu's hands are a little soft, so he can't write by himself yet, but I can help, as long as Zhuzhu remembers how to write. That’s it.”

Tuanzi agreed without hesitation: "Don't worry! Zhuzhu has already remembered it!"

So Huo Chenzhao took her to finish writing a page and then officially started writing the post.

Specifically: Brother Fengfeng, I give you this bean to illuminate and read.

Signature: ○○

Because Tuanzi said: "Beads are tied to beads, and two beads are tied to two circles. Therefore, writing beads and drawing circles have the same meaning!"

Okay, if you finish writing a whole sentence, it can be considered progress.

So each one is written like this.

Then Huo Chenzhao wrote specific instructions in the name of Princess Mansion, and invited them to play in the Adventure House tomorrow morning.

Only then did he realize that the seal of the Princess's Mansion had not yet been made, so he only made a payment to the Princess's Mansion for the time being and planned to ask later.

Because of Huo Chenzhao's help, Sheng Minglin was free to do some busy work.

First, he handed the Weather Pillar to the official who took over and asked him to take the people away. Then he went to Uncle Xie and asked him to help find a suitable person to be Han Zhenge's godfather. He returned and returned. I went to Changmu Feier Tower and asked them to help spread the news.

When he came back, Huo Chenzhao's letter and gift had just been sent out. When he saw him coming back, he couldn't help complaining: "I wanted to wait for you to come back to see it, but you haven't come back. It would be rude to send it out any later." ”

Sheng Minglin was happy: "Master Huo, do you still need me for such a trivial matter?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "After all, this is the first time, so I feel unsure."

He paused and then said: "I have to go to the palace in the afternoon to ask about Zhuzhu's clothes and seals. Why haven't they been delivered yet?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Go ahead, let's go and recognize the person on the first trip, and then you can send them directly. Do you want me to accompany you?"

Huo Chenzhao sighed: "Forget it, I'll go by myself."

Sheng Minglin sat down with a smile and said, "Just now, I was walking on the road, and suddenly an idea flashed and I remembered something."


To make up for yesterday, I really wanted to make up one more chapter, but I just couldn’t write it down... (End of this chapter)

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