After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 509 There is a difference between Mu Shaoai and being brainless

Jiang Mingyue then smiled handsomely, shook his clothes, sat down, and said in a rough voice: "My father is a military general, and he does not follow trivial matters. You all will laugh."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

What the hell are you taking your idiots seriously?

What's wrong with Miss Military General? Princess Duan is also a Miss Military General, and no one is trying every means to get in the crowd of men!
In fact, Jiang Mingyue looks very beautiful, and she seems to be even more beautiful now. She wears men's clothing, has a slim waist, and has a unique charm, which is very eye-catching.

In front of a stunningly beautiful woman, Mu Shaoai is inevitable, but there is a difference between Mu Shaoai and being brainless.

Her appearance on such an occasion was probably similar to the appearance of a swaggering beauty in a swimsuit at a solemn business reception in later generations. She was beautiful, and she looked twice at her, but no one would ignore the occasion and come forward to strike up a conversation. Unless you don't want fame anymore.

Since she insisted that she was not a woman, Sheng Minglin sat back for the time being and the people in the room continued talking.

At the same time, Sheng Minglin's mind was racing.

Jiang Mingyue couldn't help but know how everyone would react when she appeared here.

But she came anyway.

Does this mean she has to come?
Or maybe she can do what she wants to do without everyone liking her?

No, not right!

Now Changmu Feierlou is already at work, and the rumors of auspiciousness are getting louder and louder. Therefore, she does not want to create a disaster like a demon here and ruin the reputation of the little princess. The sacred tower together will also ruin the reputation of the little princess Xiangrui, right?
At the same time, you can also set up a trap... The frequent appearance of Yaoyai will make the smartest people think that Yaoyui is controlled by them or is related to them, and then they will treat Xiangrui accordingly. All admiration was withdrawn and turned into fear! !

The political brain suddenly thinks too much.

Sheng Minglin kept a calm expression on his face, chatted for a few words as if nothing had happened, then came out under the pretext of looking for Zhuzhu, then woke up Zhuzhu and asked her to call out the system.

When asked, they all said directly: "This kind of small building that can grow and adjust itself is already a kind of magic weapon. Although it is nothing in the Fa-rectification era, in your Dharma-ending era, it is completely crushing, no matter what. No evil spell can be successfully performed here."

Sheng Minglin felt slightly reassured and said, "What about the surrounding area?"

Tongtong said: "I can't control the surroundings."

Sheng Minglin asked again: "Are there any amulets, or things that can protect an area? For example, the palace?"

After checking them all, he said: "But the palace is what you said, a place where evil spirits cannot enter!"

Sheng Minglin said: "But Yao Yi came in."

Tongtong searched again: "Tongtong doesn't know either."

Sheng Minglin held his forehead and didn't have much time to ask in detail at the moment, so he asked about the amulet again.

The amulet has [-] points for one-time talisman and [-] points for lifetime jade talisman.

After Sheng Minglin confirmed that it was useful, he bought several jade talismans for life without hesitation.

First, I bought the ones for my parents, the emperor, the queen, and several princes. I bought one for Qin Jiangbai, and asked Qin Jiangbai to send it to Princess Duan first, so that she could find a reason to get Jiang Mingyue away.

After all, Jiang Mingyue's father was a battlefield comrade who had fought side by side with the emperor for many years, and they had a true friendship.

Therefore, there is no real evidence and it is not easy to fall out. Just move Princess Duan out. This is simply taking it seriously, and Wu'anbo Mansion can't find any fault with it.

Sheng Minglin personally put on the amulet for Qin Jiangbai, and repeatedly asked Princess Duan to put it on before coming.

Qin Jiangbai went as ordered.

Looking back, I saw Tuanzi still taking a nap with her eyes closed. If she poked her, she would smile silly at you. If she didn't poke her, she would bury her little face and fall asleep again.Sheng Minglin came out first without waking her up, and saw a few more friends coming outside.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said to everyone: "Zhuzhu can't wake up no matter what, and it's too early. Otherwise, we divide into two groups, and one group goes in first to play. After you have passed the two rooms, say from the dialogue port One sound, and we’ll come in with the second wave.”

Wang Fengzhang immediately said: "I want to wait for His Highness! I want to be with Your Highness! Your Highness must have missed me!"

Little Fatty also immediately let go of his new friend: "I also want to wait for Sister Zhuzhu!"

When Xu Jingyao saw this situation, his cousin was the only child, so he stood up and said with a smile: "Then I will take Jingxuan first, who will be with us?"

Jiang Mingyue shook her clothes and stood up, looking like a little girl who pretends to be chic but charming. She turned her bright eyes and smiled: "Brother Tang, let's go with Brother Xu!"

Tang Shihua refused: "I still have something to say with the prince, go to hell."

Jiang Mingyue frowned and looked at him, but Tang Shihua did not raise his head.

Xu Jingyao hadn't gotten married yet. He was stupid to be so close to a young lady, so he didn't wait for her to speak and said directly: "Fengzhang, since you're not going, please ask Brother Wei to come with us. Tian Gang, you two." , Achen, both of you, come with me, so there will be a lot of us."

Jiang Mingyue's face changed slightly.

He clearly said that there were too many people, so she couldn't bear to bite the bullet, so she sat back, snorted, and said coquettishly: "Brother Xu looks down on people!"

She looked like Xu Jingyao didn't want to take her to play because he thought she was useless... But this kind of suspicion was originally a kind of intimacy.

Xu Jingyao quickly smiled and said: "We are afraid that we cannot take good care of the princess."

Tian Gang helped: "Exactly."

Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao briefly exchanged glances.

According to etiquette, the two of them had to follow each other, but Qin Jiangbai hadn't come back yet, and Huo Chenzhao was worried, so Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "We can't help, I want to see how long it takes Jing Yao to pass the test!"

Xu Jingyao smiled and said: "Then let's do our best!"

Sheng Minglin sent them there and waited for them to set up and enter the tower gate before returning.

The few of them talked for a while, then they heard a carriage coming from outside. After a while, someone came in and said, "The prince, the princess and Mrs. Wu Anbo are here."

Jiang Mingyue's expression changed immediately.

Sheng Minglin went out to greet him calmly.

Princess Duan and Mrs. Bo came in, and several young people were greeted. Princess Duan held Jiang Mingyue with one hand and said with a smile: "You kid, why are you here? Let's go, Auntie will take you to a good place to play!"

Sheng Minglin felt a thump in his heart and looked at Princess Duan's hand, feeling uneasy in every possible way.

Mrs. Bo's face turned dark, she forced a smile and joked for a while, and the three of them went out.

Sheng Minglin stood up and said with a smile: "Princess Yongping is young and sometimes acts willfully, so please don't take it to heart."

This means that no one is allowed to mention it outside, and it shows that the owner is acting thoughtfully.

Naturally, everyone said yes, but in fact they all knew in their hearts... You can't hide this kind of thing. The reputation of this little princess is ruined.

Then Tang Shihua leaned over and whispered to Sheng Minglin. In fact, others could hear it.

Tang Shihua said: "Master, I did not bring this princess. My carriage collided with her carriage at the alley ahead, and then her carriage broke a shaft and was no longer usable. I came down quickly. After apologizing, she said it was okay, then said, "There are only a few steps left," and walked forward. I thought she was also invited here, and I felt bad, so I came down and walked with her, and we came in together..." ( End of this chapter)

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