Sheng Minglin nodded silently.

Thinking about four people dying at once, and they died without any explanation or contact, the more I thought about it, the more uneasy I became, so I whispered: "Tomorrow, I'll ask Zhuzhu."

Prince Duan could follow his thoughts and knew that he was talking about asking the system mall if there were any other amulets and if they could afford them, so he nodded.

While opening the book on the case, Sheng Minglin gave him a brief explanation.

As they were talking, Li Zhi came out quietly and reported in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the master refused to sleep, so he quietly asked the slave twice when the prince would leave."

Two people: "...???"

Just now, Prince Duan personally coaxed his daughter to sleep. Who would have thought that this little person would still pretend to sleep?

He stood up immediately and said loudly: "I'm leaving, it's snowing, and your mother is scared to be alone in the house!"

He walked to the door, slammed the door loudly, then stomped his feet a few times to simulate the sound of footsteps going downstairs, then closed the door again, quickly returned to the bedroom, and put his ear to it.

Huo Chenzhao saw all this: "..."

Who knows, family members, these father and son really look alike! !Even this eavesdropping action looks like it! !

The big white tiger raised his head and reported to his master: "Uh-huh! Ouch!"

Prince Duan hissed at him, but the big white tiger disapproved of it, pushed him away, and walked to the door: "Ah woo hoo!" and pointed at Prince Duan with his big paw.

However, the bedroom door was small, so it couldn't get in, and no one could see it pointing at people.

Prince Duan couldn't help but be happy when he saw it. The big tiger usually looked very smart, but he was also quite silly when something happened.

Sheng Minglin had already walked in leisurely. The dumpling was a small one, hugging the quilt and half sitting on the bed. He was so sleepy that he was swaying around. His hair was spread out and was messy and soft on his head. He was very cute.

Sheng Minglin walked over and said with a smile: "Zhu Zhu'er, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Tuanzi perked up when he heard his voice, tried to open his eyelids, and whispered: "Is daddy gone?"

"Let's go," Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Didn't you hear the door ring just now? Just left."

Tuanzi nodded, took out his clenched fist from under the quilt, then grabbed him with one hand and lowered him down, hitting his head with the fist.

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

Tuanzi spread out her little hands again, patted him twice on the head, took back her hands, looked at him, her big eyes stared expectantly, as if waiting for him to express his thoughts, and said in a small voice: "Daddy University question! Zhuzhu caught it!"

She tried her best to open her little hands wide and showed him: "It's full of grasps! So many! Zhuzhu's grip is tight, no elbows slipping! It's all for Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin was stunned: "..."

He saw a row of nail marks left on her small palms. Her small soft nails could leave marks. She really used her strength to hold on.

For a moment, I felt dizzy with sweetness and sore with emotion. I hugged her little hands and kissed her wildly. Then I hugged her little head with both hands and kissed her wildly. "Thank you Zhuzhu. Brother loves Zhuzhu so much. I love her to death." It’s all pearls, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…”

Tuanzi grinned and hugged him with her little arms: "Then Zhuzhu is going to sleep!"

She spread her little arms and fell asleep soon.Sheng Minglin looked at her carefree face with an uncontrollable smile.

Ah, my sister is so beautiful. Her eyebrows are so beautifully curved, her eyelashes are so long and beautiful, and her mouth is so pretty. No matter how she looks, she is so attractive!
He stared at it for a while, then stood up, covered the light stone on the bedside with a shading cover, and came out quietly.

Prince Duan has already left, taking away three manuals, two staplers and two boxes of staples, leaving only a note on the table: "We'll see."

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh.

The next day, while Zhuzhu was still asleep, she was carried into the carriage and went to the adventure house.

This place has been taken care of in advance, and the warm sun stones have been hung in the room, so Zhuzhu can continue to sleep.

The seventh prince was summoned into the palace early in the morning and was expected to be thrown into the army the next moment. Shen Lingjue was still at the guardhouse and had not returned, so only Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao were entertaining guests outside, and he was forced to pull them here. Qin Jiangbai looked at Zhuzhu.

After a while, people came one after another.

The requirements for entering the border were briefly written on the letter, and it was stated that friends and children could be brought over, so everyone who came brought someone with them.

Xu Jingyao brought his five-year-old cousin Xu Jingxuan, who already looked like a young scholar; Wang Fengzhang brought his 20-year-old cousin Wei Jiang, who seemed to be a calm person; He Xingzhou's foot had recovered and he came with Xu Wengong Tian Sheng brought his cousin. After all, he came from an ordinary family and was obviously humble, but his conversation was not rude. Cheng Chongjin still came with the two brothers. As soon as the little fat Dun came, he ran over and asked: "Brother, the prince, what are you doing?" Where is Sister Zhuzhu?"

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Zhuzhu went to bed a little late last night and got up late in the morning, so I'll wait a little longer."

Little Fatty nodded obediently and returned to his brother's lap. He looked at Xu Jingxuan, obviously a little interested, but he didn't dare to step forward.

Xu Jingyao smiled and said a few words to his cousin, and Xu Jingxuan came over and saluted Little Fatty like a grown-up, "My surname is Xu Jingxuan, I'm five years old. Nice to meet you."

Little Fatty quickly returned the gift. It was obvious that he didn't go out to socialize much. His movements were a little unfamiliar, but they were standard: "My surname is Cheng, my name is Chongyi, and I am five years old."

The brothers all smiled as they watched the two little men replying in a serious manner.

Suddenly hearing someone coming from outside, Sheng Minglin and the two stood up to greet the guests. Then they saw Tang Shihua come in, followed by a woman dressed in men's clothing. Her eyes were as bright as water, and her eyes moved around the room, following Tang Shihua's hand towards everyone.

Jiang Mingyue?
Everyone's smiles subtly froze for a moment.

Is Tang Shihua out of his mind? Why did he bring her here without any relatives or reasons? ?
Although she wears men's clothes, she is still a woman no matter what she wears!

Although the letter written by Huo Chenzhao on behalf of Zhuzhu did not state that women are not allowed to come, there are unspoken rules for socializing. Who would bring sisters here when they don’t know how to play or what to play? ?

The status and reputation of sisters are very valuable, okay!If something happens, someone will hit you, and it will last a lifetime!

So today's place is obviously a gathering of young people. After that, the women can naturally wait for the prince's imperial edict. The current fourth prince and the future prince will invite the women to come over and have fun to show their closeness.

So she came uninvited. As the host, Sheng Minglin felt a little embarrassed and inevitably had to be wary.

His face was expressionless, he held his hands with a smile and said: "Princess?"

"I am 'Mr. Jiang'," Jiang Mingyue winked at him playfully and said in a rough voice: "Master, I am Mr. Jiang, and I am Brother Tang's friend! Don't mistake me for the wrong person!"

Sheng Minglin was speechless: "..." (End of this chapter)

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