Huo Chenzhao asked: "What?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Have you noticed that the numbers used by the system are actually very easy to use, and the larger the number, the better it is to use, especially the numbers with zeros and whole numbers. They are accurate and easy to use, and they are worth promoting. , wouldn’t it be easy to use for accounting?”

Huo Chenzhao nodded: "Indeed. But if it is used for accounting, it is easy to make corrections, which is a drawback."

"That's true," Sheng Minglin muttered, "but the flaws still outweigh the flaws. And if it's used for accounting, just write the total again using our writing method. It can eliminate most errors and omissions, and the remaining ones who want to falsify and mischief will not work. There is no way to prevent it.”

Huo Chenzhao nodded.

Sheng Minglin added: "After I thought about this, I also remembered that the sentence readings of later generations used in systematic speaking are also very useful and can be promoted. In this way, even if you don't have a teacher, as long as you are literate, you can learn by yourself. .”

Huo Chenzhao had never seen the system interface, so his understanding of this was not intuitive. However, he happened to teach Zhuzhu in the morning and saw Zhuzhu clicking around. He couldn't help but ask: "Is that the kind of little bean with a tail?"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin said, "Besides that, there are many more. When Zhuzhu takes a nap later, I will study them all."

So after lunch, Zhuzhu asked Zhuzhu to call up the system interface, and then Zhuzhu went to take a nap. Sheng Minglin began to study it carefully, and Huo Chenzhao left for the Ministry of Rites.

As a divine princess, Zhuzhu will have special regular clothes and formal clothes. The formal clothes include court clothes, public clothes and sacrificial clothes. Some of them may be rarely worn, but they must be worn.

Seals and the like are also made by the Ministry of Rites, such as the seal of the princess's palace, the official seal and private seal of the God Princess.

Prince Duan himself is the Minister of Rites, and it involves auspiciousness. Of course, it is impossible not to be concerned about it. He may be too concerned about it, so he has not done it for a long time.

After going there, Prince Duan happened to be there, and he said with a smile: "Several editions of the lower part of the clothes were presented. I thought it was too bulky, so I asked the embroiderer to re-draw it. Don't worry, I'll have someone send it over once it's done. Your official I also asked someone to make it for you, but it’s not done yet. I have made the seal of the Princess’s Mansion and your official seal. I also asked someone to make a seal of Ji Shihou for you. You can take it with you when you leave. .”

As he spoke, he asked someone to take it over and take a look.

Huo Chenzhao looked at them one by one, and Prince Duan explained to him leisurely when to use which seal. After all, Huo Chenzhao was not proficient in these trivial knowledge, and from now on, he would be responsible for using these seals.

Prince Duan said again: "I have chosen two minor officials here. You go back and pick one of them to take back to do miscellaneous work and run errands for you. I have chosen some who are a little older. If there is something you don't understand, you can do it." You can ask him anytime."

Huo Chenzhao responded repeatedly.

Prince Duan was very attentive and led his entire etiquette department around, saying hello to everyone to ensure that even if he was not around, everyone would recognize him as the person who was working for his daughter. He should not neglect anything. .

Everyone was smiling like a big chrysanthemum, and everyone was so considerate that there was no need for him to learn how to deal with it.

Then Prince Duan personally took him to see the junior officials he was optimistic about.

Although he was only a minor official, he was not young. They were all in their 20s or even nearly [-] years old. They had good looks and humble attitudes. Although Huo Chenzhao was working on an errand for the first time, he still had some emotional intelligence. He immediately asked Prince Duan to help choose one.

In the end, Prince Duan said, "I just couldn't make up my mind, so I let you choose."

He directly took the two people's materials and let Huo Chenzhao take a look.

When Huo Chenzhao saw it, he was immediately impressed.

This is his real father, he cares so much, the information is so detailed, I am afraid that things that both of them cannot remember are all in it.

Generally speaking, both of them are quite good at trivial matters and arithmetic. However, one comes from a slightly better background, but his family later declined for some reason and is good at socializing; the other comes from a commoner and worked hard to become a small official, and even more so. Good at observing subtle things.Huo Chenzhao also couldn't make up his mind and said, "Can't we both have them?"

Prince Duan touched his chin: "Okay! Take them all! Take them all away, I'll talk to Lao Cheng!"

Although it is not of much use at this stage, his daughter has made great contributions to the country, so what's the point of using two more people!
So Huo Chenzhao took him away as soon as he went through the transfer procedures without leaving.

He came on horseback, and there were three of them now, so he simply walked on his legs while talking to the two of them.

One of these two people was named Zhu Jie and the other was named Zhang Mingyuan. They were very attentive in their responses and indeed had something to say. They were obviously experienced and practical people. At first glance, they were very suitable for an inexperienced young superior like him.

Prince Duan personally picked it out, so it's not surprising if it's suitable, but it's strange if it's not suitable.

The three of them chatted quite speculatively, but within a few steps of leaving the palace gate, they met Wang Shuzhi head-on.

Wang Shuzhi is different from Qin Jiangbai. Qin Jiangbai is cold and ignores everyone, while Wang Shuzhi is a smiling tiger who smiles at everyone he sees.

The two of them were considered acquaintances, so they stopped to chat for a few words. Then Wang Shuzhi said as if unintentionally: "A strange thing happened yesterday." He came closer to him and said three names: "I don't know if you recognize him." do not know?"

Fortunately, Huo Chenzhao had a good memory and could still barely remember that he was someone who had been to Dongxue, but his family background was not obvious, he was not outstanding, and he did not leave a deep impression.

Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "Remember. What happened to them?"

Wang Shuzhi said: "These three people died suddenly last night."

Huo Chenzhao was slightly surprised, and then said: "Did they all die suddenly?"

"Yes," Wang Shuzhi said: "It's very strange for someone with no illness or injury to suddenly die suddenly. The strangest thing is that the autopsy showed that they all died at about the same time, probably around the same time."

His conversation changed midway: "Hey, look at me, I forgot the time while chatting. I have to enter the palace quickly. Mr. Huo, let's talk back."

Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "Master Wang, please."

The two sides held each other's hands and separated quickly.

As a confidant of the emperor, Wang Shuzhi acted cautiously. He would not say a word to his wife and son if he should not say anything. Since he dared to tell him, it was natural that his group should know about it. But what was this? meaning?
Zhang Mingyuan said as if unintentionally: "Master Liu and Master Li seem to be very close to Sun Yinzhang."

Sun Yinzhang?
By the way, that time when Sun Yinzhang made rude remarks, it seemed that two of the three people who died this time were around him.

Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pressed the amulet hanging around his neck. He felt slightly frightened and said, "I'll take a step first. You can just go to Prince Duan's Mansion."

The two people raised their hands together and said, "Please, Lord Marquis."

At this time, people were coming and going in broad daylight, so Huo Chenzhao simply stopped riding and used Qinggong directly, and in a whoosh he was gone.

At this moment, Sheng Minglin was in a state of excitement. (End of chapter)

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